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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Starforge Cover Reveal Countdown! · 7:46pm Aug 18th, 2022

Two weeks.

That’s right, folks! In just two weeks, on September 1st, 2022, you will all get your first full look at the cover for the upcoming conclusion to the UNSEC Space trilogy, Starforge. For now, all you’re getting is the teaser above … though you can probably make some guesses based on what you’re seeing there, though that image is distorted and fuzzy.

So, a little bit on Starforge, both regarding the cover and current Alpha progress. Coverwise, the cover is done. I’m waffling between adding review quotes from prior titles to the final, but the cover itself is done. As is a 4K background This means on September 1st, not only will you get to see the full cover in all its glory, there will also be a 4K background version, both with title text and without.

Those of you who familiar with what happens to the site around a book launch can also be assured that yes, we’ll see something similar coming to the site in advance of Starforge. As wonderful as it has been to have Axtara gracing the top of the page with her grin, it’s time for her to take a step back!

Now, speaking of the book itself, there isn’t much to add that wasn’t said on Monday: Beta is the next step! We’re still aiming for a November release, and early-reader eARC copies may start going out as soon as the second wave of changes to the Alpha have been made. Beta editing will probably be pretty involved, and hopefully I can squeeze in a third pass before release just in case. Once the first Beta is done, I’ll be looking at getting Starforge’s pre-order page set up. Basically, every day is a day closer to Starforge being in everyone’s hands at last!

Beta also means previews in full on the site and on Patreon. At least the first five chapters of Starforge‘s near forty chapter length.

Basically, if you’ve been waiting for the conclusion to the adventure that began with Colony, this is IT. Once again, it is a trilogy. No “surprise” fourth book. No lackluster endings that are really just fodder for another sequel. This. Is. It.

And two weeks from today, you’ll get to see the cover atop it all.

So start getting ready, readers.

Starforge is coming.

Comments ( 1 )

What, no Hitchiker's Guide four-book trilogies? Shame!

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