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Just a Fetish Review, Thoughts, and some rambling. · 10:45am Sep 16th, 2022

Just a Fetish by garatheauthor

8/10 would recommend and more then the fact that this is adult content thats actually worth read
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I haven't read many if any stories long or short on this site in a LONG ASS TIME so after reading another short story from a different author that for some reason didn't feel like something to write/review.... I was going to Vent about other authors on this site but that would detract from the reason I'm making this so before I go venting and digressing on shit that doesn't matter here in the review LETS HASH THIS SHIT!!!

So the story starts off with shining looking into a standing mirror and admiring his image as if he was dressing up to go out HE DOESN'T as the princess of love her self comes up and teases him and they proceed to do a ritual of sorts to re-enforce their trust and love for each other in what to the outside looking in would call a contract...

Now going any farther then that would spoil the story as I'm not one to spoil the story and would want people to read this Fan fic them selves but also to enjoy as something wholesome. That said the TLDR is this shining doesn't like presenting as a man but more as a lesbian.... strange to most I know but let me break this down into something that I feel needs to be said as someone who deals with the mind set of let people do what they want as long as it doesn't affect anyone else and keep the fucking kids out of it.... (yes I Just went there on this but I need to state this for obvious reasons KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF KIDS DAMN IT!!!)

TLDR at the end of the post

BDSM be it between married couples, people who are independent of each other, or are doing so with or without the consent of their S.O. know there are things called M.C.T.R.A. Mutual Contracts of Trust Respect and Agreement. now the T and R are sometimes swapped but they still mean the same thing Trust and Respect.

This story portrays this VERY concept almost perfectly.... I say almost perfectly for a simple reason but one that is NOT detrimental but is one that Submissives and Domianates struggle to sometimes see if left unseen by others can at times be a detriment to the m.c.t.r.a. so I give full marks to Garatheauthor in portraying this right way to handle this sort of issue that can be missed even by some seasoned subs and doms.

Back to the story now sense I digressed a bit lets get back on subject shall I... so many fucking PC terms that... know what FUCK IT I'ma just leave that one alone before I go ranting again and go on another tangent....

Shining "Gleamming Armor" shield prefers dressing in what is considered in femme basically like a woman/girl and feels more comfortable that way which some guys do some never Divulge this to ANYONE not even their S.O's or their best friends. Why mainly it has to do with how men in general are brought up but another is the mind set in which we see our selves... protectors, strong, fighters, providers, and/or resilient. That's not to say that's all we see our selves as but that's generally what is engrained into ourselves primally. I've seen men who fold under pressure and I've seen them excel under it. When it comes to this story though the "T" is something that most guys struggle to give out.

I don't mean so in the sense that we don't trust others, but more in the fact that some of the deepest most embarrassing things that we keep locked up in a vault, hidden under a mountain, beneath the deepest hole we can find under the ocean never to see the light of day... and to give that to someone is something that most people don't ever see. Sure some that comes to light or even is straight out in the open but for most men out there it is something that will never be seen by ANYONE. Which to me as man sucks to see that its hard for us to trust that to someone we truly love. cause somewhere in the back of our minds it feels as though we will be laughed and shamed for something we enjoy or feel comfortable doing.

I can relate in some ways to shining and cadence here. As I've seen these types of secrets divulged to me do I care that they do stuff that is against the norm regardless of what the world thinks, FUCK NO. I've told them if they need a place to vent or someone to just sit there and be in a call as someone to just be there just hit me up if i'm free i'll be there. I'm just chilling doing my own thing but I have my Friends back I don't care who or what their beliefs are everyone has a secret they wish to keep hidden and the fact that I've been given that Trust is something that I will RESPECT and keep locked in a vault deep then they ever had.

But how does this story go about tackling the topics that it does. Well the short answer is, it has fun with it. The characters never point out what the other is doing is wrong in the sense that shining has a god damn crossdressing fetish and prefers to be more girly than what is generally thought of as a man.

Could it come back to bite him in the ass?
Hell ya there is always that possibility.

But that's the thing this is a story and the author here is in control of IF that ever comes to pass. I won't put words into anyone's mouth so I'll let the writer of this fic figure that one out. That being said is it wrong no, is it accepted also no. The issue comes down to how one deals with them selves and not to force personal issues and beliefs onto others.

Shining/gleaming made a break though in his trust with his/her S.O. long before this event ever takes place and that in and of its self is something to admire both as a story but also as a goal in life. Will this be something you wish to try maybe but remember this, sit down and have a heart to heart with the person you wish to entrust something like this to.

My thoughts on this story over all give it a read first as something to enjoy but second as something to work towards not only as friends but also people work towards a M.C.T.R.A as its something both can gain something out of.

In an Aera were people post their private lives all over the web for everyone to see you must respect others and especially if someone wishes to divulge something like this or even something that they would never share with anyone else please for the LOVE THAT IS HOLY NEVER divulge something they wish to keep secret like this or similar if they wish to plaster it all over the web then welp that their issue but if its something they wish to keep private. You better keep this more private and hidden from anyone else more then the people who keep the DNS safe and secure... (yes that is a thing btw 7 people hold the keys across the world that protect us from going to unknown sites and allow us to just type in a name of site instead of have to memorize IP addresses to go were we want like on tor browser or other "hidden net" browsers).

NEEDS A SEQUAL.... would love to see how this works out in the long run... but its commissioned... so likely not going to happen, but its worth a mention.

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