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The Toaster

Writing for the fun of it.

More Blog Posts5

  • 3 weeks
    Progress on Stories

    Hello dear followers! No, i am not dead! Just busy with my new job and college stuff and some other stories in other sites that took my attention but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the ones here! Already have a chapter for the God of Anger in the making and another of the Prodigy Emperor that I will publish both together to mark my return in making chapters in this site! Thank you all for

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    2 comments · 209 views
  • 85 weeks
    Thinking about stopping writing entirely

    For a long time I thought I was doing well, with my new story 'The Prodigy Emperor', I received extremely positive comments along with very good feedback. It motivated me to continue and I had grown a lot since my first stories.

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    44 comments · 1,163 views
  • 107 weeks
    2 Week Vacation

    Hello, people! I don't use this 'blog' thing very much when I could but now it's better than ever!

    In these next two weeks, I will be traveling on vacation and staying away from electronic devices. So I won't be able to write in that period.

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  • 191 weeks
    Explaining why the sudden stop

    Hello to all my readers, my friends who followed me on this tour on the site and who follow my stories.

    I recently had a break in all my stories, no posts and no explanation, and the love that many of you give my stories.

    And I appreciate that, don't worry, I don't plan to stop anytime soon, on the contrary, I will contribute much more.

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  • 199 weeks

    I am in a huge internal debate about which stories I should continue, I see many with a lot of thumbs up, but some with a huge number of Thumbs down too, I want to correct any of my errors in order to make my stories better, but I don't know their problems! Could you tell me which stories did you find mistakes that bothered you too much? What do you think of them? Any suggestions on how to

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Thinking about stopping writing entirely · 5:58pm Oct 14th, 2022

For a long time I thought I was doing well, with my new story 'The Prodigy Emperor', I received extremely positive comments along with very good feedback. It motivated me to continue and I had grown a lot since my first stories.

Many of them were deleted out of shame at how bad they were. If it were up to me I would delete them all except the one I'm writing right now. But because people liked them so much I kept them up to be read even though I didn't even have the motivation to read them again from how bad I believe they are now.

Even so, I always remembered the four or five negative comments being the ones stuck in my head the most compared to the other 200 positive ones.

But that I had managed to put aside, seeing how everyone seemed to like my new story. Finally, I created something decent that could be compared to many of the other good stories on this site.

That's when SilverDiamond released some comments that completely burst my little bubble a few minutes ago.

'You REALLY need some editing. Saw some minor mistakes before, but this is just BAD.' And then he pointed for a mistake I made.

My motivation evaporated instantly.

This comment was exactly the same as another one that an amazing author named 'Jest' had commented in another story that I had the same illusion of being a decent writer, which was quickly proven wrong.

'This might be the single worst run-on sentence i have ever read holy shit.' At first, I thought the author was just being rude. But he quickly snapped me out of my illusion as he explained. Gave me sources of my mistakes and how to fix them.

I can thank Jest for learning a little more about writing haha (Check out his stories, they are worth it!)

But now? Now I just don't trust myself or my writing skills anymore. People liked my story simply because I managed to keep them interested in the plot and because I made it much more different from many other stories. But if it was just for my grammar they would have abandoned it a long time ago.

I didn't think that was the case for this new story. But now I have my doubts. Now I'm not sure I'm really capable of writing anything decent anymore.

I was going to publish a new chapter, but now I can't even look at it without getting disgusted thinking about how badly written it must be and how much stress many people must go through trying to read the story and seeing one mistake after another.

I'm thinking of simply handing the story over to another author a thousand times more capable than me to continue the story in a way that doesn't make as many mistakes as I do.

Yes, I write my stories for personal pleasure, it being a hobby of mine. But it's mainly also for people to feel as much pleasure reading as I have writing them.

If they feel nothing but irritation and annoyance while reading, what's the point of me writing then...?

I could just turn off comments to create the illusion that my story is perfect and nothing is wrong, but what's the point of that? For me to feel better?

How would I grow as an author then?

But I feel now that I've returned to square one. That no matter how much I learn, nothing will change and I'll just remain that writer who writes interesting stories but who has laughable grammar...

I really lost all motivation. I can't even look at my drafts and ideas anymore without feeling embarrassed. I think it's best to just give up and leave writing for those who really know what they're doing...

Report The Toaster · 1,163 views · Story: The Prodigy Emperor ·
Comments ( 44 )

I love your story and I had no problem reading it your a good writer

Geez Man, I didn't know you had it that bad. I can understand small grammar mistakes, but outright hostility over minor grammer? UNACCEPTABLE!!!
There is nothing for you to be ashamed about friend, those who need to be ashamed are the ones that think this is good on another person's conscience, weak minded or not, this is not acceptable. I love your stories, and I don't think I'd change a damn thing, you're perfect the way you are as a writer. Self-improvement is always what makes someone better than what they're now. Don't give up and let others take control of your feelings, that's how the get in your head. Never give up on what you love doing.


Although I haven't become an author I believe this video will help somewhat with your current situation.
Though I suggest you can co-produce or have a proof reader to help you with your errors and change some of the gripes that some readers have with your creation. Personally I loved it and the first three chapters made me crave more!

Nonetheless Grammer and spacing are really rough to do and heck even as I write now I probably made some type of mistake, but you can take this criticisms and allow it to help you get better with your Grammer and writing cause trust me I got flamed and hazed for having crappy Grammer skills while doing roleplay which of course wounded my pride but I decided to suck it up and listen to my criticizers.

You have two options (in my opinion) you can give your story to another or you can continue to write as is but you can take the steps to improve upon your work and have others help you while you create this fantastic setting you've created. You can toss ideas with others or write the rough draft of your work and have others proof read iit

Ultimately it's up to you. It's up to you if you want to listen to my half baked advice, advice can only go so far.

'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink'

Anyways I personally hope you continue this story and continue to write as a author. Much love - Randomdoot the Reader

If people felt nothing but irritation reading your stories they wouldn't leave overwhelmingly positive comments. You'll find mistakes and poor grammar in even the best of authors. The really good ones have editors for exactly that reason. Something you (and many other authors on FimFic) simply don't have. An author i know got so into writing their story they contradicted their own continuity. It's still their second most viewed and upvoted story (Across 28), making mistakes is fine.
Something else you should keep in mind is that Jest for example has a patreon and thus a monetary incentive to ensure very high standards that you shouldn't apply to yourself. I'd compare fanfiction to a flea market: Sure you'll find someone selling the stuff they do for a living, but most of the fun is just browsing the wares until you find something that keeps you interested. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't hold yourself to a standard that's by above you the way it's defined.
You also talked about giving your story to someone else. I'd like to ask: Who? Who is going to finish that story? Most other authors write as a hobby here too, so they already write about something they're interested in. That sound like trying to convince a stranger to keep a project that isn't theirs just because they mightdo better. I've seen stories switch or get picked up and i can't remember a single instance it worked out for the better. If it's not you finishing that story then i fear it may just be forgotten and you've already established there ARE people waiting for it. There ARE people looking forward to it and it's always sad to see a story die.
If it's really your language skills you're worried about, you could ask around in the proofreaders group. Keep in mind that being a member is not guarantee of great english skills, but they could give you a pair of second eyes and give feedback.
Finally, I'd like to mention the first rule of hobbies: It's done for fun. If you really feel that you cannot continue, be it stress or motivation or just about anything, you shouldn't feel compelled to write for a few internet strangers.

Hope i could help and that whatever you decide, that you'll be happier for it.

I’m terribly sorry that you feel this way for your stories. You do need to learn that we our only human and can make mistakes which we need those negative comments to help improve ourselves in any form of media or activity rather that be writing, gaming, dancing, and etc.

Even though it’s a hobby it takes practice and criticism to see where to improve on for writing and language is a necessary for the hobby or career. I do like your story and it’s a very interesting take on the Griffin’s which you have it inspired by a video game right? It has been good and don’t be scared be brave to take the time to write each chapter.

All creators have their first bad stories or content. Deleting them and not taking notes on what you can improve yourself from studying your work can actually hurt your skills. Like if you can’t take the time to go back to check the work and improve the mistakes than like you said it can be very depressing to the point of not looking what you make like for example I’ve watched and study about live streaming which Harris or any other teacher said that “you should make content that you would watch and how to improve yourself when looking at yourself. It will be bad at first which happens to all of us so working on improving will help.”

It’s alright to take a break to relax and think things over. Many authors on the site can take breaks for months or years to get back into their stories. I do wish you the very best.

If you decide to leave writing either temporary or permanently, I will not judge your decision.

Your choice.
Your decision.

I love your story, but I would dislike the story if I know that the author is forcing him/herself to write for my own amusement.

I have been thinking of simply taking a break, but the support i am receiving is pretty reassuring. I think i will keep going. I don't know, i need time to think.

I mean getting Hostile over minor grammar errors honestly sounds dumb and petty. Dont let a few grammar nazis make you spiral into self dought. You write awesome content.

really enjoy your story dont let other decide for you keep going only if you enjoy it and if you do decide to leave please give a summary of how your story would have gone and finished, always hate it when good stories never get finished

RyRy #11 · Oct 14th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Wow, I hate prescriptivist grammar authoritarians.

Just write. Do your best and accept that it's good without being perfect. In fact, perfection is the enemy of good writing.

Language is about communication not rules.

Don't push away what you love because you feel like you aren't good enough. I know first hand how painful it is to hear what feels like nothing but negative and even venomous feed back. I did give up.

I felt like everything I did was worthless and a disgrace. So I stopped. I am only now getting back into writing after over 6 years of hiding.

Look, I know I'm not good with words. Hell I know my grammar skills would make most English teachers gouge their eyes out. At the same time though, I KNOW that I LOVE to write and tell stories. To be writing again after 6 years has been wonderful. Like I'm able to share a part of myself I thought was gone.

I have 1 story at the moment. It's not very big, and it is not really known. I doubt it will ever get to be featured or even popular. But I'm not writing just to get popular. I'm writing for me. Im writing for those who like my stories and want to read more.

Write your stories for you. Don't let someone else take it away from you. May you find happiness in the coming days my friend. Blessings upon you. Stay strong

I mean I can understand the doubt and the weight of how comments can either lift you up or throw you down, but if you are going to listen to a couple, a group or even 10 people out of I don't know 60 or 70 of viewers. Then you are wrong, read your story I even fav' it and it finally pushed me to write and publish my own. Sure you can make mistakes big or small, but you can learn from them not carry them on top.
And this site has seen sone REAL shitty crap.
Here's some good wisdom that always cheers me up https://youtu.be/4ld9EP5yAX4

Tbh you shouldn't outright listen to people who complain over grammar like it's going to be the end of the world if you accidentally miswrite a letter or forget to finish a sentace with a ".

Let be reminded here that this site is a My little pony fan fiction site, that you literally write stories & Fan fictions from a kids cartoon about colorful little horses doing adventures & stuff in the name of friendship! (Even if you have them do things that aren't really for friendship...or just kids in general). People who write here are mostly like you & me that just like reading about their favorite character/s doing whacky things while changing the environment & other characters around them! My point here is that, here, on the Internet, on this specific sote, we can't expect to have authors with a finished masters degree in English literature!

Also, this site is an[International /i] site that everyone outside the American & anglo-saxon world have access to. Not every one of us have English as our mother tongue in the first place. We can't exactly write with English beeing our language for most in mind, at least not so easily.

Even writing this comment has taken all off me!

And finally, as people said already, authors either on the Internet, like in our case, or actual authors outside of it have their editors that helps them with fixing all those small mistakes. Keep in mind that a lot of these people do it for their bread, so they do require that they make a good looking story / fic.

Basically, to end this all, just continue writing & don't overthink what others say, while reminding yourself that not you, me or everyone else are perfect in writing either.

Even if we thought your grammar was bad, we don't read stories for grammar. Too much bad grammar can ruin a story, true, but you are leagues away from that. Trust me, you're fine. If you still believe you're having writing problems, look into the editors' group on the site. I'm sure someone would be glad to edit for you.

Look I could type out a massive comment but I'm tired and it's way too late, so I'll give you my ramblings in a nutshell.

I like your stuff.

I'd miss ya if you stopped writing.

I enjoyed watching your writing improve.

If you'd left and stopped writing, I'd still be happy because you're doing what you think is best for you.

You gave me and others free entertainment, so thanks for that, even if it was nothing too special.

Fuck, I'd even be willing to help you by proofreading for you. I can at the very least weed out spelling mistakes, two heads are better then one after all.

Anyway, sorry if that was too sappy/long/harsh/[insert emotion/complaint of choice here]. I'm tired.

Gonna go to bed now.

Hey man, every single comment here already helps a ton, no matter how long they are. Thanks and good sleep

As a fellow writer, I get that feeling all too well. time and time again I think the same things of 'do i upload this?', 'what if it is horrible and people don't like it'.

I get how the negative comments stick out the most, years of writing on multiple forums have taught me that while there may be complaints, its okay to keep going at it. because by the end of the day, at least one potential writer is touched by your stories. I may not post anything now, but i remember about a year or two ago, one simple message i got on how my stories inspired someone else to begin writing in my place.

stories are a place for creativity to flow, sure there will be negativity. and there will be times when you look at a blank page wondering if you can make it the best you can. in these times, just tell yourself.

'if at least one person likes it, it'll make the effort all the more worth it.' Don't abandon your writing because I can tell by the comments here, that everyone is supporting you all the way.

That's true, even while being so inconsistent with each upload and grammatical errors they still keep coming back. In the end it's all worth it.

Take this how you will, and its not meant to be mean you really need to calm down. I understand its heartbreaking working on something you cherish only for others ruin it, but to quit because of them will only hurt you in the long run. They will go on with their life while you're worried how others will perceive anything you do, and that will untimely stop you from doing anything out of fear.

What you should do is take a moment to ponder why did they write the comment in the first place. Where is this error they picked up and you didn't? Use their comments to your advantage and learn how to correct it, for now you're aware of something you never even considered which will strengthen your writing over time. You can only get better if you keep at it, and learn from what people point out in the comments.

Personally, I love good comments but focus more on the negative ones because their being critical of my work enough for me to go and fix it. Think of mom/dad telling you good job, and this random kid from school says it sucks and this is why; do you ignore him and continue as before or stop and look at your creation in a new light?

I'm no editor, but I proof read my work enough to have decrease my mistakes over time, but still things slip through. If you would like some help in the future, PM me and I could at least give it a fresh set of eyes.

My dude, I've read far worse grammar in fanfics before, you have room for improvement but you're already in the 95th percentile at least. Just publish them anyway, you will be losing out on an opportunity to get better if you don't! Even if they were terrible and embarrassing(which yours aren't imo) I'd say publish them anyway! This is how you improve!

exactly, if you ever need someone to edit for you or even just someone to chat with. my messages are always open friend.

its all worth it in the end.

Personally I wouldn’t care about grammar mistakes and unless they’re incredibly bad and make the story hard.I suggest doing them in free time when you want to.It could be today or even next month but I say it’s fine and only do it when you want to.

Honestly, the story is rough around the edges.
Without an Editor (and even some of the stories with MULTIPLE Editors!), this will always be the case. More so if English is not your primary language.
You will ALWAYS get Negative Comments.
There are a few people on this site (won't name names) who seem to enjoy going out of their way to bag on other peoples stories (most of them don't seem to have written their own, however, and the few that have, have NO grounds to complain about others' stories).

Honestly, the best metric for how well your story is going is the Likes/Dislikes ratio. And yours is overwhelmingly Positive.
I am really looking forward to seeing where this one goes, and hope you do continue it!
However, it's your call. If you do decide to leave, you will be missed!

Not sure if this has been suggested yet so sorry if I'm repeating. It's ok to have bad grammar, and wrighting in a storey, that's why most people have editors look over their stuff before it is pushed out to the public. If your worried about people thinking about bad grammar and editing, simply ask for help from a fellow writer. :raritywink: I wont lie, I haven't started reading this book yet, though NOT because it looks bad, I just dont read unfinished books as a policy. However I was really looking forward giving this a read when it did finish, and it would be a HUGE shame if I and other readers never get the chance. :fluttershysad:

So yeah, I'd say ignore those asshole commenters, and if it would help moral, get an editor so that your grammar and writing can be as wonderful as I'm sure the plot is. :raritywink:

Really hope you dont give up, there arnt that many eaw fics on the site and I've only found 1 other that had this level of story to it. So know that I'm sure your doing a fantastic job, and I look forward to reading it :twilightsmile:

Lmao your grammar is not nearly bad enough to ruin the story. At worst it's a bit distracting.

I think mainly it's just the thing that could bring your writing from A to A+, if you catch my drift. More flowery language and a more diverse vocabulary, coupled with a lack of grammatical mistakes will just make it 5 % better to read.

But really, it's no issue. We're all here reading fanfiction, we're here for the plot, not the PhD in English :twilightsmile:

If these kinds of comments bother you, just get an editor to run through it before publishing. Add some commas, split up run-on sentences, replace words that are being repeated too much. I'm sure there are plenty of volunteers for a quality story like this, myself included.

actualy jest is a bit of a jerk honestly, i've delt with them myself in the past and i don't read there stories anymore for a reason.

anyway your stories narative and structure are fine, you just need to get yourself a proofreader or an editor, no author is an island, trying to do everything all by yourself is the surest path to stress buring your eyeballs out.

There is a difference between being able to write a good story and being able to write a grammatically correct story. Anyone can learn the second, but it takes real skill to do the first.
Take this from someone that is an editor and a perfectionist one at that.... I'm really tired and forgot where I'm going with this. But take solace in the fact that you have a good story worth reading.

I love the story you have made so far and hope you continue to make but I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do just don’t let others dictate what you do it’s your choice not theirs

As a writer who has no time and energy to write anymore: Don't ever stop over what people say or think about your work. It only takes a few fans or friends to make it worthwhile; knowing you've touched them in a profound way is worth every doubt.

Riiiight. What I'm seeing is that they did in a very douchey way. I've seen this sort of thing. You get them from time to time. They also don't really specify. They only showed one instance, and that's not extreme enough to warrant such a reaction.

We tend to always focus on the negatives and ignore the positives being we seem to always gravitate towards what we fear most.

After a while you figure out how to filter the negatives and deal with the bs negatives. The first one is usually from well-intentioned people that point out flaws and errors in your own works and explain things, something I like to do from time to time. Except I also like listing the positives to keep it balanced. If you only ever point out the negatives, you get what just happened to you now.

I can always take a look at the story and point things out for you if you want. I already do it for a few friends. Just need a GDocs with the chapters to work on and point out to you.

If you want, I'd accept it with open arms, but if you don't and you're just doing this to make me feel better, please don't. Thanks for offering something like this, I'm glad. But I've calmed down from my little 'breakdown' and I'm better now. I deleted the chapter draft I had done stressed and angry and I'm going to do one while being calmer and less temperamental.

I was going through hard times and to have my spelling criticized and to have thought about giving it all up right then and there was extremely childish of me. But I was just honest with what I felt at that moment.

Thanks, I had a pretty good night.

Glad to see you're feeling better!

Do what you will. I, personally, enjoyed the story. Course, I've never viewed a product that had a hundred comments and didn't have a negative one. Whatever you do, don't become a people pleaser.

To put it simply, no matter what you do, you will never, ever please everyone. Course, the way I do this is by pleasing the god I believe in, though I highly doubt that is gonna work for you, since I would be surprised if we have similar ideologies. I have no current inclination to discuss that, though, because what I am trying to say is that no matter what you do, don't try to please everyone. It doesn't matter if its an old friend, or someone you really respect, because if you try to please everyone, it just won't work. You will end up following the advice of one person, then all the sudden, you got someone angry at you for changing something they liked.

Your grammar? Bad? You joking? I would put you above a good chunk in terms of readability, and it is the tale you tell that really matters. I have given up on stories for incomprehensibility before, but you are not anywhere near that point.

I can think of another story I am reading now where the author has a moderate comprehension of English. I recall several characters "colligating" (colliding) with objects on multiple occasions. After the third pony colligated with a tree at high speed I got annoyed. But you know what? The plot of that story is darn interesting, so I read it anyway. Right now, your plot is darn interesting, and you have far fewer issues with colligating ponies than they do.

It's an actual offer. I like to help new writers from time to time improve themselves faster than I did. I'd rather they not take twelve years like I did.

Howdy! I've actually been reading this story since the release. While yes there is occasionally Grammer issues and maybe the once or twice over used words. That is tiny fish in the massive pond. I am also a creator, although I make audios, I also just laser focus on the negative despite the overwhelming. "The music was to loud here", "This voice is really good". It is something that sucks but it's just a case if your net is wide some will simply slip through.

Make standards for yourself, improve but do not take criticism that feel attacking over just trying to improve what they enjoy. It's just really important to develop your own thicker skin as well. Because some people will just hate to hate. It's a fact of life and shit we creators need to either let just derail everything we've enjoyed with such simple words. Or focus on the positive and reinforce your own self worth.

we are only human, we do misstakes, we may fall but we will stand up again. we do what we love be it with pain or love.

positive negative are importan for a good balance. dont take everything to hearth and do what you can. we are not machines we are living.

so go wild! and let our imagionastion out!


there are always going to be a few mistakes on everything we do, we stumble but get up and improve.. your story is the only one that has caught my attention on this site in a very long time, if you need a break then maybe thats for the best but please keep writting the story! just a starved fan here

I know exactly how you feel, and have contemplated quitting before because my writing doesn’t feel up to par to what I’m imagining in my head.

You probably already heard a dozen times that you can’t improve if you don’t try, so I won’t beat that over your head. Instead, I’ll just ask this: do you have an editor or proofreader / editor?

This, combined with using grammarly has drastically improved my writing. Just having someone else look over your drafts is enough to find most of the errors that you can’t see.

I can’t stress enough how important it is, and how much weight will be lifted off your shoulders if you do.

Dm me if you want my help or if you need me to point you in the right direction.

Dude just get some editors. That’s what they are for. So you can still write your great idea and also have grammar not be a problem. Also another 2 things about grammar. I know me personally I don’t care so much if the story is good, in fact I often overlook it entirely especially if it’s minor. I know to the human brain will substitute what it should have been if it’s a very minor mistake and you don’t even notice. Sure some people are picky but don’t let that drag you down.
Personally it sounds to me like your struggling with a lot of insecurity and I’ve seen family deal with that and so often what the insecurities are telling you, that you not good enough at something simply is not true. Are you perfect without room for improvement? Of course not, but that often is where reality ends so there is no need for shame or embarrassment to such a degree that it shatters all motivation and force you to abandon your work. Though having anxiety myslef I understand it to a point, as it is different, and also know that logically knowing these things dosent always change feelings and emotions. I’ve also learned that physiologic factors and environmental factors that you don’t always have control over play a significant role in affecting or even creating or increasing certain feelings and emotions. So while shame and embarrassment is not necessary, and logically you can know that you should strive to find a way to eliminate or reduce them, you need not feel bad for having them or needing to work thru them either. The only thing that matters is wanting to be better and then doing it. Nothing else matters. The first step is accepting that. Once you accept it logically you can work on trying to train your mind and thoughts and feelings to accept this fully in every aspect in all parts of you. Which could take any length of time and don’t feel frustrated at however long it may take. As long as you desire to be better and make the efforts it dosent matter the outcome. It dosent. If you have those 2 things you will move forward and succeed eventually. It’s inevitable so long as you never stop and never give up. Obviously, I don’t expect you to embrace this immediately but I encourage you to take these truths to heart and try to work on believing them. Once you do you can work on the insecurities that stunt or limit what are otherwise a large potential of skills, abilities, and talents from being used. Once you have made progress against those insecurities you can have more confidence and satisfaction in what you do without drastic change or effort needed to the things you are doing
Insecurities, just like intense anxiety which I have, affect all areas of life so regardless what you choose to do in regards to your story and writing I still encourage you to take all these words to heart because I know they can help in many ways in many things

What the heck did I just read did I just read you insinuating that you're not a good writer just because a few little grammar mistakes. Unacceptable:flutterrage: you listen to me and you listen well you beautiful human being you are a damn good writer. So what if you made a few grammar mistakes ,mistakes are part of the learning process and my friend your stories are too good and your characters are too fun to leave and unfinishished look at the Little g's eyes and tell me do you want to leave his story unfinished

Nah i won't. I made up my mind. Just taking a big break for i am a lazy idiot

Troll can motive or just be simply a pain in the ass.
I have a Subnautica story with over 20 negative votes that didn't even read 5 chapters. The only comment i got was pretty mutch a troll...
Sometimes you just have to take the trolls for a ride:
Priceless ♡:trollestia:

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