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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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I won another contest! Who wants to touch me? · 8:49pm Oct 28th, 2022

Winner: Bad Dragon

Proof of winning:

And that's not all! This WINNING story just got an upgrade in the latest chapter of:

TBad Dragon's Short Stories
Got a minute? It will take you even less to read one of these unrelated short stories designed for instant reader’s gratification.
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  35  39 · 1.1k views
Comments ( 23 )


5695011 Thanks!

You should join the next month's competition. The theme of it will be right in your alley. I know because I get to pick it.

As the totally unbiased bystander who chose the prompt Bad Dragon won off of, I agree with 5695019 what they said. You should give it a try!

so what will
it be? its been a very long time since i wrote a story.

I think we can all agree that the show doesn't provide us with all the lore. There are some holes left. Lingering questions unanswered.

And that's what fanfictions are for. We expand the lore. We address the open questions.

So, here's a pressing question that still haunts me. Why, oh why does everypony have a fetish for furtight bodysuits?

You don't believe me?
I'm not talking just about the Wonderbolts and Shadowbolts:

It feels as if everypony has a spy catsuit in their closet.

Even gods wear it:

Even Equestria Girls:

Even fillies:

Even toys:

These can't all be just coincidences, right?

As I said, this prompt is dedicated to you personally, 5695039. With your fetish for wearing skintight bodysuits in mind, the next month's prompt is:

skintight bodysuit

You have to write 150 words or less to participate.

if i can get free time il consider it but i will say this a neoprene wetsuit is very comfortable

5695051 As I said, with your fetish for skintight bodysuits, you're basically destined to enter this writing competition.

Besides, it's less than 150 words. I think somepony won a past writing competition with just 15 words.

This is the simplest writing competition of your life. And since you're forced to wear a skintight bodysuit, since you lose your job if you don't, you have a lifetime of experiences to support your writing campaign.


And I definitely recommend anyone interested check out the flashfic writing competition. It happens every month, and though I haven't entered in a while, it's always fun and a challenge to try to get your story in just 150 words or less.

--Sweetie Belle

5695065 Thanks. I've missed you in the flashfic competitions. Your stories were always nice.

If you decide to join again, you'll get more ammunition for your anthology.


Main trouble is I haven't had any really good ideas for the prompts and haven't been writing much. I'd like to get back to writing, but I'd like to get back to drawing, and programming, and a million things. Right now, it seems like messing around with Stable Diffusion and playing computer/console games is about what I can manage.

Not sure "skintight bodysuit" gives me much in the way of ideas, either, since I tend to like to subvert the prompt somehow...

--Sweetie Belle



Congratulations to you my friend. :3

AI art really does seem fun.

I bet all artists are crying their eyes out since they've all become obsolete.

Programming is not something you can ever master. You can become good at it, but never perfect.

If you lack ideas for writing, you can take any of mine:

5695076 5695079 Thanks. I'm the last generation of beings who are still capable of winning a writing competition. In the future, AI will win every single one of them.


Thanks. I'm the last generation of beings who are still capable of winning a writing competition. In the future, AI will win every single one of them.

truly think so?

Oh, it is fun. And I've got Stable Diffusion installed locally on my computer, so I can basically do whatever I want with it. Besides the official model, there are bunches of others trained off of different images, so you can pick if you want it to specialise in sfw pony pictures, or anime waifus, or furry art, etc...

And besides giving it a prompt, you can give it a picture and a prompt, and it'll base the results off both. Or there's "Inpainting", where you give it a picture, paint a mask over part of it, give it a prompt, and it uses the prompt to fill in the bits you painted over, doing things like changing the background of the picture or adding a top hat to someone, or just erasing someone from it.

I've ended up giving it the same prompt and seed and tweaking settings just so I can see what some of this stuff does.

As far as artists go, one of the things they aren't happy about is some of the results could very well be partially the work of whoever's pictures it was trained on, though. It's a grey area, and sometimes artists signatures or watermarks show up in the results.

I will say I get plenty of times where there are extra body parts, or body parts just floating around or such, so it does need work. Though the waifu model is very good at genericy anime characters.

With programming, and most of these things, it's getting myself to sit down and do them that's the problem, largely. Though with drawing, I'm not that good at the initial sketching part. Of course, now I have unlimited ai image references...

--Sweetie Belle

5695101 Humans have been the same for 100 000 years. We're not getting better. We're increasing our knowledge, but that has nothing to do with human evolution (which is stagnant at best).

But AI does evolve. Oh boy does it evolve. There's no upper limit. There are no limitations.

Everything that you do, AI will be able to do better.

So yes, I do think we're becoming obsolete. Nothink you know or do will matter in the future.

5695103 I might start playing with it as well.

The artists will complain, but in the end I hope they lose. Freedom of art should be like freedom of speech.

Artists had their time. Now it's time for unlimited art.

I know what you mean about programming. Finding motivation is a problem.

If you're ever looking for a challenge and want to improve your writing at the same time, you can join me in my GitHub project:

It's the most basic programming with tangible and useful results. Perhaps we could motivate each other if we worked on the same project.

you know i think thier is only one instance in the show where they show diving comercial diving like i do (albeit they use the mark 5 old school navy helmet and suit)

and they called it scuba and i know it shouldn’t trigger me but gosh dam it did so hard
like clearly you have. a hose to the surface its surface supplied air diving or comercial diving

not scuba which is self contained underwater breathing aparuatus

self contained being key as you have zero connection to the surface but im not sure if they actually showed a proper pony diving scuba

5695130 You could write a story about it. Make sure to include a furtight bodysuit.

5695096 You are very welcome.

While I'm familiar with several programming languages, VB.Net isn't really one of them. I am familiar with VBA, though, which I would think would be fairly similar.

A bigger issue would be that when I tried opening it in Visual Studio 2022 (which I did already have for C++), it told me that .NET 4.5 was out of date and wanted to update it to 4.8 (and didn't, in fact, have 4.5 installed, and the page it said to go to with downloads only went back as 4.6). I did actually manage to retarget it to 4.8, and then Class1.vb wouldn't compile. (I was able to get it to compile by removing the extra quote at the end of line 1906. Shouldn't all of that be loaded from an external file rather than hardcoded?)

It also had to create an sln file. Seems like the project's out of date and needs updating...

--Sweetie Belle

5695215 Well, since you did all that work, you could just commit your fixed project to the GitHub project. Your project does work for you after you did all that work, right?

I consider it a public project. Anypony can add features to it. It's as much yours now as it is mine.

Anyways, if you want to know more about the program itself, there's a group for it:

I've been a full-time programmer on vb.net for over a decade. If you ever come across a problem you can't overcome, I know I can solve it for you.

Btw, there's a desktop version of GitHub that lets you update and commit projects with a click. The moment two or more people work on the same project, that's basically a must.

Anyways, if this project is something that interests you, there's no limit to what we could achieve together. The sky is the limit.

The program could generate a grammatical review for any story without you doing anything. You could make a helpful comment on every story on this site without even reading said stories. That's just one of many options.

Alright, did a pull request. You'll want to make sure it compiles and works properly on your system. I've got a feeling some of the files in the target directories should probably not be in the git repository and added to the ignore list, since I noticed some of them had paths on your computer and mine listed.

Just did git on the command line, since it's not really that bad when cloning and committing and making branches. It's mostly when you run into situations where you have to rebase that it gets to be an issue.

Visual Studio is actually the side of it I'm the least familiar with. I've programmed pretty complex macros in VBA with forms and windows system calls and things, and I've also done a fair amount of programming in C++... but the latter was mostly in Linux. I can write a program using cmake or meson for a build system, but Visual Studio's a little different, though I have at least compiled things with it before. Dealing with forms in it is a different matter.

Anyways, we'll see what happens...

--Sweetie Belle

5695220 I pushed your branch to master (I think). I also added you as an author in the menu of the application on the master branch.

I suggest we continue our discussion on:

There's a lot to talk about. I really want to hear about your ideas.

If at any point you feel like you're struggling with something, please let me know. If needed, I can also connect to your screen or you to mine and we can resolve any issue that arises. If you need a tour of the code, we can also connect by voice on Discord.

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