• Published 20th Jan 2018
  • 4,689 Views, 75 Comments

Poniocracy Side Stories - sunnypack

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Chapter 1: A.K.A — The Transdimensional Adventures Of An Excellent Party Pony

Pinkie stared at the orb as it pulsated slowly. It was glowing an enticing shade of pink that was making it harder and harder to resist touching. She bit her lip. Twilight had told her not to touch it. Like a good friend, she wouldn’t.

The clock Twilight had placed in the basement continued its steady march.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Every so often Pinkie’s eyes would twitch to the clock and then twitch back to the enticing orb.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

She wouldn’t touch it. She shouldn’t touch it. She can’t touch it. She won’t touch it.

I have to touch it! she thought.

Her hoof darted out, stopping only just a few centimetres from the orb.

No! she berated herself. Bad Pinkie. No betraying your friend’s trust!

Reluctantly her hoof came back towards her body. She imagined her hoof felt sad.

Aww, don’t be sad. Just a little longer… A little longer…

Her hoof hit the ground with a gentle clop.

Meanwhile, the orb pulsed gently.

Something brushed up against Pinkie’s mane. Eyes wide, she spun around, her eyes scouring the room for whatever it was that had disturbed her mane. She couldn’t see anypony. Her ears perked and she strained her hearing. Aside from the clock—and her heavy breathing—there wasn’t a sound.

Frowning, Pinkie returned her attention to the pulsating orb.

Was it you?

The orb elected to stay silent, though Pinkie swore the orb pulsed back in reply.

Seconds marched on.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

I have to touch it.

Her left hoof shot out again, only to be stopped by her right.

Are you crazy?! Her left hoof cried.

Stop it! Twilight will be upset if you touch it. Her Right one replied testily.

It’s only a little bit, it won’t hurt, right?

Don’t you remember the last time? You were in bed for days!


No ‘buts’ go back to the body, now!


Her left hoof retracted back to her body as her right hoof nodded vigorously. Unfortunately, it touched the orb while doing so.

The orb let out a dull tone, sounding suspiciously like a foghorn.

The door to the basement burst open.

“I knew it!” Twilight shouted, bounding down the steps and confronting the shying pink pony. “You touched it, didn’t you?”

Pinkie nodded, ashamed.

Twilight glanced at the clock.

“What happened Pinkie? It was barely two minutes!”

Pinkie stared at the sphere. It sat there, pulsing gently.

“I–I don’t know…”

Author's Note:

That sphere has untold power.