• Published 20th Jan 2018
  • 4,689 Views, 75 Comments

Poniocracy Side Stories - sunnypack

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It Was Never Meant To Be

“Discord…” she hissed advancing upon David. He back-pedalled as she stalked towards him.

“Hey, what? What do you mean?”

“Don’t play games with me!” she yelled, her horn lighting up. “You’re Discord, you’re behind all this. It makes so much sense now!”

David straightened up and gave an uncharacteristically evil laugh.

“Mwuhahaha,” he cackled. “I was wondering when you’d catch on, Twilight.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “So you admit it? You’re Discord.”

His eyes glinted maliciously. “Oh the jig is up!” He danced on the spot all the while morphing into the familiar form of the draconequus.

Twilight gaped at the sudden appearance of the Lord of Chaos. “You! But you said you were reformed!”

“I am, my dear! I just thought you should loosen up, get those nasty kinks out of your personality.” He shivered. “You’re such a stick in the mud sometimes.” With that he snapped his claws and a stick appeared in his paw. He proceeded to poke it into a mud puddle. It stuck up at an odd-angle, slowly sinking in.

Twilight was furious. “Discord! Why did you act like you were some sort of dead creature from thousands of years ago? Why would you lie?”

Discord gave Twilight his most offended look, he placed a paw to his chest and sighed melodramatically. “Twilight you think so low of me! I wouldn’t lie. I don’t do that when there’s chaos abound to be had. Oops did I say chaos? I meant helping out a dear friend.” He summoned a monocle and a cup of tea. “I have to stay classy, you know.”

Twilight snorted. “So you're saying that there were tall bipedal creatures that happened to wander around Equestria all those years ago?”

Discord floated over to Twilight, wrapping around her in a disconcertingly intimate fashion. He whispered in her ears. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he cooed and then broke away from her as she shivered. As he floated away Twilight continued to glare at the infuriating draconequus.

Discord continued snapping his claws once again, summoning the bleached bones of an unusual creature. He danced with the bones for a while... Hold on, it looked a little familiar. Discord decided to be helpful and fill Twilight in on what these bones he was playing around were.

“This,” he began, caressing the skull, “was David.”

Twilight’s shocked expression was all Discord needed to burst out into laughter. “Ohohohoh! You should see the look on your face. It’s priceless. No, it’s not like I killed him. I’m not a monster. He was already like this before I even got here. Do you still think so low of me, Twilight?”

Twilight found that she didn’t have any words. She felt an incredible depth of sadness, as if someone had passed away and she had only just begun to get to know them.

Discord tapped a hoof impatiently. “Oh come on,” he chided. “It’s not like somepony actually died. He was never alive in your lifetime in the first place. The person you met was me! We’re friends aren’t we? You just bonded with a friend!”

Twilight didn’t really have a reply to that.

“I–” she began but stopped herself. She took a deep breath before continuing. “I think I need some air.”

Discord spread his forelimbs out wide to encompass the blue skies.

“But my dear Twilight, you’re outside. There’s plenty of air!”

“No,” she replied grimly. “There’s not enough. At least, not for the two of us.”

With that she stalked inside leaving Discord feeling baffled.

“I don’t get it,” he muttered to himself. “Did I do something wrong?”

Author's Note:

Imagine if someone you knew wasn't someone you knew at all?

Gives me the creeps.