Trollfics 497 members · 843 stories
Comments ( 24 )
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I need the worst trollfic ever! I need one where you can, without a doubt say that you have not seen worse. I need one where it is just balls to the wall insane. One where you can barely read the words! I need it! And fast! Also, it should be relatively clean.

4274947 Twilight slowly reads a book!

ok I got one but it still hasn't been approved yet...
password is vomit



I'll make one if that's what your asking.

4275061 Well, if you can make one in under 30 minutes, that'd be great.

4275075 I don't write in under 30 minutes. It takes me weeks to finish one story. Mostly because of all the revisions and rewrites I do for every little thing.

If I am going to make a trollfic, I at least want it to be a perfect work of insanity.

Edit: which means weeks of planing

4274950 How about Pinkie Zilla rampaging across Japan while fighting Godzilla.

Most of my stories, apparently :(

In one, Rarity rapes Obama as a publicity stunt suggested by Tiger Woods, and that's one of the more logical sections.

It's clean.


Obama Goes to Equestria.

You can read the words, but you might not want to.

Tell me if it makes it better or worse when you realize how much of my life I've wasted making it part of a giant trollfic multiverse.

I have punchlines I've been holding in for two years.

4276962 I have a multiverse that started as a trollfic(though it stopped being anything like that by the third story).

Stopped being a multiverse or a trollfic?


Well, don't worry, my stories never really lose the trollfic part.

Except for when I wrote a story intentionally going against all my writing instincts for the hell of it and ended up at the top of the featured box for a week.

That was when reality started trolling me back, I think.

4276981 Wow. I never thought it possible to do that.

Me neither.

...I described what happened in great detail, but Safari ate my post.

It will have to remain a mystery. :(

So, are ya going to tell us why you wanted this terrible trollfic? I'm curious!

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