Trollfics 497 members · 843 stories
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Here we discuss what makes a good troll and what just plain fails.

Group Admin

The quality of your trollfic is directly proportional to how much all-caps screaming you include.

Beige prose works wonders.

Don't write "[name of celebrity you think is funny/weird] in Equestria."

I think horrible grammar and confusing plot helps, too. Random meta jokes might work.

Anything and everything which provokes the strongest emotional response from the audience.
If you can cause someone to scream in agony or shit themselves from laughter with mere words
then you have succeeded.
If you can do this without reverting to the very worst possible topics imaginable then you are made of win!

Everything else, which merely provokes a "meh" or a faint "why?" are failed works of trolling.

Trolling can also be very subtle (warning bad example pending): if you have a 10 000 word fic which is not crap then halfway through you purposely misspell one of the main character's names for the remainder of the story well...
Trolling has been had.

As said the prime examples are those which hit the largest audience so short stories which exhibit exquisite qualities
enticing and ensnaring readers until it hits it's sudden, and often nonsensical conclusion.

all or most of these such are well known simply because the troll is so hard that "teh peopels of teh interblag" must share (because sharing is caring) so :

The spiderses
Airshipping is magic
Twilit sperkle Tyme
Da Fic

(those are all on fimfiction)
Hope this helps, and may trollfiction prevail!

i think a successful troll fic makes the reader laugh and follows the author
or the alternate
So random and retarded is hilarious like my friend's My little pony: pony is ninjas
a bad one is just, DAFUQ

For a great trollfic, you need to get most to read a few lines in and make them already hate it. You keep them interested though, so they read on. They get hooked and continue reading your story just to criticize it. They hate it and leave a comment about it. You reply to the comment and keep the trolling fresh. Repeat to the point of agony.


Or you can just make fun of Jesus.


I dunno, my supposed trollfic "Chair Mode Activated" is a random HiE with you as a chair. With the exception of horrible sentence structure, and a couple other things, people say that it is completely random and makes no sense whatsoever. That's what I think of trollfics, even quality trollfics.

288635>>290095>>291202>>468123 Tis stupid t' make yer trollfic of "quality" standards. I mean, really, to put "effort" into a trollfic is down right unnecessary. The author, Troll, makes quality trollfics, which to me, are still gud, but they are downright repetitive.

If you really want to learn how to write (so bad it's) good troll fics, look at those who have mastered the art such as Peter Chimaera, Squirrelking, or (For those who wish to stick with FIMfiction) Troll. If you just want your troll fic to be offensive in the ways that make people wish you'd die, I'm not interested in helping you there.

I think the best troll fics are the ones that don't rely on being intentionally bad. A true trollfic confuses the reader while still being entertaining. Anyone can use bad grammar or spelling errors, but it takes some effort to write well and be interesting while still be annoyingly confusing.

But then, I've only written one trollfic, and I don't read ones that rely on bad grammar, so what do I know? :trixieshiftright:

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