Trollfics 497 members · 843 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Happy #1 · Feb 24th, 2014 · · 4 ·

All I get are upvotes when I try. :C

2936715 Drink massive amounts of bleach, or write something about religion, and how ponies love / hate it

WWDD? (What Would Discord Do?)

2936715 do whatever it takes to annoy people

It's been a very long time since I commented in this group, though I will give some advice:

Make the detail which breaks suspension of disbelief so funny that people will just roll with it
Don't make dickbutt jokes ... really don't.
Try to use some of the more obscure memes, not the most commonly bandied dead horse ones.
If you do go for a dead horse meme, then make it a running gag which becomes the basis of your new surreality.
If you can make someone laugh or go 'wut', or even just '???', then you've succeeded.


It depends on what type of troll you want to be. You can correct people's grammar, you can use caps lock all the time, you can bring religion into everything, you can pretend to be offended whenever someone produces something, you can act like a pompous douche, you can pretend to be an idiot, etc. the list goes on.

Or you can genuinely be funny and just make people go "wut".

Don't misspell.

Don't use internet memes.

Don't make it Mature rated.

In fact, don't use the comedy tag. Use the sad of tragedy tag instead.

That way, you lull the audience into this false sense of security that the story will be a touching, emotional, and even thought-provoking experience that was completely worth their time.

But then, right at the end, you throw a pie into their face. If possible, have an absurd twist ending that will shatter any sense of investment or devotion that the audience once had whilst reading.

Plus, try to stick the ending right under the audience's nose until the big reveal when it all comes down on them.

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