Luna Is The Best Pony 7,285 members · 4,653 stories
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Okay, so I'm still going through the first story of my series, but this is really bugging me. My story is about an alienxluna plot that ends with the OC sacrificing himself.

Should it be that the OC comes back in the first story and fights a war with his kind and the ponies? Or should it end with his sacrifice and the second story picks up a year later where Celestia and Luna's mother brings him back to fight a great evil that survived? This great evil will be related to the OC's past enemy who gets with Luna after his death. In either end the OC and Luna will be together, but which would make for more of a story?

Here's a link to the first:

lol tbh his character doesn't seem like one from what I've read in the comments...
but maybe its just an author writing one properly?

811034 Already took that test, my character passed

Mary sue is a term for people who can't more accurately describe why a character does or does not work in a given story. It's not even difficult to write a good story with a mary sue as the main character. It's more just a rule of thumb thing for beginners.

Or should it end with his sacrifice and the second story picks up a year later where Celestia and Luna's mother brings him back to fight a great evil that survived?

^You should do that one

Killing off a character and reviving them makes their mortality questionable. Then when the character finally does kick the bucket, no one really cares. I would suggest wounding them, then being healed, but not killed.

812610 So you'd like option A? Fighting the war? Because the second won't work if he doesn't die, cuz then Luna will still be with him.

812174 Yes, you should. The sad ending of the first will keep readers hooked while you write the sequel if you promise them he comes back in the second story. Or you don't have to even say that; you could just tell people there will be a sequel and they'll guess at it themselves :moustache:

812696 Thanks! Getting that preference a lot, but your feedback is still appreciated! And check out the first fic before the sequel (however far it may be)

If you did the sacrifice ending my reccomendation is either end the series there or create a new OC. When you want to show your character as being a hero you can't make death have no consequences therefore his sacrifice becomes meaningless. I know it sounds harsh on your characters but when your going for literary merit its the best thing you can do. If you wanted to bring the character back you would have to set it up to show some great consequence that he must suffer in his return, as well as making his return a feasible plot point in the previous series creating some way to show that he is actually meant to return and not just being randomly resurrected just because someone felt like bringing him back.

839281 Of course there would be drawbacks to the 'resurrection'. I've already come up with several that will make it more plausible, and as I've stated in the thread he will be brought back for a reason, not just randomly. None of the cast will be able to bring him back, and even the one who does bring him back can't bring him back fully. So it's not a 'I'm back!' Kinda thing.

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