Luna Is The Best Pony 7,286 members · 4,653 stories
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Celestia dump.

Luna dump.

Notice the lack of buttmad in the Celestia dump.

You guys are the epic fail.

1069162 I look at those dumps...that funny. Why is people showing of the OC alicorns?


You realize that the Celestia dump was posted after all of the other Luna shenanigans posts, after everyone finally realized that everything was a big troll. People who would normally be butthurt about it knew not to be.

This isn't true at all. The 'people who would normally be butthurt' are still butthurt. I know this because they've continued commenting at me on every thread for the past day and a half.

1069162 That's... so sad.
I pity you in your eternal loneliness.

1069203 Oh, I'm not butthurt, mon. Just having some fun.
It's so entertaining when you get pissed off and ragequit on me.

You got me there, I'm really mad right now. I'm always mad, in fact. My rage is a fire that burns like the sun.

1069203 Did you purposefully make you profile pic something easily recognizable so that people would see you and say "Hey, theres that troll who thought 'enter pony name' was Luna/Celestia.?

I made this my picture so that whenever anyone sees it they know I'm going to rape them.

Comment posted by TheDarkNight775 deleted Jun 5th, 2013

1069350 :raritydespair: So there will be no holding by the flabby nipple hairs?

Both you and Swagthesto are starting to annoy the living hell out of me. And with this recent data, I'm beginning to believe you are the same person.

What is 'living hell'? I don't think that's a thing that people have inside them.

Right, This is why I hate when groups get to big. 90% of the time they start to get viewed as hostile, because people rage. Most people aren't that bad, but some are and you know what Applejack always says, "A few bad apples spoil the bunch.":ajbemused:

It's a figure of speech. Surely you didn't fail english class.

You're the worst kind of person, you know that? Blaming everything on others as though you're not to blame too. You make me sick.

You're right in that assumption, I didn't fail English class. I also didn't fail biology which is how I know that people don't have 'living hell' inside them. You can try to pass it off as a 'figure of speech' all you want (sounds like something you made up two seconds ago tbh), but I'm too smart to fall for that.

Ironically, you are right. I did make it up in two seconds...

1069575 If you passed biology, why don't you know anything about flabby nipple hairs?

Shame, shame. You should have paid more attention in class.:raritywink:

1069519 "The living hell" is a term most often used to refer to yours truly.

Says the person who thinks that two of the most important characters in FiM are OCs...

You are a fool with IQ of little American baby.

>Implying that Luna is an important character
That's a laugh and one half.

Let's see the plot of the very first two episodes of FiM.
Twilight Sparkle heads to Ponyville because of a letter she sent to Celestia regarding Nightmare Moon, who we discover in the next episode is Celestia's sister. From there she befriends five other ponies, which enables her to wield the element of magic. Thus defeating Nightmare Moon, and turning her back into Luna.
Ergo, the whole plot of the first two episodes resided around Nightmare Moon. (aka Luna.) Thus making her an important character in those two episodes.
Had Luna not become Nightmare Moon, Celestia would have had no reason to send Twilight to Ponyville, thus FiM would never have happened, as it did.


Please stop trying to countertroll.
As much as you want to feel like a just aren't.

Swag will rend your anus flesh.

Yeah well, what has she done for me lately?

1069697 Will he now?
He's ragequit on me three times in a row now. :3 Immature idiocy seems to be his weakness. :scootangel:

Not the point.
The point was, she's actually an integral part of the plot of FiM, as with out her and Celestia the show would never have happened.
Oh, and Swag is worth shit. No, really I asked a stock broker friend of mine and said that if I sold the swag both of you say you have, I'd have $0.02. Well, then I asked a couple other people and they said that swag was an idiotic internet meme that was old when it started.

1069742 From here forward, every time you reply to the troll, I will cut off one of Applebloom's appendages. If you refuse to heed, I'll move on to Sweetie belle, then Scootaloo.

If you typed that much, I'm sure it's just more of your troll garbage.

You can't make me fall for your shenanigans, because I'm smarter than you.

Go ahead, they are fictional characters and therefore don't hold any bar on my decisions. (Obviously a joke, I'm done playing with the Trolls for today.)

1069769 *puts down the cleaver* Good. I don't have to make cupcakes today. :pinkiecrazy:

>implying spaghetti didn't breach his sphincter.

le rustletastic victory.

That was one disturbed story... Let's go talk somewhere else, mainly one of our stories perhaps? Over tea?

Does anyone know who started which group? Cause if it is the same person, they should be called out on it.

No, the groups Celestia is best pony, and Luna is best pony are not made by the same person. Feel free to report them however, oh and never reply to them again. They are trolls.

1069800 I prefer coffee.
Let's head over to PM's.

Oh, I know Chuck and Swag are screwing with people, I am just watching to fallout of people replying to them. They need to learn to "not feed the trolls".

What? I'm not a troll.

1069819 There's a fine line between counter trolling and being troll food.
Most of these poor motherbuckers are so far in the "Troll Food" it's funny.


1069814 Arguing with you is like arguing with a child. I always win, but then I feel bad afterwards for yelling at someone with an underdeveloped brain.

1069840 I'll give you cupcakes. :pinkiecrazy:
Just don't go in my shed, mmmmkay?

You're words say no, but your avatar says yes.
And here you admit to eating "troll food".
I like watching the shitstorms.

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