Luna Is The Best Pony 7,286 members · 4,653 stories
Comments ( 122 )
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1070228what troll?:derpytongue2: all we see is thy one mom uncon... Oh god, we almost made thou a lesbian. Our bad.

1070229 Crimson won't respond too well to that.
He likes the mares too much. ;3

1070237 We art male. Our twin sister art friendly for both, however.

1070242 aw shit! Wait, we have a uncle?:rainbowhuh:

1070246 I dost not understand what thou art speaking of... We art certain that we art not a part of thy family tree.

Adopted, hast thou forgotten?

1070255 I think we've had a misunderstanding.
I'm speaking as Crimson, not Luna. XD

Yes, i guess we were mistaken. And thats why our name is moon moon.

1070229 Crimson- Who the buck is that ass?
Le me- Just go back to your drawing, Crimson....

1070267:rainbowhuh:(RLS Luneth.exe has halted. Run Canterlot Voice WTF.exe?)
(command: yes)WTF?

1070269not at all. Thou hast namethed us that.

1070272 So this would make Twilight your step-sister?

Evidently me.

Then I'll rape him.

We guess so. And that would maketh Celestia thy step aunt?

Hot dayum, chuck chuck, dont just like it, LOVE IT.

1070276 Raping a Super Saiyan is ill-advised:derpytongue2:. XD
1070279 Crimson- Aww, hell no.

Crimson, dont pressure a changeling. We dont even now what thou means.

1070282 Crimson- *Leans in close and stares at you very hard*
*Goes back to normal*
You know what? Buck society.
*Walks off*

I'm raping that guy. You can't stop me.

Back on our subject, what would that maketh cadance and chrysalis?

1070285 *Throws Lyra at Chuck, tucks Crimson under arm like a football and books it*
Haveta get through me first.

1070285thou hast confused us.

1070287 Sexy as hell.
Wait, what? :derpytongue2:

1070288[bro, first mistake of the internet. Never show your real face. Thats how they get you on facebook.]

1070292what would cadance and queen chrysalis be? Because isnt the great and glorious luna, really just the changeling queen when under her disguise?:trixieshiftleft:
Sorry, vice versa.

Too bad your my type, and will soon feel the anal avenger.

I'm gonna rape dark's OC, how is that confusing?

1070301you said "that guy" while speaking to both of us. Details. Thou needs moar details.

Damn nigga, you look like teh Azekahh.


Come at me, faggot.

I'm sexier than you.


ponies pregnant, That's where centaurs

I may not know anything about genetics, but you need to go back to English class. Either change the comma to a period or drop the capital T on "That's".

"Femslash"? All I am thinking of is Freddy Krueger brutally murdering a pony now.

1070314's right. He IS sexier than you.

Don't be a bitch, go fix the two hundred other spelling mistakes in this autistic thread and then talk to me. I noticed my own mistake shortly after typing it, but I didn't care enough to fix something so minor as I was simultaneously doing other things.

Under your own rule of engagement, I declare that you add the idiot chuckward to your list of people to ignore. I've started to believe that he and the idiot swagthesto are either the same person, or know each other in real life.

1070575 Who gives a shit anymore?

Chucky's kind of funny.
Baggie Swaggie's just pathetic.

1070356 XD You have to put THAT image in my head.

1070306 You look most rape-able.
It is not me, but you who needs to prepare their anus.

1070295 I never use facebook. I honestly don't care.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I was allowed to completely disregard your point of contention based solely on your small grammar or spelling mistake. I see now that I was wrong, being called a "female dog fit for breeding" really changed my outlook.

Well, I still don't know what "femslash" is.

Is that a Fluttershy shirt?

Your butthurt is so evident, please don't cry. I didn't mean to make you sad.

Oh, I must be mistaken again; this is happening so often with you. I thought when someone broke into vulgarity that they were angry, sorry for misinterpreting your feelings. It might be the amount of swag you have or your "YOLO" attitude to everything that is throwing me off.

If people were angry every time they said something vulgar, comedy wouldn't exist. The reason why I assume you're butthurt is you're coming on these threads hours after they have died and commenting negatively exclusively towards me. What's worse is you're trying to be all smart and correcting me when you fail to see why I corrected others in the first place. In the end you can try to act as intelligent as you want, but if you were actually smart you wouldn't be here in the first place, commenting on this thread.
Also, you couldn't even begin to comprehend the amount of swag I have, so don't act like you do.

Or that fact I am commenting hours after is due to the fact I am in a different time zone so commenting once the comment is made would be inconvenient. I am only commenting negatively towards you since your comments in general have a negative connotation. I like commenting here since I have a compulsion to respond to things, you just happen to respond to many things I have posted and then reply back; thus the cycle continues.

I never said anything about knowing the amount of swag you have, just that you have an amount.

Good, you shouldn't ever say you know how much swag I have. That would make you a liar, and a pretty little thing like you shouldn't lie.

What time zone do you live in? Just curious, it's currently 3:15pm here.

Oh, I never try and lie unless in jest.

12:17, I suppose you are on the East Coast, which unfortunately is not the Best Coast.

I can't argue with that. I used to live on the west coast and I preferred it over living here. Turns out things are a lot different on either side of the country (they are 3000 miles apart, so hardly a surprise).

1071379 Rule 63.
1072088 For all you know Fourpony is a twenty three year old man living in his mother's basement. (no offense, Four.)
Remember what they say about assume.

How is that relevant? Also, you said you were going to ignore me, but you've broken that promise multiple times now.

Why is it called "femslash" then, Rule 63 has less characters and everyone knows it, I think.
Wait, how did you get my age right?

I can't see how they would be crazy different, we are still the same country and speak the same language. It is not like Europe vs China (damn communists). Though I am interested in what differences you have noticed.

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