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So my Tablet is due to arrive in about two weeks, maybe even less (scheduled arriving date is 18th of September, but there are always delays), and the first think I wanted to draw, in detail, was Diamond Tiara. Of course, I'd need some guidelines to do it. To make sure she looked as cute as she is. Does anyone have some guidelines on what I must focus on to make her look like...her?


This is your basic Diamond Tiara:

Make sure to draw her tiara, unless you have a reason for it not being in the picture. The tiara on her head has five circles, alternating two shades of gray. The lines alternate the opposite shade of grey of the circles they go into.

Now, on her flank, the tiara is all a solid color, and has a bottom half circle.

You can see that her mane starts and ends in purple with two white streaks, where her tail starts and ends with white, with a large purple streak, and it goes around her ear. You may want to be careful of the shape around her forehead, too. Her eyes are dark to light blue, with a white and blue highlight.

The easiest thing to do, really, is to find a decent vector of Diamond, like this one, and keep it open, occasionally using the eyedropper tool to pull colors from it, and comparing how she looks to it. Make sure it doesn't have her in shadow, and it's helpful if it has Silver Spoon in it as well.

Also note that there are actually two shades of pink for her fur. One is used for most of her, and a slightly darker one is used for the areas further back, in this case two legs. This is actually normal for drawing ponies, as is the way the lines are colored.

The tongue, mouth, and teeth colors are the same for all ponies, so you can grab them off most mlp pictures with an open mouth.

If you're feeling really organised, you could just make a new picture with squares of each color you are going to be using to color her, and use that for reference.

Sorry if most of this is obvious, but these are the main things that come to mind...


3605082 Am I allowed to take a screenshot of the show, put it in a bottom layer and remove the colors from them. I'm not saying just tracing over (That wouldn't be really drawing) just using the official colors.

Any tips on the tiara? I suck at drawing non straight lines (and straight lines too, sometimes), so why I picked a filly, which is mostly circles, is beyond me. Oh well. Should I just draw some half circles and adjust them with the shape tool?


Having a reference layer that you don't include in the final drawing isn't a problem, though for colors, you are better off with vectors someone else has done. The screenshots often are blurry at high zoom levels, and the colors vary, either from dithering or because it's shaded based on the weather, trees, etc...

As far as tracing screenshots directly from the show, that's actually how a lot of the vectors out there started. That's a bit of a separate topic from original drawing, though.

That's how this:

becomes this:

As far as drawing curves, in Gimp with the paintbrush tool (and some other programs), click on one spot, hold shift, and click on another, and it will draw a straight line between them. Do this at a high zoom level and you can get some decent curves out of straight lines.

And then there's Paint Tool Sai. Create a linework layer, and choose the curve tool. Click at the start of the curve, click a couple places along the curve, doubleclick at the end, and you have a beautiful curved line. Hit edit, and drag the points around to adjust it, then hit pressure, and you can adjust the width at each point individually and make some nice tapered lines. (Maybe not for the tiara, but the line separating her muzzle and body, for example.)

I downloaded the free 30 day trial, and ended up going ahead and paying the ~$50...

My biggest tip would be to use layers fanatically, though. Create a new layer just for drawing the tiara, and then you can mess up and erase as many times as you want without messing up anything below it. You can even draw a really bad tiara in one layer above it, draw a good one using it as a reference in another layer, then delete the bad-looking one.

I'm not good at drawing things, but I'm good at editing them, so I'll take all the help from the computer that I can get. :scootangel:


3605211 Why does he remind me of cheese?

I had a terrible fear of drawing as a child. and I never evolved because of it. I, as a teen, couldn't do more than a stick figure. Then, my brother, who had taken a course in graphic design and artistry, let me activate his copy of photoshop on my computer, and told me to go wild with it (well, I don't know if it's allowed, technically, but it's an activated copy, even if a student one.)

I easily discovered the joys of layers and line correcting! Photoshop may be a beast, and overpowered for this sort of thing, but simply being able to correct something on a whim, or delete something that isn't working, makes it so much easier! Not to mention being able to move and rotate. Well, I didn't have a tablet, and I drew with the mouse, using shift plus brush to make straight lines and then warping them with the distort tool (or using the pen, but that was finicky). It isn't really drawing per say, but it works. But my brother decided to give me one tablet for my birthday, not a professional model, but a basic one. It should work well enough. I hope to get my lines steadier, and be able to do it better and better as time goes on. After all, if I keep drawing, I will eventually improve.

Thank you for the advice!


I've actually been doing a lot of retracing and coloring pictures, and I'll tell you that repeatedly retracing pictures actually gives you a lot of practice drawing lines and curves, and helps you get better at it. I'm starting to find drawing lines a good amount easier from practice.

And seriously, Sai make drawing lines and curves a lot easier for me. Being able to adjust your lines and curves well after you drew them and tweak them makes all the difference, as does making lines that taper off easily, instead of just erasing parts of the line until it looks right.

Of course, so does my tablet. (Oh, and if it's a Wacom tablet and a new one, you want an Intuos tablet, not a Bamboo. I had a Bamboo Pad for a week, returned it, and picked up an Intuos Pen and Touch instead.)

One thing I actually had a lot of fun with was taking this picture I made in pony creator:

Setting the opacity of the layer pretty low, and loosely drawing this over it and refining it:

(Though, honestly, looking at it, I could do it better now. Oh well.)

Anyways, glad to be of help...


3605389 I cannot color pictures, without merging the layers, which makes some lines blurr out and random squiggles appear. I've heard That I'm supposed to trace over all the layers (with the opacity down on them) and then color that part in, but.....I never got aroudn to it.

She (I assume its a she) reminds me a lot, of Silver. Probably because of the mane. I also have difficulty doing texture for hair, herm, mane, and clothing. Clothing isn't such a big issue, and most characters are flat colored (with minor shading), but mane....

This was the best I could ever do, with a mouse, at least. It derived from a line in Calvin and Hobbes "Drawing Calvin is just draw a big mouth....." (removed some parts of the line), so I remembered find a pet, and did this. But still,lack of texture!

Wacom owns a monopoly in tablets here, all tech stores (at least the big ones, non specialized, that everyone's heard of) only carry their brand. I trust my brother to gets me what is more suited to me....he talked about it, he said that the Bamboo one was a tad bigger and more "Hardened", so, more like a tough piece of plastic, than a sheet I was drawing on. White the itsuo is more modern (and smaller, since they only sell the S version over here), but has a more "soft" texture, like drawing on some cardboard. But it has some quick buttons, definable, so I can change between brushes, erasers, and the color picking option, that I always forget the name of, but that takes it from a pixel I selected.

I'm a tad fearful though, because my computer, an old piece of machinery (well, not that old, it is from 2006) doesn't have a functioning cd driver. So if there's some drivers or something required to work, I might have to hope they come online.

Anyway, anything you may say about those two tablets? Like....not comparing them, just a quick showcasing of their features, like, do they have pressure points? Are they responsive? Is the pen easier to get a grip and to hold?

My brother says he will take care of it, but It is good to be aware.


The braid does make her look somewhat similar, but there's also a cute pony from Twilight Time with a braid, so they are spreading.

The mane gave me some difficulty, too, really.

Coloring's done a bit differently in Sai, but in Gimp, which is closer to Photoshop (but free), what I do is create a new layer for each area I'm coloring, and then set the layer to "Multiply" mode. That way everything under it shows through. Then I just color, and erase any bits where I go over lines afterwards. It's a lot easier if you color on a different layer than drawing.

Also, keep in mind to use different color lines depending on what section of the pony you are working on. You'll notice Diamond has purple lines for her mane, pink for her body, and black for eyelashes. Also, pony tongues are orange, if you look at a screenshot. It's unintuitive, but it looks better once you color it that way.

As far as the tablets go...

Wacom used to have a good line of tablets that were called Bamboo, and a higher end line called Intuos. They changed things a few years ago, though, and the old Bamboo line is now Intuos, and the old Intuos line is Intuos5.

Almost all tablets out there use the Wintab drivers, and that is what Photoshop and most paint programs are looking for. All of Wacom's old tablets are based off these, and they do have all the drivers on their webpage.

Their new Bamboo line is a couple of cheap tablets that are entirely intended for gestures and to be used in place of a touch screen with Windows 8. They will work with older computers, but they don't use the Wintab drivers, just the newer tablet support in Windows 7 & 8.

As such, almost every paint program out there will see the Bamboo Pad as a mouse. No mapping it to the window, and no pressure support at all. A few things like handwriting recognition might see the full tablet, but it's fairly useless to an artist. I thought I'd missed a driver or something initially, then found a bunch of pissed off people on the Wacom forums, and did an exchange for an Intuos.

My Intuos tablet is pressure sensitive, has those four quick buttons at the top of the tablet, as well as two on the side, and you can flip the pen over and the other side acts as an eraser. It actually changes to the eraser tool when you flip it, and back to a brush tool when you flip it back. It's responsive, and much easier to draw with than a mouse, though it will take a little adjustment.

I should mention that what I mentioned about the Bamboo Pad isn't particularly obvious from the box. They don't say that it doesn't work with Photoshop, etc on it. They say things like "Easily add handwritten notes, annotations or simple doodles to your digital documents with the digital stylus.", and don't tell you that you won't be able to do much more complex than that. I was very irritated.

Oh, unlike the Bamboo, the Intuos comes with a few graphics programs, as well. I believe I bought this Intuos tablet, to replace this thing. $20 difference, and much better tablet, even if it's usb, not wireless. I can buy a wireless kit for it later.

(I do like the picture, though it could use some cleaning up. For some reason, I have a "Bride of Frankenpony" vibe from it I like...)

3605615 Ah recoloring and reusing character parts, isn't it great? Her expression, she actually does remind me of Wednesday of the Addams Family (I think it was Wednesday, not sure, the moody girl), and she's literally like 2 feet from silver! Haha.

Regarding my drawing, I can definitively see it....

It's the mane, I think, it really does look like something out of that. With that I'm assuming you mean the Bride of Frankenstein, from the Universal's the stripes in the hair, isn't it? It also reminds me of Tim Burton movie, like, the hair looks out of a Helena Bonham Carter, doesn't it? Or a stop motion movie, based on german surrealism.

In any case it was supposed to be FeatherWeight (as if those two buck teeths weren't enough indication), but heh, I've got days. It depends on how I draw his mane, I think blurring would help, sometimes I add those lines in gray or other color to distinguish between them , and sometimes I don't. It really depends, of course. With all the tumblr blog stuff I did (just to improve on my art) I'm getting better quite a bit. Compare this....

To this...(where I didn't even add a multi-colored mane)

Haha, anyway, I'm really improving.

Thanks for the advice, while I'm sure my brother wouldn't let me down and knew this kind of stuff (he was, after all, using it weekly), now I can safely say I won't get ripped off. They deserve a lawsuit on top of their butts.

Returning to Diamond Tiara, how does the Tiara? sit upon her mane? Is it covered partially, so I should draw in a lower layer (so the mane covers part of it up?) The vectors seems to indicate it....but it's also at an odd angle, facing forward, despite her face being slightly tilted sideways. Is it a little angle cheat, to make it recognisable?


Yeah, I actually really like that character design. Of course, I also love Wednesday Addams...

And yes, it was the stripes in the hair, as well as the maniacal laugh. Though it'd be more fun to cast her as Diamond.

(Done entirely in Paint Tool Sai, with the picture as a reference on the bottom layer.)

You are getting better. I'd work on getting the actual lines less jagged, though. You might just make sure you draw it a couple times larger than you really want, and take an eraser to the edges if you need to smooth them out.

I personally end up having the worst trouble with proportions sometimes. You don't want to know how long I spent redoing legs on one drawing until they looked decent...

Trey really do deserve something bad happening to them with what they are pulling with those tablets. The Intuos one works pretty well, though.

I'd probably put the tiara on a lower layer than the mane line, so the ends are covered up. Figure her hair is probably partially covering it.


3605786 You were quick! It took me 3 hours to draw the original, and the lines are so smooth!

I don't really know how to draw their hooves and legs. That's why I stick with the chest view. I also always forget to draw his feather cutie mark. Slips every time.

I'm hopping than in 10 to 12 days I'm able to draw. I do always get this question with tablets though. where exactly does the line drawn in the tablet, appear in the screen? Is it relative to the place I draw it, as centered in the program, like If I draw in the edge and go towards the middle it starst in an edge and moves towards the middle? Is it relative to the place where the mouse is, so if I have the mouse over the line I can draw down to fill a line? (Assuming I'm filling a layer over the opaque down one)? I'm really curious. I feel like if I have to draw it in relation to the screen, I might have some trouble sketching over....

And then comes the whole fun of learning to shade, which I didn't even try to do. My brother indicated me "New layer - slightly darker color - paint over edges, taking in account the lightning". Of course his work is more with logos than with cartoon ponies, per say, and he uses the built in tools (3D, and stuff), but I think it still applies. I don't know how though....airbrush? draw some lines and color them in? Random spots where it's darker and then brighter on the other side?


I had your lines to follow, and as I said, Paint Tool Sai makes drawing curves really fast. This would have taken me a lot longer otherwise. Also, I've been practicing a bunch recently. Of course, the people reading my fanfics would probably prefer I was working on the next chapters instead... :twilightoops:

Being able to readjust lines after you drew them is great. Here, I clicked "Color", chose some colors, and clicked on the lines I drew:

I also moved one of the cheek lines, IIRC.

Usually the position you are pressing on the tablet is in relation to the window you have open. The cursor will move following it before you press down, though, so you'll know where it is on the screen.

Shading, I'm still not great at. I was trying using gradients. Now, it's more along the line, In sai, of drawing some lines with an airbrush and a watercolor tool, and possibly some smearing with the blur tool. All on a separate layer, of course.

I believe you keep in mind where the light is coming from and draw darker spots on one side and lighter on the other. I need to work on it, though.

Shadow, now, is easy. Paint a big black shape on a layer, put it right above the background at the bottom, and make that layer 20%-30% opacity, or somewhere around there. Do the same thing with white in a layer on top of glasses to get an effect of there being glass in that spot.

This is what made me look at Paint Tool Sai originally, btw.



3605842 Hum nice base image the video maker has there.

Well, with ponies at least I get to avoid the worse thing to draw....HANDS. Seriously, Screw hands! Even drawing them simple, ash Ketchum style is hard, you'd think it would just be drawing kind of a half circle and some angular lines, and split them with kind of angular but soft round lines in between to make the fingers, but no!

I mean, seriously! The only type of hand I can draw is Calvin and Hobbes style, and even then, just suzie and Calvin's. I can't draw Hobbes'.

Even my most recent attempts (for friends) have been laughable. look:

(Eletronique, from Kim possible)

But to get back to the ponies.

The thing I like about drawing them (besides their simple shapes, two circles, and a third smaller one for the head before adding muzzle, some basic defining and mane and ears, altough I never drew a base circle) is those thick lines. It makes them easy to define. Seriously.

And shading....ah shading, the thing with mlp (and some western cartoons) I like it's that they don't go for realistic shading, they have, in the character design, already some shading, no matter where they are, unless it's an extreme place. It helps greatly. Mlp doesn't seem to have much in the way of shading, mostly because there is always a bright lightning. I only found some examples at night, like in Sleepless in Ponyville.


I may have seen every episode of that particular anime. :twilightblush: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is pretty good, actually. (Except for the Endless Eight arc.)

But yes, hands suck. That is something I like about drawing ponies. Here's the image I was having trouble with the legs on. It's a retrace from a screenshot, but Twist was half behind another pony, and only one and a half legs were visible.

In fact, I was only able to draw them properly by erasing what was visible of the legs and redoing some of her posterior...

And, yeah, the thick lines are nice, though I'm starting to learn to vary their width in spots.

They've mainly started more shading in seasons 3 and 4, really. Otherwise, it's mainly the back legs being a different color than the front and such.


3605875 That looks really nice, actually!

So how's the software that comes with the tablet? Is it a passable one? Better than ms paint but worse than photoshop and Sa? Is it meant for drawing at all?

Isn't Sa what all those japanese artists use to make their anime fanart? I've seen some floating around....

Thanks. This is what I was working off of:

Lets see, programs: There's Photoshop Elements, which is worse than Photoshop, ArtRage, and Sketchbook Express. A friend at work uses one of the versions of Sketchbook all the time and loves it, but then, unlike me, he can draw things by hand and have them look good.

Artrage Pro is one of these paint programs that tries to make things like smearing paint and using brushes and markers and such on a real canvas. It's probably not bad, but I haven't played with it that much, as I'm trying to have things look more show style. If I was painting a landscape or a forest with a sunset or something, it'd probably be great.

And yes, Sai is. The website is japanese, and there are occasional bumps in translation on the program, but not enough to give me grief. The status bar shows "Memory Ussage", for example.

Sketchbook is nice. I should play with it more. Trouble is that I'm still not much good freehand. I really need some sort of lines to follow. I'm working my way there, though.


Group Admin

3605876 Seems you're pretty serious about learning, and nice start learning the program.

I started off with Photoshop, I have to say that once you really learn how to use all the tools and get familiar with it, you won't need much else. Though I do find it's pixel point to be terrible at times for finer detail stuff like sketching and painting. Something SAI does very well since it's more blendy, smoother. It feels more natural as if you were actually using a brush or pencil.

I'm sure newer programs have added this feature, I know my clipstudio which is simply 50 bucks for the pro version and honestly it's all I need and still opens and works with files within Photoshop, the best thing I can advise is simply stick to one and learn it. Photoshop is a lot harder for beginners whose never used digital software before, but it's rewarding once you get all the basics down and you start learning how to blend colors, shade, create your own brushes for your own needs.

EDIT: Updated Link 7/3/2015
Paint Tool Sai <- just enter code and download. Lightweight and legit, directly from me who got it from a friend whose used it over 6 years.

Despite all I said, since you're a beginner I recommend starting off with SAI. If all you want is to just draw and color ponies. Most everything is the same tool-wise, outside of obviously more advanced stuff you really won't be using for a long time, if ever. And SAI has a function that helps reduce line jitters as well. Along with fakevector feature that I can't well explain, but it makes vectoring a breeze over PSD.

Like I said, SAI is best for sketches, and painting. Tons and tons of popular pony artists use Paint Tool Sai. Gimp is always a wonderful tool but I myself have just had too many issues with my Windows to bother trying to get the two to get along.

You're lucky to have a brother in graphics designs. I'm sure as you improve he'd be happy to help you with the more technical stuff down the road.

For now, all I can say is practice shapes. It's fun to dive into the "I wanna make a pony!" stuff, but learning your shapes can help you make ponies better. One layer can be nothing but a bean shape for a pony torso (or cylinder but just stick to Bean shape for now), four rectangles, two triangles for ears, and a small cylinder for a snout. On another layer, you can start adding in more details.

Like adding the bends in the back legs. Rounding out the corners on those shapes since ponies have NO sharp edges, even the horns are roundish at the tips. Mind you, this is for ponies. But buck the rules. Make them as sharp as you want! XD

But what's the fun in just reading how to draw? Have one of my favorite people show you a nice basic learn as you draw tutorial(s) here:

Far as drawing tablets go, a surface pro 3 would be an amazing and most affordable toy. But honestly a Bamboo Touch or finding an older Wacom model of the Intous Pros like 3 would be perfect as wacom drivers still use that driver to this day. Says a lot about them honestly... r_r

Honestly, would be the best bang for your buck. DO make sure though to install the latest drivers for it from the site BEFORE plugging it into windows however. Windows has a NASTY habit, if not disabled as most PCs never are unless done manually, of installing 'good enough' drivers for your devices.

Might take a few minutes to calibrate it like most any tablet, but it should be a simple endeaver and if all else fails I'm sure your bro can help.

By the by, this tablet can be found for as little as fifty bucks. A steal considering the amount of hotkeys this has. That said, anything under 90 is still a bargain!

I'll stop being a chatty kathy now. But know that even people today like GSPhere, who now seems to use Manga Studio(ClipStudio), WhiteDiamondsLtd, and my good pal who made my avatar Derpii who has done the majority of their work on SAI.

All tend to use SAI almost exclusively, some a bit less than when they started out but still known to use it. Though many have been upgrading to the new Clipstudio which is basically Manga Studio for us English speakers.

BTW! Be sure to check out and try your best to draw along with the tutorials. Layers. Layers are your friend.

Example. you can take your legs from the side angle view, and copy them to a new layer, one for each leg, and simply move the torso so it's layered over the legs which you'd normally shade in a bit darker. It comes in handy even in front facing pics and you can just flip the leg and VIOLA! A left leg becomes a proper RIGHT leg. Works on eyes, wings, and ears too. :P

Then you can use the shape tool to squish and stretch whatever. But that can come later. For now, just DRAW. Build your MUSCLE MEMORY and you'll start seeing nice improvements in your first 50 drawings.

Best of luck!

3606405 Those images are amazing. Well, on their DeviantArts, that I briefly checked.

Hum, I really only got photoshop, to give it a go, because I was offered the chance to. It has hundreds of tools, and I tend to use 5 or 6. The brush, eraser (lately mask layer, since I can change it even if I "delete it", and want to change some time after). pen tool, layers in general, coloring, and that pick the color thing. It's an insanely complex program, for what I do with it. With that said it was already paid for and I don't think I could pay for another pro-....

Oh, alright, I just clicked the link. Thank you! And now I look like a foolish fool.

From what I've heard photoshop doesn't export as vectors, apparently it saves them as that image file, but exporitng it as a true vector is beyond it. I hear flash and Illustrator do it, both by Adobe, too, but I probably shouldn't try to get them, since my brother has already finished his studies, and now would probably have to pay the full price, and he's already offering me a tablet. Talk about demanding.

Thank you! You really helped me out, over here, If all goes well in a couple of months (perhaps sooner, but I want to get some quality, not just crap something out) I may submit something to the diamond cutters drawing directory (I'm sure it has another name, the Recutifing I think?). But I will pratice my shapes, that's some swell advice!

Group Admin

3606568 Haha, yeah. no problem. And yes, PS is not the best place for vectoring but you CAN do it well.

The SAI program is unlocked, full features and no trial period. It's a full copy where you just click the SAI.EXE to launch it. It's lightweight and works in ALL tablets. Even Bosto 22HD which you should avoid like the plague, in fact if you see ANY product with BOSTO or KINGSTEE on it, RUN!


But yes, SAI is less over the top and gives you all the tools you NEED. And plenty of people vector using SAI, but if you want something exclusively and named #1 by many vector artists, InkScape is your go to Vectoring program and has all the basic shapes to jump in and play with. It LOOKS intimidating at first, and it can be, but it's super easy to learn if you take a bit to learn the basic steps.

But quite honestly, unless your brother does 3D work, both of you can just do your work fine through SAI.

Again, you shouldn't need anything but that folder. Launch SAI.EXE inside it and you're good to go. No install no nothing. Simple. Super simple. A free gift from me to anyone who wants to draw and can't afford to pay for any art program. SAI is truly all you really need if you're into cartooning.

If you have any technical questions, Derpii is quite the pro at SAI. Air Brush is a lot of fun to use too. You got an awesome bro there to offer you a tablet like that. Don't pass it up! :twilightsmile:

Happy drawing! Look forward to seeing what you dish out.

SAI is a good choise.
There are other free tools that are also good for drawing, like inkscape(best for vectoring) and krita(my artist friend is a huge fan of this one, though it is probably better for freehand drawing, and not so much for vectoring).
There's also GIMP, which, like photoshop, is more for image edititing than drawing, but is still pretty neat.

3606630 Today I got in my mind to re read this. Though with school starting (in the 17th of September) I've barely done anything creative at all. Anyway, I am looking for some pictures to trace, just to develop my hum "Style" (or blatantly copying enough designs until I get a sense of how it's done), so, might I ask if you have a mini "gallery" of things I can trace over? Show screenshots or anything? I mean, There's a whole gallery of dt images, but, to be honest, I'm a bugger all lazy person (oh and more , whatever)

Thank you!


The weirdest thing about this foal? He looks like an OC of (real life) me. It's quite disconcerting :)

3702720 For some reason he reminds me of Dan Hardcastle or something,, probably the hair. But now to draw!


He looks a little like Cheese Sandwich.

3705654 - people say that about me, too! My flatmate keeps trying to get me to cosplay as him :)

I'm currently using Paint Tool SAI with a XP-Pen Art Tablet ( Deco 01 V2 ). Works totally fine . It was very cheap and a decent work space size. I'm as happy with it as I was with my much more expensive Wacom intuos.

In my experience, it's all about the pen pressure sensitivity, the button options and the workspace size. If your happy with those, you'll be happy with the tablet.



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