The Diamond Cutters 1,210 members · 1,364 stories
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Just posting this in all three appropriate groups. The image will be in the next comment, to avoid it being in the feed.

--Sweetie Belle


Here we have Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, and Twist, all grown up!

--Sweetie Belle

Twist looks like a picture that's been stretched.


Thanks, I missed that in the finale.

No problem!

She is looking pretty thin there...

--Sweetie Belle

It's a little odd, given the proportions of the others.


Did you catch when Pinkie introduced "Little Cheese"? The foal had Boneless 6! I'd like to know where 2 - 5 ended up.

Is it me, or Twist looks kinda like Frazzle Rock?

Lookit my haaair!

Oh well, at least we're all three together. Diamond and I need to treat :twistnerd: to a big lunch at Hayburger!

Well lets evaluate this, Diamond Tiara looks great with that design, I like Silver Spoon's design pretty well too though for some reason i thought unicorn when i first looked at it here, as for Twist . . . well i think they reused a previous character model.

Yeah she really does, i am guessing that they just reused the model for adult Twist.

I like Diamond and Silver's looks.

Diamond looks "softer" and more friendly. You get the sense that her new do is reflective of her change of heart. Rather than trying to emphasize her "fabulous" superiority that her old swooping bangs suggested.

Silver seems to have adopted Scootaloo's bangs. Her hair is still mostly in the same shape as before, but the slightly wind-blown look it has picked up (paired with keeping her braid) is pretty cute. I'd like to think she and Scootaloo spend time on airships, and her slight change is reflective of being less controlling and precise with her hair due to necessity. (obvious headcanon, as I ship those two)

As for Twist, I think someone beat her so hard with the ugly stick that she lost about two-thirds of her body mass. She's tiny. She's leggy and tall, but her body is shrunken. Like it might actually be smaller than when she was a filly. There are clearly some similarities to her overall shape to Frazzle Rock, but I think the animators, like many in the fandom, have some kind of grudge against her.

Group Admin

I imagine it is probably because they wanted to give her a distinct look from the other ponies in the shot with her, so they used an existing frame they already had (for budget reasons) rather than any sort of malice.

That said, never trust a skinny cook... which applies doubly when she's a candy maker.

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