Scootalove is Best Love 859 members · 379 stories
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>inb4 lauren comes back
>inb4 taking pinkamena all the way

I just thought everyone needed to know this.

1353512 >inb4 Scootaloo is rendered unable to fly or DT and SS become likeable.

>inb4 Power Ponies is indeed televison and not comics.

>inb4 Pie Sisters episode is confirmed as new "Party of One" in a way.

>inb4 The song gets a name.

>inb4 The Equestria Games take place.

>inb4 They reveal all the Rarity episodes.

Already I can feel my headcanon crumbling...


Probably just Season 4 release date.

Well we'll find out tomorrow no matter what, but I think 1353568 is right it's probably the release date for S4 and maybe also the EqG premier date on the Hub as well.


Well, I guess by tomorrow morning they mean Eastern Pacific time? So, for my British arse that will be early afternoon.

What they probably mean is Eastern Time, on the Atlantic coast

So late morning for you then?

1353976 EqG premieres on Spetember 1. :facehoof:

1353568 That's gonna be a lot of countdown memes :facehoof:

While not quite coming straight from the HUB but EqD has posted the state date for S4, November 23rd.

1358688 Yep. That means this Season is coming a little earlier then we previously thought. And it looks like it's going to be even more mind blowing then Season 3. These seasons just keep getting better and better.

Someone actually thinks that? I keep hearing how much S3 sucked

1360495 S3 didn't suck. Too many people just didn't want to give it a chance because Season 2 was so awesome in their books. Well I thought Season 2 was better then Season 1 but in a close contest Season 3 beats Season 2. And hopefully in a not close contest Season 4 will beat Season 3.

I know it didn't but you know how the fandom gets when things change. Like if we find out that Scootaloo is not a poor abused orphan half the fandom will be yelling

1361058 Yeah. But the fans we picked up in Season 3 didn't seem willing to give anything a chance. I got sick and tired of hearing how Alicorn Twilight would mean the end of the show. Thankfully those fans have piped down and will never flare up again. Let's hope this time we remember what we believe in.

Super I've come to the conclusion that the most vocal part of the fandom will never be happy until Pinkie is turned into the Cupcake killer, Twilight looses her wings, Candence is offed along with Rarity, RD is gay for everypony, Celestia is killed in the Glorious Revolution as the Tyranical Molesting Troll that she is, Trixie replaces Twilight, the show is moved to Adult Swim and renamed the Trixie and Luna Super Happy Fun Time Show.

1361153 Yeah well you can't please everyone. As long most of the fans are fine (including writers and artists) then the fandom should be fine.

And the loudmouths can leave the rest of us alone

Let keep our fingers crossed then


So basically until this show becomes Friendship is Witchcraft. Which is terrible.,

Haven't seen it so I can't really say, but yeah they will be happy only when all the damn MLP memes are made canon including the NLR/SE

1361638 I wouldn't go that far. It's actually pretty enjoyable. It's an abridged series and the kind of things they do are all the range with popular abridged series.

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