Scootalove is Best Love 859 members · 379 stories
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Aside from the addition of stories and the rare forum update, I have noticed that this group is not as active as other groups. Its a shame, because our cause is just as important as other groups, if not more so. Are we to say that Scootalove is not important enough to warrant an active, official group? I think not! So, here's how we fix it. I know that there are numerous talented authors that are members of this group, and those are who I call upon. Any author of this group who has a story to tell. That is what writing is about, isn't it?

What are Scootalove Prompt Tags? Well, its like a game and a collaborative group effort. Here's how you contribute:

An individual begins by posting a miniature fic to this thread, between 100-1000 words in length, focusing on Scootalove. The fic in question is inspired by a one-word prompt. At the end of the fic, the author includes a single word that acts as the prompt for the next author. Once the fic is posted, another individual may comment to claim the prompt. Once the prompt is claimed, this individual has 24 hours to write a mini-fic and post it to this thread. Ensure to include a one-word prompt at the end of the fic, so that the cycle may continue.

Just so we are clear:
* The mini-fic can be written in any style, containing any content. It's not expected to be proofread, but decent spelling and grammar are expected (obviously). If you've never written before, well, now is the time! Try to keep ratings teen or below, and between 100-1000 words. Make sure that the fic focuses on our favourite scootering pegasus filly, and that it somehow relates to the prompt. However, every story is individual. A fic need not relate to the fic before it, it must only relate to the prompt.

* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the most recent post. Just the word "claimed" and the prompt will suffice. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next prompt.

* Your claim is valid for twenty-four (24) hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After this time, another person may post a claim for the same prompt. If you run out of time, and no one else has claimed the prompt, just go ahead and reclaim it.

* In the event that confusion occurs, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

* Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. Words are powerful, and the many interpretations of a single word are astounding. It is up to the author to take a prompt where they see fit.

* Everything is posted in this thread.

Need an example? Try this.

Any questions, concerns or suggestions? Please feel free to contact me.

First Prompt: Origins

Important Note to the Mods: If the thread remains active, I would very much appreciate if a moderator could "pin" this thread, so that it does not become lost beneath other threads. My purpose for this activity is to provide a creative and social community within a well-established, but otherwise inactive group. I have our best interest in mind, and I hope it becomes all I know it can be! If this does not become active, a moderator may let this thread fall into obscurity, and I will be profoundly saddened.

2718816 Oirigins (this is something I had in mind for actual use in a Scoots fic later. Enjoy)

Two earth ponies walked between two rows of cribs. Many of the cradles had foals in them. Some slept soundly, others cried, yet others played. There were babies of all kinds. Earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns all among the infants.

The matron of the orphanage walked behind the couple as they looked in the cribs. The forms had all been signed, interviews conducted, and paperwork filed. The happy couple was ready to adopt their first child. All that remained now was the choosing.

They had initially planned to adopt an earth pony like themselves but at the sight of so many adorable foals they were suddenly wracked with indecision. Each filly and colt was as adorable as the last. They began to wonder if they'd be able to choose anypony out of the bunch.

That was when they saw her.

In one cradle stood a little orange pegasus. The filly was fluttering her wings, but not getting much lift. She got herself less than half an inch away from her mattress, moved forward, stopped, and repeated. She went around the crib several times as the adults looked on.

"Isn't she precious?" The wife asked.

"Very." The husband replied, "Just look at her scooting along."

"Hee hee, scooting..." The mare said, then she grew thoughtful, "Scoot... scooter..."

"Scootaloo." The stallion said.

With that one word, two parents knew they'd found their daughter.

Next Prompt: Confidence

Well, i'll give it a try, if it can keep this thread alive a bit.
claimed : Confidence

edit : little author note, i'll write here to keep the story clean.
sorry if there are mistakes, english isn't my main language.
other than that, i'm kinda proud of it. (took ~1h to write)

2719301 Confidence

Scootaloo looked at the ground.
Her destination seemed like miles away, but she needed to do it. All it would take was one step.
It had plagued the diminutive pegasus thoughts for months now.
Thinking about it made her happy, not being able to do it made her sad.
It was painful to keep this to herself, but she didn't want to break her facade.
She was supposed to be the tough one, would Rainbow Dash like her if she was showing weakness ?
Her mentor was in front of her, looking at her. Did she know she was afraid ? Was she judging her ?

She could stay here, if she stayed here she was safe, nothing would change, but was it really what she wanted ?
Not really, no. But was it worth the risk of losing what she had ?
Would her idol still respect her ? She knew Rainbow Dash probably wouldn't abandon her if she was weak, but doubt was there.

She wanted to do it, she had to be strong.
For months she had yearned that feeling.
She had to face her fears.
She was weak, she was strong, now all she had to be was herself.

Her decision made, Scootaloo took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
One step was all it took, it felt wonderful. Everything she expected and then some.
Azur surrounded her, the smell of the wind. This awesome feeling of falling forever.
Just for an instant, all of that was hers. It was perfect. It was glorious.

Then, just when she thought it couldn't be better, Rainbow Dash hugged back.

Next Prompt : Travel

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