HEROES 365 members · 863 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Group Admin

This is a nice group, maybe alittle more organization in the stories section though, wasn't sure the best place to put my Mare Do Well story, wasn't sure if Pony or not so I put it in Main. But overall I like it, a good place to keep a collection of Hero themed stories.

Group Admin

1188966 i know that if it was but it not i will like help to keep this group organization but i do not

i need sowe rules for this group ok if you can help ok.

Group Admin

1189149 Ohh, I would like to help. I never used group settings before though.

Group Admin

1189237 the group settings i do not know to use them two so we can lean how to use them ok and welcome to HEROES.

Group Admin

1189237 Hey what is the rules of this group right now the rules are is the Heroes have two save a Demension or two this is the rule of now.

Group Admin

1189288 Thanks for the welcome.

Hmmm, sounds like good rules.

Group Admin

1189381 you are welcome but what other rules do me and you what to see here?

Group Admin

1189413 Hmmm. Only rule I can think of is that the story must have at least one main character that is a hero.

Group Admin

I took a look at the group edit system. Later today, I'm gonna work on a banner, and start developing some groups to help organize things a little easier for people to find. I'll leave the ones you have up already and add some.

Tell me if these look good.
1: Daring Do Stories (Stories focusing on Daring Do)
2: Mare Do Well (Stories focusing on Mare Do Well)
3: Spidercolt (Stories with Spidercolt as the focus)
4: HiE Heroes (Stories with humans heroes)
5: Ponified Heroes (Stories with ponfied human heroes, like Ironman, Marvel Heroes, and so on)
6: OC Pony Heroes (Stories with original pony heroes)

Group Admin

1189698 nice banneri am it two and that will be find buy me the Heroes for the Story has two save lifes two on Earth or Equestria ok.

Group Admin

Thanks, it was kind of quick so if someone comes up with anything better can switch it.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 11