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I been getting into learning more about zebra's and lands they are from and I began to ponder. Most times when thinking of shamans like zecora or something similar to them they often have ties to the spirit realm. Sometimes even performing a bond or contract with a spirit that would often enhance their own abilities. Imagine if zecora was one such shaman with her already knowing bit of alchemy and potion making with her having innate ability to communicate with spirits, animes, etc.

Imagine if you will after bonding with a spirit that zecora had the capability of performing spells and abilities you normally see a unicorn. With the spirit lending its power to zecora and even helping tap into zecora own power to use In similar manner to unicorn. I'm kind of having hard to explaining this, I want give some animes and even jrpg as example when a character bonds with spirit, demon, etc it grants them great power, some of it tied to who they tied to but same time own latent ability's that is brought to surface as the being is the conduit allowing that person to tap into it.

I often imagine that zecora powers were shown when tirek showed up with her being immune to his magical ability to drain magic do to her bond with the spirit. So imagine the fight with twilight and tirek but imagine zecora fighting in similar but different manner and she using the spirit she bonded with to fight tirek. ^^ Not sure if anyone agree's but if someone is bond with spirit I think it greatly increase their powers. Imagine zecora using this and knowledge of potion making and I see her giving likes of tirek trouble. Hell I imagine applebloom being zecora apprentice and even fighting along side her with her own spirit protecting her. But what you all think? What kind of abilities you think zecora would have outside of just potion making

I’ve always seen Zecora as more of a Druid type character. She doesn’t try to control magic; she keeps her ears open to let magic control her.

In keeping with her spirituality, my depictions of Zecora are mildly clairvoyant, unnaturally lucky, and able to read others’ goals and intentions at a glance (which explains why she was the resistance leader in the Season 5 Finale Changeling timeline).

As far as fighting goes, she’s middle aged and not as spry as she once was, but I can imagine a youthful Zecora used Confusion Fu, similar to current Pinkie Pie. No need to wield fancy laser blasts of your own if you know where your opponent’s hits won’t land. Also, fun fact: Zebras here on Earth can kick much harder than any breed of domesticated horse, and can do so very quickly and repeatedly. So not only is it hard to land a finishing blow on Zecora, it’s also incredibly difficult to stand up to a barrage of her parry attacks.

Might as well dip into self-shill territory. Here’s a very short, barely 1600 word showcase of how I have Zecora deal with her home being beset by a of Timberwolves and one hybrid Umbrum.

Unshakable bravery is needed to live peaceably in the Everfree, and nopony can ever truly be prepared for the fearful creatures that turn up on one's doorstep in the dead of night.
Casketbase77 · 1.6k words  ·  83  0 · 1.2k views

Using runic wards, trust in Karma, and a lot of life experience, Zecora keeps cool and stays is in complete control of the situation from paragraph one.

A lot people think zebra magic, alchemy, an potion making be on par with any zebra. If zebra could use magic like unicorns I always thought best bet is contract with a spirit. The more powerful the spirit the more powerful that zebra would be, but not everyone can contract with powerful spirit.

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