Changelings Need Love Too 2,337 members · 1,539 stories
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I'd like to request assistance in coming up with the proper terminology for a specific pony-changeling relationship type.

Within the context of the 'verse I work in, most changeling nests are comprised solely of changelings. Some, however, will take on a few ponies as being members of the nest, giving the nest a source of immediately available love as an emergency reserve. Please note that this is not the fanon stereotype of conversion, where a pony is magically transformed into a changeling - the ponies involved in my scenario are, and will always be, ponies. Nor is this a case of enslavement - the ponies are seen, by the changelings and by themselves, as equals, and are willing parts of the nest in question.

I'd like, if possible, a single-word term that can describe the relation of these ponies to their home nests. The concept, as I see it, is basically individuals not related by blood or marriage, who are nevertheless considered to belong to or be part of the extended family group. The concept does have some overtones of adoption, but it's not an adoption by a single individual, or a single family - it's the adoption of the individual by the nest as a whole, without necessarily having any further narrowing.

Can anyone suggest a good term for this relationship type?

Resident ponies, hive-bounds, s'klnns (made up languages from bug creatures don't have to sound good to us).

Are you going to give each hive a name? If that's the case why not borrow the usage form the anime DanMachi? They use the term Familia to describe friends not related to them selves but apart of a group they are apart of. Ex: My name is Silver Script and I am Familia Love-gaze. Well I hope you figure out what you want to do. Good luck with your writing.

I lean towards the familia suggestion, or cousin/aunt/uncle. Honestly it would help to know more about the biology and culture of the changelings you have made.

Familia, I think that is perfect for a relationship like this, Icarus_Con_Queso. Also if you need help with anything else I could always help. If you that's ok with you??

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