Changelings Need Love Too 2,336 members · 1,539 stories
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So I am writing the backgrounds of all of my characters for a story before I write the actual story. That way I'll have a solid platform to build off and it will probably just make things so much easier for me. I don't really need help with my OCs, but all thoughts are welcome. What I actually need help with is what I'm calling "seed chapters."

They're the stories about random characters throughout the entire tv series. I'm using these chapters to build the world and to break up the tragic parts. There are ten seed chapters and to give you an example: Gilda loves Rainbow and only acted the way she did out of anger because she thought Pinkie was trying to get her crush. A crush she can never act on because her family is griffin nobility and it is illegal to be gay there. I came up with this one and I will be using it, but this is your chance to influence the entire world I'm going to build before I even begin... Interested?

Just give me a character from the show and an idea that either, builds their character, or shines a new light on them. They don't need to be long. Just give me something to build off and I will take it. If I use your idea I will give you credit.

Here are my OCs if you need ideas or guidelines.

So a brainstorm?

Well, being fully honest I looked at the OCs and... this is the edgiest weeb sh... stuff I have ever seen. I know I'm no one and you will most likely feel insulted by my comment rather then get any constructive criticism, but you should go easy with those OCs. I can't visualise a fanfic with so many divers characters. In your example with Gilda, you mentioned some griffion laws, so are you expecting people to brain storm the setting for your fic or you already have plans. How long are planning the fic to be? Personal suggestion is to choose 1 or 2 of your OCs. You probably already know all this, and I'm just being an autist.

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