Changelings Need Love Too 2,337 members · 1,539 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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the story had Scootaloo as a changeling and she had to choose between her friends or her family
it ends with her last rites after she was mercy killed

Sweet Baby Chrysalis, that doesn't sound like a fun story.

I was pretty sure I knew what story you were thinking of until you mentioned how it ended. Holy crap is that bleak.

(... I just found out the story I was thinking of - Quorum Sensing - has a sequel. I am afraid to read it.)

Wooo boy, I have no idea what story that is and I really hope someone finds it for you so I can avoid it. Although a part of me is curious how choosing between friends and family can lead to some situation so bleak that getting killed is a mercy.

cause in that story, changelings need their horn to sense and feed on emotions, and Rainbow ended up breaking her horn off
edit: found it

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