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allow me to ask a question that I think we've all asked ourselves once or twice, and yes this thread is indeed about the royal sisters, how is prince blueblood related to Celestia? The only clue we get is that he is Celestia's nephew, but i must ask, how so? Did Luna have children? Is he indeed Luna's great X ten(or more) grandson? Or is there a third royal sibling we are unaware of? Is it cadence? We never get any info of whether or not she is actually related to the sisters, and she's only slightly older than twilight, which would make blueblood younger than her, but he appears older. He is also a unicorn, which raises more questions. does anypony have a theory? I'd like to hear it

I think of Celestia and Luna as key descendants of a past king, but said past king had lesser siblings as well as cousins and the like.

I suppose maybe it's like the British royal family? I think that, originally, alicorns were rare but not that rare. Then, as time went on, their bloodlines got expanded out until they were around non-existent. I think of alicorn-ness being a recessive trait.

I don't particular view him as a nephew directly, but maybe more like a nephew-in-law that's somepony's cousin marrying somepony's other cousin.

But, then... darn... the more I think about it, the less it seems to make sense. I don't really have that solid of a headcanon on this at all.

lol what fun is there in making sense?
but for serious, it really is confusing to think about, especially since we just have so little to go off of. i do like the thought that celestia and luna are children of a past king though, and although your theory of hi being a nephew in law and the relation between cousins is confusing, but I do think it could work... somehow

I saw a fanfic that handled the issue of Blueblood by making him an alicorn himself who hid his wings and adopted an abrasive personality because he was sick of ponies in general and wanted to drive himself right out of public life by making his company intolerable. His jerkishness was a deliberate facade hiding a secret heart of... more jerkishness, but at least he had some insight into himself deep down.

It wasn't a good fic overall, but it was a good idea for how to handle Blueblood. It was amusing and justified him being on good terms with Princess Cadence and Princess Celestia. They weren't the ones he was sick of.

I think my favorite take on Blueblood comes from The Best of All Possible Worlds, where the Blueblood lineage is kept around to be useful idiots when Celestia needs a patsy, and whether they actually understand their purpose or not seems to vary from one generation to the next. They're deliberately decadent, faux-evil Chancellors who exist to propose strawman policies and lampoon the worst excesses of the nobility.

I heard Faust said that Celestia and Luna have no siblings or children, and that Blueblood is a distant cousin of theirs, many times removed. Apparently he was originally going to be a duke, but he was made a prince instead since younger viewers wouldn't know what a duke was.

My headcanon is that he is a duke but calls himself a prince because he thinks it'll make him more popular.

As for why Celestia and Luna keep him around... yeah I have no clue. Then again Celestia wrecked her own gala on purpose, so keep in mind just who it is we're talking about here. The gods work in mysterious ways!

Wow that actually makes a lot of sense I never though of it like that:pinkiegasp:

He could be a nephew simply through title, I have heard that has happened in royalty.

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