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Happy 'May the Fourth Be With You'.

I'm actually heading to my local movie theater in a few hours, because they're actually playing Phantom Menace in commeration of its 25th Anniversary now

Have a nice day at the theater, and May the Force be with you.

P.S.: If by any chance you see a guy in Jar Jar Binks costume, RUN.

ZFTim #5 · May 4th · · ·

Luckily, there was no guy in a Jar Jar Binks Costume. But on the other hand a bunch of fellas where doing Lightsaber Fights in the City so that was great. And it was really great and satisfying to see the Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul fight on the big screen. I always love the choreography of the Duels in the Prequels and seeing that on a big screen was just amazing


Glad you enjoyed it. Now to wait until next year to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Revenge of the Sith.

I still remember where I was when I first saw this trailer. It wasn't in a Theater, and it wasn't on TV; it was in the Boys' clothing section of Mervyns in Dallas, Texas.

I went to rewatch it in one of my local theaters today.

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