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King Kyoryu Red's transformation device and sidearm is the King Gaburicalibur, which he uses in conjunction with the God Kuwagata Zyudenchi.

Zyudenryu Gabutyra + God Tombo + God Kamikiri + God Papillon + God Hachi = King Kyoryuzin

I wanna see a King-Ohger Special featuring the return of Daigo Kiryu, AKA King AKA The Fanged Hero Kyoryu Red


Well, I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait until next month for Daigo's triumphant return. In the meantime, here's our first full look at his new form.

Wait, WHAT?! It's NOT just a promotional thing for the collectibles??? They're actually doing that?!? Are you being for real???? :pinkiegasp:

That's a good Kyoryuger style epithet. I got one that'll tie in with the King-Ohger theme;

The Brave King, Daigo Kiryu!


Just in case you needed more proof of Daigo's return in King-Ohger.

It''s REAL?! Like, really REAL?!? :pinkiehappy:


Oh it's real, all right. I'm guessing Toei did this to make up for not being able to do a proper Kyoryuger 10th anniversary special due to Kyoryu Pink's actress retiring.

Any news on a Trailer release for it yet??? Doesn't seem like that far away


No, not yet. Scans will most likely pop up sometime near the end of the month.

Hey, do you think they'll come up with a dance like the one in the Kyoryuger outro?? That'd be a nice throwback


It's a possibility, They could also update the ending theme, Minna Atsumare! Kyoryuger, similar to when they updated Super Sentai Hero Getter during the Gokaigers' guest appearance in episodes 28 and 29 of Zyuohger.

That'd be nice. But I think I'm leaning more towards the Kyoryuger style dance. Seeing the 6 kings dance and imitate their Shugods; Kuwagata, Tombo, Kamakiri, Papillon, Hachi, and Tarantula. That'd be kinda funny to see, y'know?


So according to a recent Twitter post, the episodes of King-Ohger that Daigo will guest star in will be 32 and 33, which will air on Oct. 8th and 15th respectively. Not only that, but Koichi Sakamoto will be directing those episodes as well.

Wait so it's NOT a separate special?! It's gonna be CANON?!? That's a pretty unique twist.

And I've never heard of him. But from the search I just ran, he's been a fight coordinator for both Super Sentai AND Power Rangers. Ain't that something? And you're saying he's gonna be DIRECTING? Like, in charge of the whole shebang, not JUST the fight coordinating???


Well he did direct both Kyoryuger and its Korean sequel Kyoryuger Brave, so it makes sense.

Say WHAT?! I never knew! Real talk, I only skimmed the wiki page detailing the work he did. I didn't get to the directing part. Well either way, I guess your right. It DOES make sense


Hey, remember what I said about scans most likely popping up near the end of the month? Well lo and behold, we got scans on the penultimate day of September!

New information! So far, from the latest episode of King-Ohger, it looks like it's not Kyoryu Red who gets sent to Terra, it's the other way around. The King-Ohgers get Isekaid to Earth!! And apparently it's NOT Daigo who becomes King Kyoryu Red, it's a kid who goes by the name "Prince", and he's getting backed up by 4 of the OG Kyoryugers, Ian, Nossan, Souji, and Amy. From what I've seen, Daigo and Utchy will NOT make an appearence. That said, it's ONLY the first part of the crossover, there's always a chance they'll show up in the second part. Either in the midbattle turn of the tide moment or at least in a post battle cameo. I mean they GOTTA show up. Daigo's at least gotta show up, it's not a Kyoryuger crossover without Daigo, y'know?!?!

Anyway, who wants to bet that this Prince kid is Daigo and Amy's son??? I'm totally betting that he IS!!! No matter what the answer, and no matter whether or not Daigo and Utchy show up, I will be grateful for this crossover. I mean sure, I'll be bummed the original 6 won't all be there, but I'll still be grateful


Oh I've heard, and if Prince is indeed Daigo and Amy's son then he must be from the future because, if he'd been conceived between ToQger vs. Kyoryuger and episode 32 of King-Ohger, his age in 2023 would be 8 years old at most. Maybe an incident occurred around the time the King-Ohgers arrive on Earth where Daigo and Utchy get captured which lead to them being killed, and Prince was sent back in time in order to prevent their deaths from happening.

Next month, King-Ohger vs. Kyoryuger continues with the return of King Kyoryu Red!

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