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For the third year in a row, we have a main Rider whose name starts with the letter "G".

7967373 Well if you want to get technical. Kamen Rider Outsiders, Black Sun and Shin will be coming out between them.

Gavv? Very interesting title name for Kamen Rider.

Does anyone have best guess on this name cause I have no clue about the name TBH with you?

Awesome, is that coming after Kamen Rider Gatchard?


Okay, how about this? It's the third TV series in a row where the protagonist's Rider name starts with "G".


These were the first rumors that dropped last month:

  1. Will use the theme "Martial Arts" and "Animal"
  2. And will also have food elements for the collectible items.
  3. The collectible item is an item in the form of "Snack"
  4. Will have 3 riders at the beginning of the series
  5. For drivers, it will have a handle, and have a monster face that is like eating a snack.
  6. The monster's mouth will move up and down like chewing if the handle is used.



Author Interviewer

so "Gavv" I imagine would be rendered as "gabu" in Japanese? Which I thiiiink is the onomatopoeia for biting something? so this might just track!

Edit: Oh yeah, I was just reminded that's what Kivat said when he would bite Wataru. :O So if this all comes true, we can see if they do a better job with the main toy gimmick of that Dino Souljers sentai series or whatever it was called XD

Martial Arts and Animal, eh? Just like Gekiranger!




Here are some new rumors for you guys to...CHEW on:

Kamen Rider Gavv motif is gummy, purple, blue color & weapon is potato chip knife

2nd Rider (debut in october) motif is chocolate, color is red & white, weapon is chocolate gun

Feels like they're really going for a "satirical" vibe with these costume designs, doesn't it? Oh well, I guess if Super Sentai can have its' satirical teams, so can Kamen Rider. I mean, it worked with Ex-Aid and Den-O

Author Interviewer

good fucking god XD



First look at the series logo and possibly the main rider's belt.

Author Interviewer

Oh my god XD

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