The Changeling Federation 453 members · 94 stories
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Word of warning: This is an M rated topic. Turn back now if that offends you

So, let's say you are a skilled changeling love collector. Your partner knows that you are a changeling. What spells/techniques do you use for your (ahem) feeding times?

I'm having trouble thinking of ideas beyond magically stimulating specific nerve clusters (erogenous zones, hot/cold receptors, etc.), physically manipulating the genitals with magic, and the whole "changing appearance" thing that changelings are famous for. Assume that the transformation is a physical change and not an illusion.

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If the changeling wanted to get love, then wouldn't the romance matter more? I mean, I don't know what your headcannon is on how they get love, but manipulating a mare's nerves like she was just a vessel for love would get old quick.

I mean jeez, treating it like a real relationship, because I assume there must have been a spark there somewhere, gives you more stuff to work with. Besides, if it's just mindless sex, that's lust. Maybe it still works, but probably not as well. So it would be to the changeling's advantage to establish more underlying reasoning and feelings, and reap the benefits of a more pure love.



To be honest if the partner already knows that you're a changeling and is cool with it then you seem pretty set. Any changeling can turn into a hot stallion/mare and get some from a bar-dweller, having a stable relationship is something else.


Romantic love, at least in humans and according to Wikipedia, is made up of lust (immediate), attraction (short term), and affection (long term). Since evolutionary biology tends to settle with the easy, mediocre solutions, it would make sense that, while a long-term relationship might be wonderful, they can feed just fine on short-term feelings like lust and affection. This makes sense considering their shape-shifting ability and their comparison to succubi.

Furthermore, Chrysalis had ordered the changelings to feed during an invasion, when nopony would be feeling love. This and the comic series imply that changelings can feed in other ways beyond the long term relations.

Which brings me around to my original point. There is a changeling and his pony partner in a relationship. How, during their sex, does the changeling go about stimulating the partner in order to increase lust output (and by extension affection and attachment)? Think about it; the (possibly subconscious) thought "this feels good" (lust) leads to "this person brings me more of the good feelings; I like that" (affection) and then "I don't want to lose this person/pony and I don't want any other to have him/her" (attachment).

And AgentSnail, by manipulating nerves, I mean creating false touch stimuli, like for instance that the changeling's penis feels like a vibrating dildo, or that the skin feels extra cold or hot, when in reality there is nothing unusual there.


Chrysalis had ordered the changelings to feed during an invasion, when nopony would be feeling love.

Just putting it out there, considering her invasion plan, I wouldn't be suprised if she completely overlooked this. I mean, I love Chrissy, but she really needs to leave the planning to others.

The thing is, your OP seems to indicate a long-term relationship, hence the confusion in regards to what you are actually asking. Now, if it's just spells your after then I guess enhancing sensations (more pleasure etc), increased stamina, ridges or bumps (more physical manipulation). I don't really know, maybe they're just naturally good in bed and don't need to cheat?

Yeah, well there's being gifted in bed, and then there's magical augmentations to that talent...

On a side note, I think that those fangs changelings have are for more than just show. Maybe they have a venom of some sort? Like spider venom digests the body of whatever it is injected into, my headcanon is that changeling venom "digests" the mind (i.e. It's an aphrodisiac of epic proportions, possibly even love-poison level).


Eh, I tend to be fairly flexible with my changeling headcanon. My only rule is that:

1. They are not mindless creatures that exist solely for the protag to kill, gaining the adoration of the Equestrians.

Honestly, I can see the fangs being used to 'drain' love, a bit like a vampire. The love-venom could also work, maybe a bit like certain ticks and bats, where a numbing agent is injected while they feed to keep the victim co-operative. Instead with Changelings it increases love or lust, whatever works.

On a side note, what is your opinion on diet. Do you think that they solely survive on love or do you think they can eat normal food in a time of emergency, but that can only last them for a few weeks before they cark it?

My own head canon is that changelings feed on the magic generated by ponies and the love flavors it/makes it edible, thereby increasing their own magic reserves. An analogy would be that a pony in love (making magic) is like a plant (making sugar). Negative emotions would be like poison to a changeling. Then, the changelings have to eat solid food to nourish their true bodies and give their bodies something to grow with without using magic. Both magic and matter are needed in their metabolisms, so a lack of either will kill them.

I agree with your rule. In my story, changeling are actually very smart, since the hive mind lets them share memories/thoughts.

What are your thoughts on non-changelings being converted into changelings?


I don't do it, I don't really see why a race that seems pretty desperate for food would go out of their way to change a pony into one of them.

*Glances at userpage*

Oh, you're THAT author. That's kinda different if it's in regards to the fic I think it's about. Um, well I just don't see how it would happen, but like I said i'm not too fussed when it comes to headcanon, hell I change mine in pretty much every fic in regards to changelings.

As for the food issue I agree... kind of. I have it as I mentioned above, as in they can eat normal food to survive for small periods of time but I agree with the magic thing. I always thought that the reason feeding was harmful to ponies was not because of the loss of love but rather because of the magic drain. I mean, they still eat the love but they also gain magic, making them stringer etc.

I even had a theory that (and some people hated this btw) when growing, if a nymph gets more love then it also becomes stronger, smarter, more magicly powerful etc. (yes, I do prefer nymphs, because baby changelings are one of my few weaknesses.)

Sorry i'm not much help, the stuff I write doesn't really focus on in-depth changeling life, mainly events and... new arrivals which tend to paint them as saints in comparison. I've got a fairly solid core of changeling characters however and a Chrysalis origin story is in the works (ever thought that Chrysalis seemed far more hateful towards Celestia then the situation demanded?) but I feel the need to practice writing (only been at it for a few months) before I go into in-depth world building and social investigation.

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