The Changeling Federation 453 members · 94 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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I'll get straight to the point.

Most fics I've read put the changeling society to a negative light. I see them often being one era back in technology, using feral and primal societal forms, corrupt to the bone governments e.t.c.

Generally I see changelings used as an excuse for people to go all "Darker and Edgier". While I am not necessarily against it I've grown bored of reading the casual "Changeling society is bad/hive mind oppression" fics that depict the ponies as saints in comparison and generally put the ponies at the feet of "Pony Master Race" while the changelings in general are pictured as Chrysalis's
"Henchmen" "Servant race" or "Clone Army" call them whatever you want. Giving the excuse for the few "Special little snowflakes" to deviate and lead the way to the merciful ponies.

Now this isn't a thread about how about you're wrong or stuff. In fact there are fics out there that are quite interesting to read in that perspective, and I certainly don't shut myself from reading them. But at times... I get tired.

So I am looking for something "Interesting" per say... to read. I am looking for stories, or at least YOUR interpretation of a changeling society that is admirable.

Do they practice philosophy? Arts? Do they use the hivemind as a family? Does solidarity work with them? Are the changelings superior and why?

When you respond to this thread do reply to this post so i get notifications. I will also likely copypaste this thread somewhere else.

You know my work and my ever-growing views on changelings and society...

It's a fun hobby.

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3975204 You know how I try to stalk you on skype never to find you? I do too :*

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I came up with an individual approach. Since in my story Changelings are the result of bio-weapon magic to transform an alicorn mare to a changeling queen, their traits are those of designed weapons. The hive mind connects the queen with the drones and vice versa. This means that the queen feels every pain of the hive to a certain degree and leads the drones away from harm. For the perfect weapon is one that can strike again and again, this design delivers the Changelings the perfect survival mechanism. The Queen will never allow her hive to die since she would feel all the pain as well.

Only exception: The Changeling Princess. Unlike the drones, the princess is not bound to mindless obedience. A drone obeys, thinking the queen and/or princess knows best, a princess has her own thoughts, plots intrigues and can aim for the place as queen instead of the queen. This of course doesn't mean that drones are mindless if not following orders, simply that they obey royalty. Whatever a drone does in its free time is not touched much in my story since it doesn't have Changelings in the main focus, but have an interesting sub-plot.

Ponies are not the saints here, ponies did this a long, long time ago. What cuel mind designed that race of parasitic bioweapons? Well, read my story. Only so much: Changelings in this approach aren't as mindless as first thought. In fact, once they found out about this, they were furious. Imagine you find out that the only reason that you struggle with survival is that someone had put a mare into a machine a long time ago. For certain you would deem that slavery and rebel against whatever forces are responsible for this.

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3975257 Well while this falls on the other side of the extreme making them as weapons wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

REGARDLESS if you link me your fic I will be sure to give it a try.

3975186 I know exactly how you feel. So I wrote this story: Alone. I guess a lot of people feel the same way, as it got featured on EQD.

Group Contributor

3975342 Oh? How do you get featured on EQD?


I submitted the story using the sbbmission form they provided. Two months later one of their prereaders got back to me saying they liked the story and had a few edit suggestions, which I implemented. Two weeks later it was featured. Another story of mine, Filial took almost three months and three re-writes from submission to being featured.

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3975428 Maybe It'll be a good chance for me to actually write something good.


The only way to know is to submit your story and then take the critiques of the prereaders seriously. Oh, and of course, I suggest you get some help editing the story first. If it's too rough then it might get rejected outright.

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3975472 You could take a look at "Precious Soul of Mine" and see how you like it.


Sure, by it might take a few weeks as I have a very time schedule right now with two on-going stories, a contest entry I'm writing and a full-time job, wife, kids, dogs, birds, etc...

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3975506 LOL whenever you can bro.

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Trail of a Shooting Star is a series of mine, a mature HiE story. Halfway of Book One the Changelings make their appearance. They then make their occasional appearance now and then and also have nasty surprises for the humans later on.

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3975602 Will definitely read later.

Group Contributor

I'd say check out "A Novel Tale" by Blissey1

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