The Changeling Federation 453 members · 94 stories
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Some ideas I had for Changelings that I'd like some input on. It's for my story Steel Reign (which will be coming out of hiatus soon).

To start, Changelings haven't always been Changelings. Thousands of years ago, they were a different race altogether: Tieflings (otherwise known as "batponies"). Their empire, known now as the Old Kingdom, or First Empire, was the most powerful on Equis, the equivalent of modern day Equestria. That ended, however, when one of the empire's princes, Cocoon (now called Cocoon the Betrayer) destroyed the First Empire in a civil war and laid a curse on the Tiefling race and their lands just before his death. The curse turned Tieflings into Changelings, shapeshifting empathic vampires, and turned the lands surrounding the First Empire into a savage wasteland, the Hinterlands.

Unable to feed on each other's emotions and too weakened to take over any other race for feeding purposes, the Changelings were doomed to slowly starve. Their numbers declined over time until only a single city was left: Acheron, located on the edge of the Hinterlands' northern deserts, not far from the border of Equestria.

The Changeling attack on Canterlot was a last ditch effort by their current Queen, Chrysalis, to secure sustenence. It was a very unusual kind of attack that they aren't used to performing. Changelings, like their Tiefling ancestors, prefer using their superior technology and overwhelming force to relying on stealth and espionage, but were simply too few to have any chance of succeeding using their normal tactics. There was little to no evidence of their technology during the invasion simply because they could not bring very much of it without comprimising their disguises. Changelings typically use their transformation abilities simply to adapt to their environment and to make tasks easier. For example, Changeling melee fighters will usually shift to a somewhat "anthro-ized" form - bipedal, with the forehooves turned into hands, though otherwise unchanged from their normal form - to allow for easier manipulation of their weapons.

Present day Changelings (the story takes place roughly 35 years after the show) no longer have to worry about starving to death (for reasons too complicated to describe here), but they are just barely beginning to recover. When the First Empire fell, much of its technology was lost as well, and the extremely hostile environment of the Hinterlands serves to complicate matters further. Their hostile environment slowly shaped their society as well. They have little in the way of visual art. Most of their structures and tools are built purely to function, bare of any aesthetic touch. Instead, they put great importance on audio art. Singing is a major part of their daily lives: they sing while working or even marching to war. Their ability to sing two different notes at the same time lends an eerie quality to most of their music.

2012208 Question. If changelings came from batponies, then how does Luna have batpony guards?

Group Contributor

2012208 Changelings are herbivorous/emovoric Equine mammals that are closely related to ponies and are capable of magic, flight, and shape-shifting. they feed on various plants and positive emotions, though like all equines, they can eat meat. their myriad insect-like features tend to lead to many misconceptions, such as that they are insects, have a hive mind, or that the queen is the mother of every changeling in the Swarm. these beliefs are all wrong. A changeling can change into any animal or being roughly their size for a maximum limit of three days.

Changelings are found everywhere except the far north and the Crystalline Raj (not to be confused with the Crystal Empire)

they come in several distinct body shapes, divided into two Mega groupings: Royal and Common. Royals have long lifespans, whereas a commoner has an lifespan similar to that of an earth pony.

under most circumstances, changelings of both body types will have eyes of green, blue, or purple.

a royal-specific type, these changelings have fluffy golden manes, gold eyes and wings, and can absorb 10 times more love than normal.
Goldmanes tend to work as advisors or scholars.

a Common-specific type, Grounders have purple eyes and no wings. they tend to be maintenance workers

red-eyed changelings capable of becoming invisible. Common vanishers often make up the royal bodyguard or are assassins. Royal vanishers tend to be military leaders

a specific type of common changeling that specializes in demolition. What that translates into is a changeling who had the same build as Big Macintosh, but is about a foot taller, with orange eyes and a particularly sharp-looking set of fangs. they also tend to be surprisingly intelligent.

Common changelings with yellowish-green eyes and foot-long fangs who dig tunnels. they tend to be less intelligent than normal, and tend to speak inarticulately (Me good digger)

pretty much that. just white changelings with red or pink eyes.

the rarest mutation, blackshells combine traits of all other mutations, save for albinos, though their eye color indicates the ability they are best at.


Changelings do not live in hives. a changeling castle is usually a stone construction on the levels of Canterlot in complexity, with myriad tunnels underneath. a changeling castle is actually more like a small city, full of businesses, separate houses, libraries, and of course sports arenas and the castle itself. a group of changelings is called a Swarm.

though the majority of a changeling is furry, the shell on their back is a hard keratin whose color determines Swarm affiliation, but turn brown if the changeling does not have a Swarm, or change color when a changeling switches Swarms.

the hierarchy is similar to that of ponies, with a few exceptions. there is the working class, who run businesses, grow food, and manage profit. above them are the soldiers, the royal guards, bodyguards, and assassins. then there is the "upper crust," the advisors and the council of seven. at the top is the royal family.

the Swarms themselves have an organization. each country has several Great Swarms, among which is the High Swarm, which rules the others. there are other lesser Swarms scattered about. Chrysalis is the current High Queen of the Swarms of Equestria.

Soldier Ranking in order from least to greatest
cadet, soldier, commander, Captain first-class, Captain second-class, General, High-General

The Council of Seven
Essentially changeling Parliament. the ruler turns to them when the advisor cannot help, and they are in charge of ceremonies and executions.

Country Relations and Monetary Units
Changelings are actually relatively peaceful (the attack on Canterlot being the result of Chrysalis succumbing to Emotion Sickness, which can cause temporary insanity and is caused by changelings feeding on too much of one emotion), and tend to seek trading agreements rather than battle. they currently hold peace with Equestria (following the events of the alicorn Nyx's short-lived reign), Camelu, Tarandoland, the Crystal Empire, and most other countries.

the Quid is a small obsidian coin worth several hundred bits.


My dear mother and Queen of the High Swarm, Chrysalis mainly spends her time... honestly not doing much. sure, there are a few proclamations to be signed here and there, but mostly life is simple. Before the peace, her Swarm used the old "infiltrate" method. sneak in, get some love, sneak out.

Fun-loving, Queen Ovi has her home in Las Pegasus, close to the Antlion Swarm. Jovial and very promiscuous, her Swarm obtains love by means of running the local bathhouse/brothel.

My grandpa, known for his quick decisions, pinstripe suit, and fedora, runs the Organization, a group which has deals with the Equestrian Mafia in Manehattan, trading weapons... er, I mean he runs a pet store. his Swarm runs the Alicorn Hotel, one of the best hotels in Manehattan.


Myrrh is a normally kind queen, with her underground castle situated in the Neighave desert. thousands of years of her ancestors living in these conditions has led to Myrrh and her Swarm to their pointed hoof structure (helps with burrowing in the sand) and common changelings having more pincer like teeth. They would often pose as tour guides within the nearby cities and towns, and lead caravans astray towards the hive. They would also use their magic to create hallucinations of oasis' to lure in singular, lost, and weary travelers.


a small nomadic swarm that is fond of the sewers of large cities. Miasma herself is a very vain and snobby queen who tries to appear better than she is. She has two changelings follow her around with incense burners wherever she goes and douses herself in perfume as often as possible. One wonders what is worse, the rotten smell of the Swarm, or the overwhelming stench of sweet perfume contrasting with it.
Although trying to appear noble and sophisticated, the queen has a very bad temper and can turn from sweet to sour in mere seconds.
She also has very bad table manners (and taste), and won't even stop short of literally rolling around in her food. It's not helped by the fact that she has holes in her cheeks so you can see her chewing even if she has her mouth closed. The Swarm's old method of gathering victims wasn't very sophisticated, ranging from cries of help from out of a gully to simply waiting for somepony to get stuck in their secretions while drunkenly wandering about at night.


The Nekropolis Swarm and its queen Calliphora is probably one of the most elusive and least explored Swarm in all of Equestria. They make their home in graveyards, feeding off ponies’ love by posing as ghosts of dead relatives and loved ones. Usually they move into already existing family graves and crypts and only set up rudimentary constructions and decorations. They have little to no contact with other Swarms and are actually often purposely avoided by them, for the simple fact that, even if it sounds unbelievable, even other changelings are creeped out by them. Beside their macabre living conditions, the biggest reason for this are their appearance and their general behavior. While they appear even more “perforated" than other changelings, with colors reminding of dead leaves and decaying matter, their most distinguishing and disturbing feature is what appears to be a second set of eyelids that they can close vertically and, while see-through, allows them to block out most light. This is important because the Swarm is almost exclusively nocturnal and thus reacts pretty badly to bright lights. Their general behavior has so far been described as “sort of otherworldly". They tend to buzz around with their second set of eyelids closed, seemingly without direction, or huddled in dark corners, humming quietly, as if listening to some inner voice. Perhaps this stems from the fungi they consume and the various gases present in a graveyard. Nevertheless the hive never falls into ruin or disarray. When an intruder appears, the hive is immediately at full alert and goes into attack mode without so much as a whisper. Many a pony has already found themselves thinking they just walked into a zombie pony attack when the coffin lid next to them flew off with a loud hiss. One should take special precautions when a full moon is out. For some reason, it sends the Swarm into even more of a trance and a strange sort of dancing motion above the graveyard it currently resides in. Any intruder is immediately killed on sight, but one can usually tell and avoid these events by keeping a lookout for red eyes dancing in the sky like fireflies.


Myxine is somewhat strict. This Swarm lives in hollowed out caves along the shore. Usually they would either play the drowning to be saved, or save the drowning, as they mostly do now. Sometimes they would build sharp spires underwater and try to navigate ships into them. Sometimes they’re lazy and just simulate a shark attack by swimming with their horn looking up over the water like a shark fin. They are a pretty small Swarm as ponies aren't all that big on seafaring. Overall they’re pretty pragmatic and a direct contrast to the Honeycomb Swarm’s song and dance.


The Honeycomb Swarm is known to prefer hot and humid areas of the Everfree. In contrast to other Swarms they don’t necessarily build their lair as a city, but may simply hollow out trees. Their favorite method of trapping ponies and other intruders was to disguise themselves as dancing females and to lure males into their sticky traps. They usually waited for their target to weaken inside the trap, so they can more easily apply hypnosis spells. If they are not outside dancing and creature walks into a trap all by its own, it may take a worker weeks to notice it, which usually leaves a lot of creatures to die in the humid heat. Their queen, Ambrosia, is quite curious and rather playful, but often will harm her victims that way cause she has no concept of, and doesn't care about their natural limits. Some ponies say she is rather beautiful - for a changeling.


Changelings are part of a larger group of four insect-winged pony types, known as Flitterwings. all share the same taste in food.

mostly despised by the others for thinking themselves superior, the flutter ponies disappeared long ago.


Close relatives of the changelings, glamourlings are narcissistic creatures who tend to value their well-being over all others. They are more 'beautiful' than changelings; with lithe and sleek white bodies. What sets them the most apart is their abilities. While Changelings can change their own forms, the glamourlings use 'illusions' to project hallucinations over those they have a grudge against, confounding them in their memories and tormenting them without ever getting their hooves dirty. their leader is known as the Shahbanu, or "Queen of queens." (pictured)

They also are huge lovers of 'mirrors', hence their affinity for crystals and polished rocks and sparkling minerals. The 'Crystalline Raj' is an isolationist nation and has thus far been keen to avoid entangling itself with much of Equestria.

Flightless, shaggy, short, with long tails and short horns, Puka can shapeshift and teleport, but little else. they live in cold climates.

Changelings tend to adopt local holidays and put their own twist on them, such as Equestrian changeling's Hearth's Warming traditions of placing holly branches and salt on windowsills to ward off draugrs (the Windigo king Red Rimefrost's elite guard of 30 ash-grey windigos) and scattering quids to appease the Krampus.

Shadow Eve is a global holiday that takes place three days before the Equestrian holiday of Nightmare Night, and is celebrated with scary stories.

the Festival of Lights is celebrated by all changelings, and bears many similarities to similar celebrations in Neighpon and the Hidden Kingdom. the mares don long colorful robes, while stallions partake in displays of swordplay. paper lanterns are hung around the castle, and music is played. it takes place on the same night as the Equestrian Winter Moon Festival.

Shape-shifting and other abilities
a changeling's shape-changing is limited to them turning into any four-limbed organism roughly their size. they can hold any shape for a limit of three days before needing to change back. similarly, a changeling with a broken leg will have a broken leg no matter what shape it takes.

Changelings, along with gorgons, nagas, and lamias, have the highest poison tolerance of all equines. Their highly efficient livers and kidneys allow them to eat Black Morrigan, a relative of poison joke that contains a mixture of various toxins which can kill a pony in under an hour.

While enough positive emotions can heal minor injuries, a changeling that loses a body part can never re-grow it.

the Krypsk Nemankas Koorvil
The Arena of Death (literally, “place in which those found guilty of serious crimes much worse than thievery are pitted against a large beast”) is a large part of the life of all non-nomadic Swarms. all changeling castles have this large covered amphitheater, which is used for both executions and simple sport. each Swarm has their own arena beast which makes its home in the arena.
Black Azog, a Kryyshhshh (Thunder Serpent), the arena beast of Chrysalis's Swarm. she likes to be scratched under her chin.

Breeding behavior and Foal-rearing.
as with most sapient beings, changeling mating habits are a private matter. Stallions who are part of a Swarm will only take one wife, whereas rogues will form harems of up to 20 mares.

Changelings are doting parents, always taking good care of their foals. while the foal is carried for the normal 11 months, they are nursed for roughly 5 years.

Changeling Flu: a simple disease that causes a changeling to change shape with every sneeze.

Emotion Sickness: caused by feeding on only one positive emotion, as opposed to a mixture. This disease causes symptoms similar to Megalomania, Superiority Complex, and partial insanity. thankfully, it is easily cured by cutting off the flow of said emotion.

Form Lock: when a changeling cannot turn back to normal for some reason. cured by plenty of bedrest.

Shift Fever: a disease which causes the changeling affected to undergo a strange and nonsensical transformation, with certain individuals sprouting purple feathers, and others changing shape every time they sneezed. It is fatal unless cured within forty-eight hours by means of a potion consisting of Black Morrigan, Golden Joke (a very rare poison joke relative that changes the species of those who touch it and is cured by eating the flower of the same plant that affected them), cockatrice scales, timberwolf bark, and manticore venom.

Crops, Livestock, and royal pets

a small and fast breed of chicken distinguished by its black plumage, roadrunner-like build, and clutches of 12 eggs per hen.

Golden Salmon
used for caviar, this fish is a beautiful gold color and can grow up to three feet.

Changeling Melon
a large and very sweet citrus fruit that can grow up to 2 feet in diameter.

Changelings have developed 16 separate strains of corn, all of varying ear sizes and colors.

Certain rulers have pets that show their high standing and act as symbols of power.


Chrysalis's pet thunderbird, Storm is essentially the "family heirloom" of the High Swarm, originally belonging to Metamorphosis himself.

Refraction's pet Kneazle, a magical feline with a lion-like tail

Ovi's pet Niffler, a small mole-like beast with a penchant for finding gold.

Music and Instruments
Foremost for most ceremonies are bagpipes, flutes, and the Carnyx. the Carnyx is a battle Horn made in the shape of a male thunder serpent, and is designed to sound like the beast as well.

However, changeling music varies wildly, and is often startling in its complexity.


A ruler who doesn't really like the title of Queen and mostly enjoys time alone.


the Merrow, or sea changelings, are less adept shape-shifters than their land-dwelling cousins, and cannot truly fly, though their wings give them a gliding distance of up to a mile.

Merrow are found in the Emerald Waters, near the country of Concordia, and are ruled by Queen Pistol (shown)


Changeling marriages are simple things. the bride is led up the aisle by her father, brother, or occasionally oldest son. the bride and groom exchange vows, and kiss.

however, that is just the ceremony.

before the wedding, the groom must meet with the bride's father to exchange a "bride price," essentially, "what can I give you and what can you give me?"

gold, jewels, fruit, and animals are common gifts. in the event of a divorce, both parties are repaid the full amount or a rough equivalent

Mixed Species Marriages

only recently have changelings begun the prospect of mixed species relationships. these pony-changeling couples cannot have foals, due to changelings being so genetically removed from the main pony line.


Changeling funerals are solemn things. the deceased are lain on an alter and cremated. as this happens, the members of the Swarm light their horns to help guide the spirit into the afterlife. after the burning, the bones are collected. most will be buried, but rulers get their skulls stored in the catacombs beneath the Swarm's castle.

Taking the Throne

future rulers are trained from an early age, but not as strictly as in other races. the elite of a changeling Swarm do not consider themselves better than the common class, and they freely mingle.

each ruler creates their own spell, which the next ruler learns. in this way, the High Swarm's ruler would for example, know every spell from Metamorphosis's advanced forging spell to my mother's improved hypnosis spell. I am currently working on my own creation, a mix of a Fear spell combined with the Hellfire spell.

the ceremony is grand, but short. the future ruler dons purple robes, ascends to the throne, and places on their crown. the previous ruler will take their blade and tap their successor's shoulders, then step down from the throne as the new ruler takes their stead.


Compare wasps to honeybees and you have a relatively good idea on what these beings are compared to normal changelings.

They form groups called Nests of roughly 100-strong underground, led by a queen, usually next to a town or small city, in order to feed off love and positive emotions, such as joy. They stand about roughly the height of a pony, and they have clear, dragonfly-like wings on their backs. However, instead of a shell on the back, they have moth or bumblebee-like hair.

There are four roles in a pseudochangeling Nest: guards, workers, gatherers, and queens; all of which are important to the security of the hive.

Gatherers are the most numerous in a Nest, generally amounting to about half of the population. They go out into the world and transform themselves into ponies to gather positive emotions, usually choosing to gather emotional radiation rather than drain others by force, like most modern changeling Swarms. They usually gather their emotions by seeking employment in a career that would normally elicit joy, love, or gratitude; psychologist, baker, and nanny are all examples of the jobs they take. In order to make themselves more believable as ponies, each one practices a special talent from a young age, sometimes even posing as fillies and colts when young to attend school!

Workers are responsible for the upkeep and expansion of the Nest, in addition to ensuring the safe and proper storage of collected love. They are generally bulkier than either workers or soldiers, because they are the main source of physical labor in the Nest. The workers are also responsible for distilling the emotions that the gatherers bring into concentrated emotional essence. Some clever queens capitalize on this; they sell any excess essence they have on the market to earn money, as the liquified feelings magnify the effectiveness of certain potions.

Every member of a pseudochangeling Nest occasionally has to do guard duty over the vital areas of the Nest. Those whose main career is guarding, though, amount to roughly 10% the population. These individuals act as the leaders in combat, being the field commanders of the Nest.

Pseudochangeling queens are the leaders, responsible for overseeing every aspect of the Nest. They possess power roughly equivalent to a gifted unicorn or pegasus, they are not quite as physically or magically able as other queens. The queen, though, is generally much smarter than the rest of the others in her Nest, and possesses an IQ of roughly 30 above average; in addition to towering over her subjects. There is only one ruling queen in a Nest at any given time.
Transforming is also harder to do, requiring more energy to maintain and form a disguise, although they have the unique trait of being able to hold a disguise after being forcibly knocked out. In addition, it also is not uncommon for these creatures to live away from the hive and only return to give up their emotional payload.


Enslavers are among the most hated creatures in the world- by changelings. No-one knows for sure where they came from, but it is rumored they evolved from ancient groups of primitive changelings who were driven out of their Swarms - loners who were forced to come up with new tactics.
Without a Swarm to fall back on, these creatures still realized that a Swarm would provide them with all they needed.

An Enslaver usually begins by sneaking into an existing Swarm, masked by special pheromones, and steals a few foals. Some will be used directly as nourishment, as they are saturated with love, and some will be kept for later use. As the changelings grow, the Enslaver showers them with pheromones to put them under mind control. When they eventually reach adulthood, they send them out in the enslaver's stead to collect love. The Enslavers have adapted so well to this lifestyle that they’ve lost their ability to transform and fly. Their horns and wings have atrophied, instead giving way to pheromone glands all over their body. They stand a bit taller than the average changeling and don’t seem to have any offensive weapons left, instead often running away and abandoning their “Swarms” as soon as they are found out.

Although an Enslaver’s pheromones are amongst the most powerful found - they can be used to confuse and incapacitate other changelings - a queen is still able to “sniff them out”, so they have to be very careful whenever they get new foals. They don’t mind the risk much, since their consequent enslaving allows them to live a life of luxury and laziness. In a cruel mockery of the original Swarm, they are the self-styled rulers of their little “family”.


an ancient lineage of changelings whose line stretches back to the first changeling king Metamorphosis, the Roachanovs are the most respected of the changeling royal families as well as one of the most influential powers in the world, having footholds in Equestria, Camelu, Eponia, the Griffin Kingdoms, Concordia, and their ancestral home of Neighpon.

at current, the majority of the family dwells in Equestria, though they still have their palace in Neighpon. currently, the family has many surviving members:

Chrysalis discussing important topics with her grandfather.
the Witch-King
the oldest surviving member of the Roachanov clan, mostly due in part to the fact he was a powerful Witch in life, and remains a semi-powerful lich in the form of a skull. He currently serves as a leading Member of Chrysalis's council of seven, essentially between the senate and the Queen herself

the Dragonfly of the East
the most brilliant military leader among the changelings, Prince Pincer is Chrysalis's Uncle. He resides in the Imperial Palace in Neighpon when Chryssie is gone.

the Wasp of the East
Chrysalis's younger sister who lives in the Imperial Palace.

the Kami-Queen
The current High Queen of the changelings (and my mom), Chrysalis has worked on treaties with other Equestrian Swarms as of late, integrating the Hagfish, Honeycomb, Miasma, and Nekropolis Swarms into the larger changeling conglomerate.

Chrysalis's oldest child, in training to be my Royal Advisor. she's fun-loving and has the highest IQ of her generation.

the Mad Prince
Crown Prince of the Changelings, Prince Staghorn is popular with both his subjects and other races, and is responsible for forging the peace treaty with Equestria following the Canterlot Incident. However, he is prone to small episodes of insanity and rage when stressed, scared, or hit in the head.

Chrysalis's youngest child, doted upon by either her older brother or her nanny Cerci constantly. Pupa is only 10, with a curved spine, underdeveloped wings, a withered foreleg, and a lazy eye. she loves her mother unconditionally.

My son, training to become a scholar.

Metamorphosis's twin sister, the next in line after me.

the most recent member of the Roachanov family, my little albino filly! she's a bit grumpy, but tolerant of other foals.


the Damselfly of the West
My dear Wife, High-General of my Mom's Swarm.


Illusion spells in the armor. It's the same reason why all of Celestia's guards are white. Tieflings are also slightly different. They all have both wings and a horn (which is why Changelings have both), and their coloration is closer to Nightmare Moon's than Luna's guards.


Too long. Didn't read (not all of it, at least).

Is this official? It certainly looks like it is.

Group Contributor

2012298 Nope! made it all up!

Here is where you can find it broken down into chunks:

2012298 He's Prince of the changelings, of course it's official.

You (or a group of people) have certainly put a lot of thought into this haven't you?

That's pretty awesome stuff right there.


I'm with Templar22 on this. You even have pictures!

...Lucky bastard...

Group Contributor

2012543 just me!:twilightsmile:

2012615 thank you!


By the way, just a little off topic, have you started that vampire story yet? I haven't gotten anything saying I have a new google doc shared with me or anything.

2013286 I have started it, but I'm not doing it on google, I'm using open office instead just cause I'm used to it. I haven't gotten too far unfortunately, I had some trouble coming up with some new OC's for the story. I also decided to add a bit of a D'aaw factor to it. I won't give too much away but it involves Scootaloo.

:twilightoops: I hope you didn't turn her into a vampire. True vampire or otherwise.

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