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I'm getting a bit worried. I've noticed several threads devolving into shitstorms recently, and I think some of them could have been avoided if people would just take a few moments to think before they post. I have a few things I would like to say to the different groups of posters involved.

Okay, someone has just posted a controversial topic or opinion. Before this gets out of hand, stop and think about the situation.
- Do you have a working sarcasm detector? I ask because I've seen multiple occasions play out something like this:

Person A: "Hitler was right."
Person B: "OMG, WTF is wrong with you?!?!"
Everyone Else: :facehoof:

- If you're going to make sarcastic remarks, do us all a favor and separate it from any serious remarks in your post. When it's all blended together like, "Serious remark. Serious remark. Serious remark. Hitler was right. Serious remark. Serious remark. Serious remark," then it's easy to see why someone might think you believe everything you're saying. This goes double if you have a history of making controversial statements, which brings me to my next point...
- Your posting history affects how others perceive you. The more active you are in the group, the more your reputation gets solidified in the eyes of the other group members.
- Don't try to compete for the last word. Getting the last word does not mean you win. More often than not, it exacerbates feelings of hostility and provides more chances for things to get personal. Both the pro-skub and anti-skub camps are guilty of this.

Controversial Opinion Posters:
If a post looks something like this,

then prepare for a lot of angry posting. Here are some things to keep in mind.
- There is nothing you can post that is above criticism. Expect beliefs to be challenged, especially if they are open to interpretation (or provably false). Criticism is not a personal attack or a gag order. It's an opportunity to see things from another person's perspective.
- There are non-Christians in the group. There aren't very many (about 6 or 7 active posters that I know for sure), but most of the time, they'll be the first to lay on the criticism. You see all those downvotes? You see how there are more of them than active atheists in the group? That means the post has pissed off more than just the non-believers (more on this later).
- There is a right way and a wrong way to respond to criticism. Doubling down and playing the victim card after being called out is not going to win any sympathy. Neither is questioning the faith of fellow group members.
- If you're going to debate, do your homework. Your opponents have, and more often than not, they can cite sources and quote chapter and verse to make their points.
- If you don't want to debate, don't engage in the first place. It's really that simple.

- If someone makes a dumb comment, give them a chance to gracefully retract it before going weapons-free. The difference between ignorant and stupid is that ignorant is a temporary lack of understanding, and stupid is deliberately choosing not to learn. Wait for them to prove themselves stupid before tearing them to shreds.
- Try to avoid addressing someone as, "You," when criticizing a post. It comes across as if you're making a direct accusation against the person rather than their arguments.
- Don't dogpile. If there are already 3 or more people picking apart someone's comments, there is little to be gained from adding another.

The Peanut Gallery:
- I know you're there, silently lurking. I see you in the voting on various comments as you judge them worthy or unworthy of merit. Speak up.
- No, really. I mean it. Speak up. The reason we keep having these "Where are all the Christians?" threads is because you're letting the non-Christians lead the discussion. If you're a Christian, and you feel another Christian in the group is misrepresenting your faith, Call them out on it. Don't let the atheists be the only voice of dissent (especially if the topic is highly controversial even among Christians).

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I'm going to bed.


BTW, Hitler really was right.


BTW, Hitler really was right.

"OMG, WTF is wrong with you??!"

Kidding, because I know you are kidding.

Actually, that post's not bad and I agree with a lot of this; we are prone to painfully immature behavior and it's about time that we handle dissent like adults. It's a great post, and opinion posters should know all the tips you gave them, but I think it needs a little more: I would still suggest expanding on the critic section, namely "there is a difference between being a douche and being a critic", which is very important for many reasons, namely because being a douche tends to be what keeps fights lasting a lot longer and being a lot fiercer than they need to be. Not to mention that some attacked people are probably telling jokes and the jokes fell flat. Attacking somebody telling a lame joke just makes you look like an insufferable SJW, and nobody here wants to look like that. Plus, douchey behavior tends to be timed and used in such a way that often looks painfully insincere anyway, all for the sake of looking good, but ironically, to me, it just looks bad.

Also, I'm not sure if "critic" is the right term. We should absolutely have diversity of opinion and let people disagree, conversations can become beautiful that way, but since FIMFiction's full of people who have a very different and broader definition of acceptable criticism than most people outside of it. As stupid as it sounds, I vouch for "objector" to get in the idea that people should object to the beliefs of others without unwarranted use of ad hominem.


BTW, Hitler really was right.

Well, he did want to improve all of human race. He was doing it for altruistic reasons. But yeah, good intentions don't guaranty good means to an end.


I've noticed several threads devolving into shitstorms recently.

Dude, as a lurker from the old days, this is nothing. Trust me.

4299051 Well put together man.

Yeah, there's probably more that can be said. It was late, and I had to get up early for Important Things. I just needed to get some stuff off my chest.

You have to admit he was on to something with that whole 'Autobahn' thing. It was such a good idea that we copied it for our own interstate highway system.

Yeah, I've read some of those old threads. That's the kind of thing I want to avoid, and I know I'm not the only one.

Great post! I agree with everything you said.

Group Admin

4299051 Thanks for this. Admins need to step up to, and I will remedy that shortly.

Glad to know I contributed something :twilightsmile: If you want me to add anything to the OP just let me know.

I expect a certain amount of crap by antitheist trolls, but the amount of Christians choosing snark rather than a spirit of love is what really concerns me.

I've noticed several threads devolving into shitstorms recently,

Well, seems like nothing has really changed in this group since I left it.

But it's about time someone addressed this, so thank you.

4476073 Hell, there's been so many flame wars in this group that we can probably make a top ten list.

4482850 That's actually a great idea.

In light of recent activity, I think this thread needs a bump for more exposure.

I endorse this product or service.

4694889 How upsetting is it that this thread's effectively timeless in this forum?

Unless new adminship is restored, I don't think people are going to take this thread seriously. It takes a strong leadership to keep order intact, which this group lacks considering how many admins quit sooner or later.

4695531 First of all, *intact

Second of all, I'd love to volunteer my services considering how frequently I pop in here and see shitstorms, but Proper Noun's said some things about her experiences adminning for this group that make me not really want to.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I wrote intact. See? :trollestia:

But to be serious, about what Proper Noun says, it's probably because she was one of the atheists running the group. But if this same thing has happened with every other admin, then that's interesting.

I actually just the other day contacted one of the admins and brought up the problems of the group and offered my assistance in managing this group. Yeah, I haven't really participated in this group a lot, and actually left for a time out of spite, but I've come back here with new found reasoning.

And to be fair, you know as well as I that I'm well seasoned in administrating a group which suffers from a lot of heated tensions. But knowing the conditions of this group are different than reviewing, I wouldn't be swinging around a ban hammer for every outburst. I've got a few ideas swimming in my head.

4694889 A shame I don't remember too many flame wars in this group.

Is there any compelling reason why there shouldn't be?


a member of the church?

First, off, this is not a church. It is a place for discussion of Christianity and Christian-related concepts. Yes, Christians may hold prayers and what not, but in the end, it's still highly encouraged to let non-believers in.

From the front page:

If you do not follow Christ, you are more than welcome to come and chat with us. Question us, challenge us, or just hang out and talk pony without the vulgarity that can come from this fandom. We're not exclusive here.


Sorry, but I have no intention of stopping until God explains a few things.

5478024 you know if you REALLY want God to answer... you might be better off asking those question to people who are qualified for it like pastors or theologians. Because these are people who studied those questions. I and other Christians can try to answer but we just haven't studied it that deeply.


I have. Their questions really weren't so different from yours.

And I'm kinda holding out for answers from God himself. Wether that happens when I die, when I'm alive, or at all, is up to him.

I will say that it's his silence that made me lose my faith.

5509139 it is just that... you are sutbborn in your view... kinda like those tumbler feminists/regressive lefts who believe that "men can't be raped cause rape is for women" and "racism is for blacks ONLY! White people can not be racially discriminated!" These people believe they are right and only their view is right and will not listen to other view and if they hear any other view they will be... and try to silence other people saying how it is offensive that these people have different point of view and that these people are jackass for seeing the world that way.


kinda like those tumbler feminists/regressive lefts who believe that "men can't be raped cause rape is for women" and "racism is for blacks ONLY! White people can not be racially discriminated!"

No, not at all. Those are both narrow-minded, extremist views, and Squirrel has not displayed anything like that.

These people believe they are right and only their view is right and will not listen to other view and if they hear any other view they will be...

Mate, your side is just as guilty of that as anyone.


Mate, your side is just as guilty of that as anyone.

EVERYONE is guilty of this view... and unlike Squirrel I am NOT seeking to be converted... BUT if Squirrel is serious about wanting answer from God... then maybe Squirrel could afford to be bit more open minded? cause right now she is kinda like a wall just like Crazy Jay is.


kinda like those tumbler feminists/regressive lefts who believe that "men can't be raped cause rape is for women" and "racism is for blacks ONLY! White people can not be racially discriminated!"

You do realize that there is only an extremely small circle of feminists that think that, right?

Have have you even been on Tumblr? Because it sounds like you've only listened to people complain and lie about Tumblr.

These people believe they are right and only their view is right

Literally everyone has this mindset.

and will not listen to other view

I have listened to those views. I just think that those views are incorrect.

and try to silence other people saying how it is offensive that these people have different point of view and that these people are jackass for seeing the world that way.

I have never tried to silence anyone. I do believe that you have your right to say whatever you want. But by that logic, I also have the right to say whatever I want.

and unlike Squirrel I am NOT seeking to be converted... BUT if Squirrel is serious about wanting answer from God... then maybe Squirrel could afford to be bit more open minded?

1) Isn't the fact that I'm looking to be convinced by your side a testament to the fact that I'm open minded.

2) Also, I'm not sure you understand what being Open Minded means. To have an open mind just means that you are receptive to the ideas around you. It does not mean that you have to agree with those ideas. Or even respect them.

cause right now she is kinda like a wall just like Crazy Jay is.

The only thing me and Crazy Jay have in common is that we're both stubborn. And he is much more stubborn than I am. For instance, if you were to prove that homosexuality is somehow harmful, then I would never bring it up again in a debate. I don't think you could convince Crazy Jay of anything.

Also, him being incredibly stubborn isn't the issue. His issue is that he's just plain wrong in his ideas.


if you were to prove that homosexuality is somehow harmful,

harmful=/= sin you know...
Paul wrote something about this

everything is permitted, but everything isn’t beneficial. Everything is permitted, but everything doesn’t build others up.

1 Corinthians 10:23
Homosexuality i\might not be harmful in wordily sense BUT it is harmful in spiritual sense... and it is outside of what God permeited as marriage

Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” 2 But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband

1 Corinthians 7:1~2
yeah it is sinful because it is outside of what God permitted.


yeah it is sinful because it is outside of what God permitted.

Then God is wrong.


Then God is wrong.

and? didn't you just said you want God to answer? How can he convince you if you are stubborn about it? That is like again a regressive lefts who tells people "I want to be convinced that my view is wrong" and when people gives some evidence she says "but you are wrong" Really do be a bit open minded about it. Bible may make you uncomfortable but you need to think that maybe something in this book has merits if you REALLY want to be convinced. HOW IS ANYONE IS GOING TO CONVINCE YOU WHEN YOUR FIRST REACTION IS "NOPE YOU ARE WRONG!"


When I say that I want God to convince me, I do mean him. Not you. Him.

Not you.


And besides, you really aren't saying anything worth considering. All your saying is that 'The Bible says it's wrong, so it must be wrong.'

And? I've heard it a million times, from smarter people than you.

And even if that weren't the case, you still aren't giving me and logical counters to my point. (Being that gay sex should not be a sin).

That is like again a regressive lefts who tells people "I want to be convinced that my view is wrong" and when people gives some evidence she says "but you are wrong"

1) You don't actually know any Liberals, do you?

2) You haven't given any evidence.

3) No amount of open mindedness on my part will stop you from being wrong. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that all opinions are correct. This is not the case.


When I say that I want God to convince me, I do mean him. Not you. Him.
Not you.
And besides, you really aren't saying anything worth considering. All your saying is that 'The Bible says it's wrong, so it must be wrong.'
And? I've heard it a million times, from smarter people than you.
And even if that weren't the case, you still aren't giving me and logical counters to my point. (Being that gay sex should not be a sin).

and? not even God can convince people who are dead set on not listing to his words
because even if he spoke to them in miracles... they will not believe his words and just ignore it.

“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

Luke 16:31
And he already gave his worlds- a Bible. So if Bible can't convince you then you will never be convinced.


I have no proof that the Bible isn't fabricated.

And for all your insults, you are just as stubborn as Crazy Jay.

5511380 I am not willing to depart from the truth... I am willing to tolerate the world and accept many different cultures... BUT I WILL NOT move away from the truth
but you said that you want to be convinced ... and yet you look at documents with a doubt? That is like me saying "I want to be convinced that Allah is real!" and yet i look at Koran with suspicion and doubt saying Koran is fake. Do you think it will get me anywhere believing in Islam?


but you said that you want to be convinced ... and yet you look at documents with a doubt?


Why am I expected to believe in God just because of the Bible?

If I gave you a book that proclaimed the coming of Azatoth, I wouldn't expect you to believe it.

I need evidence to believe in something. I need logic and math to entertain the possibility of something. You offer me nothing but passages in a three thousand year old book.


Why am I expected to believe in God just because of the Bible?
If I gave you a book that proclaimed the coming of Azatoth, I wouldn't expect you to believe it.
I need evidence to believe in something. I need logic and math to entertain the possibility of something. You offer me nothing but passages in a three thousand year old book.

that is a thing... to believe in a Bible you need faith.
Bible puts faith first...
Jesus said to Thomas who believed in him after seeing his resurrected body

Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

John 20:29
because anyone can believe something that they can see or can be "proven"
Bible is not about that... it is about Trust and Faith... Trusting the Lord that he will do the right thing and having faith on him even though we cannot see him
logic and math while important can not prove spiritual things.


Only idiots put faith above facts.


Bible is not about that... it is about Trust and Faith.

All religions are about faith.

That is like me saying "I want to be convinced that Allah is real!" and yet i look at Koran with suspicion and doubt saying Koran is fake. Do you think it will get me anywhere believing in Islam?

Have you read the Koran with an assumption that it's correct?

Why do you treat Christianity with faith while you treat all other religions with doubt? Don't you see the double standard you have? Do you not see that people of other faiths have the exact same double standard, just for their faith instead of yours?


Only idiots put faith above facts.

Christianity and Christian theology is about logic AND faith. You need faith to believe in God true but you also need logic to work out what God meant in the Bible. This is bases on how many Christian theologians worked.
And funny you should say that cause way of Bible IS idiotic to the world

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18


Ain't that convenient.

"Love one another."
Remember that before you post something.


5571821 thanks for necroing a dead thread

5571824 Sorry, I've been gone a while and the thread looked interesting.

Both the pro-skub and anti-skub camps

I love you.

it's okay to necro if it's a stickied thread r-right


Person A: "Hitler was right."

Of course no person should take this seriously. However, the base of dark humor is almost always the absurdity of the given topic. Now, Im not that sure if that was a real actuall post/comment, but if you really want to make a joke on it, make it funny! I know, I know, you are already reaching for the dislike button, but think about it:
Isn't it a little normie humor by itself only? I mean there are still people out there who laughts if someone says: "communism XdXd"...

This way we can avoid even more unnecessary attacks towards each other

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