Christian Bronies 984 members · 237 stories
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I've been writing a cover letter as I'm trying to get a better job and I mentioned a recent accomplishment, but isn't that boasting? Is that a sin?

I wouldn't say it's boasting. Being proud of accomplishments you've put the work into isn't inherently bad

It’s not boasting if you are listing something you have legitimately accomplished that shows you are qualified for a job.

It's not boasting if it's a statement of fact.

My stupid ADHD brain sees things as black and white so "avoid pride" becomes "never say or think anything good about yourself ever." I have, however, encountered an example of toxic pride, a person who will never accept help, always believes his way is the best way, won't acknowledge other's contributions. Is that what the Bible means by avoiding pride?

What you described are certainly manifestations of a prideful person.

Pride is ultimately self-love to the detriment of God and neighbor. This is why pride is the most deadly sin because it is the root of every sin. Every time I choose to sin, I choose myself over God, the creature over the creator.

The counter to pride is the virtue of humility, which is the simple recognition of reality, God is God, and I am not. Live accordingly to this reality. Blessed are the poor and spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!

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