Organized Shipping (Most Common) 1,334 members · 2,164 stories
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Might have something to do with the only admin for the group not logging in for eight weeks.


Can something be done about inactive admins? Cause a ship that got more stories than FlutterDash, Rarijack and AppleDash in the last year REALLY deserves a folder here.


Not officially, no. Someone could potentially petition the site's mod team to make them a group admin for an abandoned group, though I'm not entirely sure Tailslover13 is gone, since he's been on in the last month. Might be worth PMing him about the group, if someone were so inclined to want to take active admining duties over for it, since while you can petition it with the mod team, they don't really actually do that all that often. Groups are kinda treated as a 'self-governing, only intervene when sitewide rules are being broken' sort of thing, and this is definitely a self-governing issue.

When I was looking into this sort of thing with a different group I was wanting to spruce up, I got some great help planning a course of action for it from the folks in the Coalition Against Adminless Groups group, so I'd say start there if you wanted to try and take this on.


Well Tailslover is definitely still active on this site to at least some minor extent, they posted a big review blog post just a month ago or so, still they do not seem to be active with their group so I suppose the best course would be to PM them or something. But there would be need to be a possible replacement, if they are willing to cooperate anyway right?


Yeah, someone would have to take over to do all the organizing and junk. They'd need to promote at least one person to an admin position in the group, who would then be able to promote more people, change the folders around, redecorate the banner, etc.

4958805 I may have a few stories dedicated to the FlutterDash, and was meaning to make one on RariJack, but haven't gotten to that just yet.
On that note, our new Sunshine needs her folder, right now.
4958881 It sucks to see a group with no CFaptain to stear us clear of the reafs right ahead.

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