My Little Over Analysis 235 members · 201 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Group Admin

See a story that you think belongs in the group? Add it to the "Pending" folder, and make your case here. Please include a short synopsis of the story, what folder it belongs in (or if it requires a new folder altogether), and a potential starting point for users to explore depth.

Group Admin

There are currently four fics in the pending folder.

My Little Alicorn

Hooves of Clay

Good Enough

Ordem e Progresso

Sadly, I have only read My Little Alicorn, and I'm not sure it actually belongs in the group. Any opinions on these four are openly welcomed.

Group Admin

I could see MLA working, but I'm not so sure. Ordem, however, definitely works.

Group Admin


Ordem, however, definitely works.

Suggestion for which folder to put it in?

Group Admin

Possibly Themes, Dreams, & Schemes

Psyco Josho
Group Contributor

I actually put all those stories in there. :twilightsheepish: Now that I think about it more, My Little Alicorn and Hooves of Clay only explore interesting concepts, but are pretty straightforward. MLA is more concerned about telling a story while HoC is more concerned with exploring the consequences of actions with a bit of character study. I still think HoC could be good to analyze, but I just don't feel that MLA goes that deep.

As for Good Enough, I wholeheartedly recommend this to be put in Themes, Dreams, & Schemes, or possibly Mountains Out of Molehills (maybe, what would go in there anyway? :rainbowderp:) for its dealing with the subject of inadequacy. I'll leave it at that, it's only a bit over 6k words.


Well, it would fit there, but I think it would work far better for Open to Interpretation, because everyone who reads it will have a different opinion of the ending. Heck, everyone will probably have a different opinion of the beginning and middle too.

Group Admin

Noted. I'll throw Odem into open and remove it from themes. Mountains is for those fics where the depth is provided more from the reader than the text (it was, admittedly, a bit of a joke).

Group Admin

Should stories be allowed in multiple folders, then? Or is it a "best fit" call?

Group Admin

I think "best fit" is the way to go, helps keep the folder organized. I could be convinced, however.

Group Admin

Please discuss the recently added Deadlines and Doppelgangers for addition to a folder.

Group Contributor

I would like to nominate Sprocket Dogginsworth's The Hooves Of Fate. This story is a Fallout Equestria inspired story which focuses on the perspective of a filly named Rose Petal. Over the course of its first chapter, it delves into themes such as loss of innocence, anxiety over self-worth and the effects of paranoia and fear. With such high quality writing, I can only assume there will be more to come from this author.

Here is a link: Linkage

Group Admin

Noted. Keeping track of that one to see where it heads. Added it to pending in the meantime.

Group Admin

Saw this got added, does anyone have any thoughts?

Group Contributor

Well, I can't add stories to that folder and I haven't been able to add fics to groups useing the add to group button for some time now, so I'll just make my request here. My request is for one of my own fics. Don't know if that's frowned upon, but whatever.
Emancipation is set centuries in the future of an alternate universe where changelings have taken over Equestria. In that time, their society has developed individualism, and one changeling takes a public stand to improve life for the equine slaves. Although there is agreement, that agreement comes for all the wrong reasons.
That's about it. Hope some of you take the time to read it, I think it's my best (although the writing quality is shaky because it was one of my earlier stories.

Group Admin

You should be able to add stories to the pending folder, now.

Group Contributor

Well, I said I was going to do this when I was back in town on Sunday, but I had to etc. you know the rest.

SO. I started reading First Pony View last summer (as seen in the Mountains out of Molehills folder), and thought to myself, "I need to make one of these," and so that's what I set out to do, with a lot of the parameters flipped around, to essentially make it a semi-comedic remix:

P-Theory, or: The Life and Opinions of Robert LeCroix, Unicorn

As if the title wasn't a hint, and the synopsis doesn't make it explicit, the whole point of the story is overanalysis. I am basically going for the "Falcon 4.0" of being a pony (which, naturally, is also one of my all-time favorite games).

To be more serious and less flippant about it, I'm really into both science and art, and I think it's underappreciated how much of our psychology is a direct result of our physical circumstances, both in utterly banal terms such as how attractive we are, to the fact that we live on the surface of a rotating body orbiting a star. In this story I really want to get to the kernel of why, ultimately, someone suddenly being a pony would be surprising at all in the first place (there's a long monologue in chapter 3 about this) as well as why we draw the boundaries of ingroups and outgroups where we do, to the point that it would cause trouble for someone if they deviated too much (We are, after all, literally related to horses, in purely quantitative, familial terms, so why exactly would it be a problem if one of them speaks...?).

Something else I want to address, going back to the art angle, is stylization - The original show is incredibly stylized, but all those design choices actually have specific meanings - Things which only work because of how stylized the rest of the world of the show is - and how what we see doesn't have the same visual content as what everything actually seems to look like to the characters themselves. I mean, the reason cartoon characters have big eyes has nothing to do with the actual individuals those drawings represent and everything to do with the structure of the human fusiform gyrus, and how it renders faces to be semantically interpreted by the rest of our brain.

Another aspect of this story is the ontological coherence of the supernatural in opposition to technology - Magic would obviously have to play a big role in a story like this, but I want to explore the idea of how using any kind of process to achieve consistent results, such as what we would term a "spell," necessarily leads to pure Naturalism.

All of it boils down, I suppose, to the idea that you can't trust common sense.

And if nothing else, so far the only negative comments I've gotten on this story have been about, wait for it, overanalysis.

Finally, to stop you from scrolling, here is a drawing I made of Equestria, from chapter 1:

Group Contributor

I've added two stories to pending:
Friendship is Optimal
Fear and Trembling
Both are interesting ethical studies.

Group Contributor

Daring Dam because it's kind of like Inception with ponies.

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