Alicorn Twilight 2,860 members · 2,158 stories
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It heavily involved Twilicorn, hence why I posted it here. I can't find it. It was a good story, but I can't find it. I can't even remember what it was called. In it, we see cuts of Twilight's life-When she got into Celestia's School for gifted unicorns, moving to ponyville. It alternates between other scenarios-Starlight Glimmer failing the same exam, Trixie getting beaten (In this story her parents are earth ponies and her dad doesn't think she's his) for wanting to go to the school but it being to expensive, while Twilight gets a free scholarship. Big Macintosh being denied ballet lessons. Gilda probably won't be a wonderbolt because she's a griffon. The librarian Golden Oaks getting kicked out for Celestia's protoge. It ends with Twilight speaking to a class talking about how they can be anything they want to be. The whole point of the story was just how lucky Twilight was. It was a bit controversial, I recall. But if anyone recognizes it from my description, that would be really great.

I have not heard of that story, but if you find out I think I'd like to read it.

Oh, hey, I remember that. I'll try looking for it.

Do you remember the tags on it? It would really help in finding it.

Sadly, as far as I know, it's been deleted. Poof. There's literally no trace of it. Kind of a shame, actually. I liked that story.

Darn. That is a shame. I think it was a drama/sad tag. Where did you hear it was deleted?

I don't think it was deleted, but I can't find it. I'll have to look some more.

Do you remember the wordcount?

I remember that it was one chapter long. Did they say why they deleted it?

Like I said, I don't know whether it was deleted or not. I simply can't find it. And I know I've read it before, and that it has a cover of Twilight ascending, but other than that, and what you said, I have found no trace of it at all. I don't even remember the author's name. Do you remember the character tags? Anything would be helpful.

Am I starting to sound like a police officer now?

I think it may have had a drama tag, and a Twilight Sparkle tag. I don't remember the name of the author, but I think they said that they were a teacher IRL. It must have been published after the cutie remark, since Starlight's in it and it alludes to Sunburst. I think it had a quote from Twilight Sparkle talking about the hard work she needed to get to where she was.

It could be on Fimfetch or the Fimfarchive.

Thank you SOSOSOSOSOSO Much! With this website and the Magic of Google Advanced Search, finding it was a cinch! Plus I remembered that in one point in the story while being beaten by her dad, Trixie thought, "There is only Trixie" so I put that into the exact words bar and had it scan only that site for results.
It's called Aim for the Stars by Trick Question. They said in a blog
that they didn't like how it had turned out. But in the mean time, it's on fimfetch! Thanks for helping me look, guys!

Hi !
I'm try to find a old story, it was like this:
Celestia is going to die, make twilight an alicorn to rule with Luna,.
But Luna is not ok with it, Celestia is the pincess that every one need, not she.
So on the deat bed of Celestia, Luna give up her life so Celestia can live.
If I'm not wrong the story has a sequel with celestia and Twilight married and foal, but I'm not sure on this part
This story is still on ? what was the title ?
I have take a look at the stories with the tag Alicorn Twilight and ever to TwiXCle, but can't find it.
Help !

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