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"I have heard the others say that Infinity will last forever. I have also heard them say, that nothing can last forever. so I can not help but wonder then, what happens when we find out which is true?" ~Composer of Fate

Hello there all, Dollars here. I just dropped by to let everyone know that we are back in business over here at the studio, "after like, three years..." With this announcement it is my pleasure to unveil our new flagship, Infinity's End: Times Gone By.

This thing has been in the works for quite some time and has seen its fair share of ups and downs, but here it is! So if you like epic grand battles, or are more a fan of the cloak and dagger, this just might be for you. This will be a wild ride, full of adventure and mystique. Like a touch of romance? Or perhaps a hint of villainous redemption? We have that too!

Follow a broad story line filled with twists and turns as you traverse through Equestrias past, in search of a way to save its future. Time runs short and the secrets of magic unravel as both gods and mortals seek their own ends.

So come my friends, if you knew that your very existence was soon to end, what would you do to stop it...?

Rated Mature for - Gore - Language - Suggestive Elements - OC Alicorns - And more Gore...

Things to look forward to include - Good King Sombra - Filly Princesses - young Discord - Patches - And the rest!

Now, I know it can be hard to commit to a new story these days what with how many have gone the way of the dodo, but if you still need convincing here are a couple of preview clips. :twilightsmile:

Preview #1

Cold. A fitting word to describe the ancient and unyielding spire that arose from the darkened gale-swept plains that surrounded it. Sturdy and as unbreaking as the rock upon which it was constructed, built to be a lasting sentry in a land that offered so little to those few that remained. The few who still held true to a duty long since forgotten by most through the ages. A duty, a solemn promise made at the side of a fading light, that all it held dear would forever be.

So it had been, and so it remained. For countless generations, more years than many deities cared even remember, the guardians stood firm. Forever vigilant, forever waiting. They lingered here, in this monolith of crystal awaiting the day the Timeless Heart would thaw, bringing about fulfillment to all things.

Upon this night however, their wait would be over…

Need more?

Preview #2

With that single act, the room exploded into chaos. Daggers, bolts of magic, and arrows filled the air, striking shields or dashing against walls as bodies charged one another. Blades sang, shields rang, and armor clanged out in protest as its steel was tested.

Charging quickly the Griffons closed the distance, blades flashing in the light of discharged spells. The chamber filled with the uproar of swords as they met each other for the first time, howling for the taste of visceral fluid.

Phalyndil roared as he smashed into the line of defenders, the sound unreserved and primal as he swung for an exposed neck. His blade permanently grounded the unfortunate Pegasus in a single stroke, the spray of blood still in the air as he spun to face the next creature luckless enough to bar his path.

Okay, you get one more...

Preview #3

As he passed along the underside of the first set of boulders his eyes snapped up, catching sight of the runes carved into the natural ceiling. A small piece of insurance placed there the night before, in the event of unfavorable circumstances. It was a simple enough mark of three intricate hieroglyphs, one representing the Caribou word for fire, the next was pressure. The third, was force…

With a flick of his horn the light at the tip shot fourth and speared into the runes, filling the etchings with a warm glow that shone brighter with every second. Closing his eyes to protect them from the radiance that quickly consumed the subterranean passage the young stallion hunkered down, coaxing as much speed as he could glean from his descent.

A final flash of light and the tunnel entrance was consumed in a maelstrom of fire and smoke. Pulverized bits of stone and ice shot out the opening, pelting the yetis as the pressure slammed them back, hurling the beasts away in a cloud of debris. With an echoing crack the huge pair of boulders hanging over the tunnels mouth fell, their shattered masses burying the entrance and preventing pursuit.

Hope this tweaks your interest, and if so we'll see you over at the main story. Cheers!

Have a good one all and thanks for your time! ~Dollars

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