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Mine are

1. TwiDash
2. TwiLuna
3. TwiLestia
4. Twixie
5. OctaScratch
6. SunLight
7. SpitDash/FireDash (Rainbow Dash and Spitfire)
8. FireLight (Twiilight and Spitfire)
9. TwiRilee (Twilight and Cheerilee)
10. SunNata (Sunset and Sonata)

1. TwiDash
2. RariJack
3. Twimbra (Sombra x Twilight)
4. FlutterCord (Fluttershy x Discord)
5. PinkieCord (Pinkie Pie x Discord)
6. Twilestia
7. Dislestia (Discord x Celestia)
8. Twixie (Trixie x Twilight)
9. Soarin'Fire (Soarin' x Spitfire)
10. TwiDashJack (Twilight x Rainbow Dash x Applejack)

4324431 I don't really have ten, but I think Sweetiloo (Sweetie Belle x Scootaloo) is pretty damn cute.

4324531 lol thats fine, but people usually have more than one favorite ship, thats why i said 3, 5 or 10, those being the most common numbers when it come to favorites

1. Octascratch
2. Sunlight
3. Rarijack
4. Flutterdash
5. Sonaria
6. Raripie
7. Twiluna
8. PinkShy
9. TwiRariJack
10. Rarilight

4324431 But... Two out of my top 3 are straight... D:
Well... lets just R63 half of them!
1. Twilestia!!!
2. Sparity (or would that be Barbity)
3. Fluttercord (Though Flutteris rolls better off the tongue)
4. Appledash
5. Octyl Vyntavia? Those two music ponies that are polar opposites but look cute together, ok?

4324605 you mean Octavia and Vinyl Scratch? Many people call that ship, OctaScratch or OctiScratch.

Roll call. Again. Yes, we're all still here.


I don't have any really.

Group Admin

In no particular order:
And Princest. All the Princest (including Chrysalis)

At this moment, my favorite ships would be:
1. Twilestia
2. Rarijack
3. OctaScratch
4. FlutterDash
5. CaraMac (big mac and caramel)
6. SoarBurn

4324431 4324579

It's difficult to put them in any order, but here goes…

1. Sunset Shimmer x Twilight Sparkle
2. Rainbow Dash x Pinkie Pie
3. Twilight Sparkle x Trixie
4. Sunset Shimmer x Adagio Dazzle
5. Silver Spoon x Diamond Tiara
6. Octavia x Vinyl Scratch
7. Lyra x Bon Bon
8. Spike x Sweetie Belle *
9. Sonata Dusk x Pinkie Pie
10. Flitter x Apple Fritter

* Because of Sparity, it's a big challenge to write this in a way where Spike isn't just settling for Sweetie Belle as second best. Sweetie Belle deserves more than that. Spike x Sweetie Belle is a fine ship, but it needs a hell of a competent captain to sail it in the right direction.

I've not included any polyamorous groupings in there because it's hard to compare, but Twilight x Sunset x Trixie would be very high on my list. So would the CMC.

4324431 That's tough. Like, really tough.

1. Pinkieshy. Best ship period. :yay:

2. Twilestia
3. Rarijack
4. Flutterdash
5. Appledash
6. Twiluna. Wait, this can't be accurate, Twiluna needs to be higher up.
7. Celuna aka Princest
8. Twijack probably? Getting harder to decide.
9. Shiningburn. Somewhere in here.
10. Wait I'm not finished, where does Twixie go or Fluttermac or Vinyltavia or all the others ... I don't even. Why would OP do this to me? :raritycry:

4324914 lol you're not limited to 10, you can post more if you want lol

Flutterfire (Fluttershy x Spitfire)

4324951 Okay, I'm going to try again.

Tier 0 (diebetus): Pinkieshy
Tier 1 (other favorites): Twilestia, Rarijack, Flutterdash, Appledash, Twiluna

Tier 2 (honorable mentions): Celuna, Twijack, Shiningburn, Twixie, Fluttermac, Vinyltavia, Raripie, Derpyluna, Rarilight, Twidash, Lyrabon, plus probably ships I forgot.

I feel like this is more representative :twilightsmile:

4324431 Mine are

Lyra x Bon Bon

Vinyl x Octavia

Twilight x Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Twilight x Luna

Twilight x Fluttershy

Twilight x Trixie

Twilight x Sunset Shimmer

Twilight x Rarity

Rarity x Pinkie

and Sunset x Sonata with none taking a place in a numbered spot really. It just depends on how well written the story is.

4324431 RariDash is best ship! :raritywink: :rainbowkiss: aaaaaand then we have Twijack, TaviScratch, Princest, TwiDash, AppleDash, SoarinDash, FlutterPie :rainbowkiss: :heart: These are so damn beautiful :moustache: :moustache:

Right now, my biggest MLP ship isn't even romantic. While I do like the romantic ship, since my main series involves Coco Pommel and Babs Seed in a mother-daughter relationship, those two being in the show together--even in the same spot in a throwaway scene--would make me squee so hard.

I do really like Rarijack's dynamics, though (and the amazing RarijackDaily images are not helping with this), however, I also like Rarity with Coco and Spike as well...I am very indecisive when it comes to Rarity ships to the point where I'm like "if she ends up with somepony who isn't Blueblood, I'll probably be happy." I also like RainbowFire's potential, and someday, I have this really wacky idea that I'd like to do where Rainbow gets sucked into a stereotypical shojo manga as a variation on the Power Ponies idea and ends up falling in love with Spitfire's counterpart instead of the two overly protective guys she's supposed to fall for (even though she happens to be Sombra's lover in this universe...just don't even ask).

SunLight is also really sweet as well. I also saw this really silly fanfic where Donut Joe and Gustave bonded over their love for pastries and the dynamic is that the two always argue about how Joe's are too "common" and Gustave's are too "frou-frou," but the two end up eating each other's pastries anyway. Even though it was just a little vignette of a major crack ship, the idea of culinary Tsunderes bickering like that is just priceless for me, so I ended up really liking that dynamic, too.

However, if I had to pick a main ship, it would be Chrysalis and Sombra, mainly because I'd really like to see a good villain teamup romance. A lot of times, villains fall in love with heroes that I'd like to see the opposite.

Ship all the ponies!

Buuuuuuuut, if I had to pick favorites, I think the list would look like this at the moment:

1. AppleShy
2. RariShy
3. TwiShy
4. FlutterPie
5. RariLight
6. TwiPie
7. DashiePie
8. RariDash
9. TwiDash
10. FlutterDash

No, I don't ship Fluttershy or the Mane 6 too much. Whatareyoueventalkingabout?

1. Rarijack: That ship that is incredibly popular but is cursed to only be ridiculously lucky when it comes to artist, having lots of dedicated talented people on board who stick around for years but ridiculously unlucky when it comes to writers, with every seemingly dedicated Rarijack writer we might of had over the years seemingly only writing for a few months or moving on to write other things and/or never finishing their longer fics, so it has probably hundreds less than it should. Yet I stick around desperately hoping against hope anyway that we get some crazy dedicated person like Monochromatic (who probably literally makes up like a third of all RariLight) or Haphazerd (Who is basically the force keeping AppleDash competitive, almost every longish AppleDash in the last year is by them) one day.

2. SunLight: That ship that is probably actually currently more healthy and active when it comes to fic than just about any Mane 6 ship other than TwiDash, seriously iv seen way more SunLight since Rainbow Rocks than iv seen Rarijack, AppleDash or FlutterDash. But whatever it's great so yay.

3. RariDash: I Don't even know why I ship this as much as I do but when I watched Rarity Investigates I thought "damn they have chemistry, more than I ever got from Applejack and Rainbow at least".

4. Flarity: How is this one not more popular? No seriously this seems like the ultimate secondary ship for the AppleDash folks, easily compatible and stable like they go on and on about AppleDash being. Yet for some reason most of them seem to secondarily ship TwiDash which is way closer to Rarijack and FlutterDash which most of them hate, what? And whenever I see on any forum or EQD or whatever discussion post on what is your favorite intercharacter dynamic I always see people bring up the dynamic between Rarity and Fluttershy quite a lot, almost as much as Rarity and Applejack, Fluttershy and Dash etc.

5. RainbowPie: The once very mighty ship that isn't mighty at all anymore, unfortunately, always puzzled as to why it fell into decline while other early populars like AppleDash and FlutterDash didn't. Seriously there was a time when this was in direct competition for most popular ship.

6. FlutterDash: Some weeks i totally hate this ship, other weeks i love it. I don't know why, I just repeatedly sway on if it could work or not.

a few favs, cant think of all of them but heres a few any way.
crysallis x twilight
diamond tiara x any of the CMC


1. RariJack. Gotta admit at this point they're pretty much my OTP; they're amazing foils for each other, gloriously catty, and have a great distribution of similarities and differences, as well as ways to both upset each other and to complement each other.

2. TwiLestia. Twilight and Celestia have an interesting relationship, and exploring the power differentials with a actual romantic relationship, questions about favoritism in the past, issues of whether or not it is even appropriate, tensions regarding rulership and such things, the age differential, Twilight's inexperience and forthrightness versus Celestia's experience but greater tendency to hold things back... really, there's just a lot that can go into this to make for interesting stories.

3. CookieClover. Seriously. That is to say, Clover the Clever x Smart Cookie. I suppose you could go with SmartClever, but that'd be just silly. Yes, I know, they're historical ponies we know little about, but it is a fun pairing to think about. And I'm a sucker for historical stuff.


4. AppleDash. Great ship. They're great foils for each other, they have lots of axes of potential conflict, they're both bullheaded at times, Applejack can act to ground Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash can act to push Applejack forward, there is the whole lone awesome person vs family mare thing going on... lots of fun stuff.

5. TwiDash. Again, great foils for each other, with lots of potential axes for both complementing each other and conflict. Both can shore up areas the other are lacking in, both have reasons to look up to and appreciate each other, they can get into glorious conflicts about responsiblity and their role in the world...

6. Flarity. Fluttershy and Rarity are also interesting foils, and both have good reason to appreciate and look up to the other. But Rarity's nature can lead to all sorts of interesting conflicts here, ranging from her conceptions of herself as a lady while having to take the lead in the relationship, to Rarity's general love of attention colliding with Fluttershy. Fluttershy's sensitivity can lead to all sorts of unhappy things, as can her shyness, and there is plenty of room for conflict there about the spotlight - but at the same time, Fluttershy herself can initiate some things, and can see things that Rarity does not.

7. Shining Armor x Cadance. Yes, this is canon. Doesn't matter. They're actually a tremendously useful couple, not only as a beta couple, but also as stars themselves - they're heroes of another story, and can act as such, and can work in all sorts of backstories and side stories and separate situations. Their established relationship makes them easy to use as an established married couple, and dealing with kids, politics, work vs family, and all the stresses of their lives can all be rich ground for storytelling.

8. LyraBon. Okay, yeah, they're basically fan characters. Still, I love them. They're my favorite background ponies, and the stories told with them vary wildly but are often really awesome. As another "established couple", but this time in Ponyville, they're not only useful as a beta couple, but also as a means of exploring ideas without super important ponies being involved.


9. TwiJack. As a level-headed pair, these two can have a lot of more "mature" conflicts, more high-level, high-minded stuff. But it can also show off some great conflicts of priority and conflicts of lifestyle, with Twilight's status as a princess possibly creating tension with Applejack's mental image of herself as a simple, honest farmpony. They're also great for stories where the primary conflict is centered outside of the couple.

10. Twinkie. Twilight and Pinkie are great foils, and the pair can be adorable together, but also collide in interesting and potentially very painful ways. Twilight's responsibility and organization contrasting with Pinkie's responsibility and organization can lead to all sorts of weird conflicts, and their very different world views and sensibilities (and Pinkie's surprising intelligence) can lead to all sorts of interesting things.

I have a few.

1) FlutterHugger. I like this one for a few reasons. First, the way Fluttershy acted in Tree Hugger's ep seemed rather different than she interacts with the rest of the Mane 6. More physical contact, and getting lost in Hugger's eyes (seriously, why else would Flutters not even notice Discord trying to get her attention?). Also, their personalities mesh.
2) DerpyShy. It's just SOOO CUTE.
3) MarbleShy. See #2, times five thousand.

1. FlutterDash
2. Twilestia
3. Lunestia
4. ScootaDash
5. TwiLuna
6. TwiDash
7. ScootaBloom
8. Flarity
9. RariTwi
10. Twishy

Oh my gosh, that's not enough room. Ugh, here's more...

11. TwiDance
12. TwiLunestia
13. Cadesti- oh, screw it. Let's just be concise and say that any and all combinations of Princesses make me very happy.
14. TwiFlutterDash
15. And finally, of course, TwiFlutterRainbowPinkieRariJack.

The above list isn't necessarily in the correct order. The only thing that I guarantee is accurate is my #1 ship, since FlutterDash really is my favorite ship.

I notice, looking at it now, that most of my favorite fillyfooler ships involve Twilight. Considering I consider myself to be most like Twilight of the show's characters, I doubt it's a coincidence. Heh heh heh... :twilightblush::facehoof:

In no real order,
Diamond Tiara x Applebloom
Sunset x The Dazzalings
and finally Sonata Blaze

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