The Fillyfoolers 3,498 members · 3,963 stories
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For that is the question m8s. I'm currently working on a One-Shot depicting Chrysalis and the famous Flufflepuff and originally it was just gonna contain fluff and lovin's but I see potential for a clop fic. However, ever since my last clop fic, not Mute, a story that came directly after that, failed... Miserably, I'm a little reluctant to go back to writing clops. I feel like, I can't do it although I have a clop fic that's staring me in the face that has over 100 likes. And I know I have the skill set to write a clop, I just fear I'll muck it up again.

Since I'm terrible with decisions, I'll leave it to you, the audience! The people who I work to please! Which would you rather see?

A fluffy snuggle fest, or a clop with a side of fluff? You decide!

I'd like to see a scene with clop, but one that is not necessarily integral to the story. Perhaps two different uploads of the story, one being 'safe' and the other 'clop.' But either way, I'd read it. I love Chryssipuff!

It may just be me but... I think it would be nice to see.

4829661 Well it would be interesting to explore the difference between the way Chryssie feeds of emotional and physical love. I'm sure that Fluffpuff could give either one.

Group Contributor

I can't stand Flufflepuff. Send it to the glue factory along with Button Mash!

4829790 This post was obviously for people who do enjoy Flufflepuff, and was a question whether or not I should write a clop or not. Your input, unless it was suggesting a genre, was pointless and necessary. I don't know if you're just pulling my leg, but nobody asked you whether or not you enjoy the character.

4829661 Fluffy clop is best clop

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