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Group Admin

Now I've been off putting this for along time, partly cause I dislike Rainbow Dash and all her fan service, and partly cause of the massive shit storm this will create... possibly. So now we will tackle it. What is Rainbow Dash's sexuality, is she a tomboyish dyke or just tomboyish? Does it matter in any regard? Is she a pivot for alternative sexualities and emotions or are the bronies who like her reading much to into it.

Now I would like to keep this discussion intellectual so I ask you to forget or somehow put aside stereotypes of lesbians portrayed in 1980-2005's media and the common attributions given to lesbians or in this case fillyfooler from both lesbians and non-lesbians alike. I would also ask you to remember that until the rainbow flag was made into a thing of gay pride it, as well as rainbows in general, had absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality.

So tell me is Rainbow Dash a sister:rainbowdetermined2: or is she just faking it:rainbowlaugh:? :rainbowhuh:.



One of my theories is that Rainbow Dash is completely asexual. Whatever libido she has is completely sublimated by her mania for speed.

Group Contributor

My opinion has always been that Rainbow Dash is bi. I think she loves attention, and the intense emotions of a new relationship would attract her regardless of the gender of the other pony. Since I also see Equestria as being more tolerant then we are, I don't think Dash would think twice about persuing a relationship with anypony that expressed an interest and seemed "cool" to her.

(Slightly off topic, but meant to express that I don't see all the characters as bi, I think Applejack is a fillyfooler all the way. I think stallions would make her insane in ways that a mare wouldn't. Even if she was slow to come to the realization, my head-canon is that she would only be happy with a mare.)

Gabriel LaVedier
Group Contributor

I think she may be a homophile, in the sense that she relates better to and seeks friendship with her own gender, and her sexuality is ambiguous at best. In my headcanon she's a Filly Fooler all the way, but that's nothing special. The big deal is that she's now learning how to have a functional relationship. Her relationship with Gilda was probably of the "motorcycle momma" variety with both of them being extremely extreme and somewhat antisocial. Now she's in a relationship with the ultimate mare next door, a hardy, hard-working farm lass who is a real straight-shooter. There's to be no game-playing or strange encounters.

Not so oddly, I'm doing the same thing with Gilda, as the former boozing x-treme idiot settling down with a mare that can be her match.

Personally, I kinda see her as BI curious at best. As 505565 said, my opinion is that she hasn't really engaged in/sought a relationship as of yet due to her lifestyle. She's more focused on her goals of being the fastest flyer and getting into the Wonderbolts then settling down with a colt or marefriend.

I'm a TwiDash shipper though, so naturally she leans towards mares in my book :rainbowwild: But that's just my opinion, that she hasn't really taken the time to stop and figure out what she likes.

I think, as others have said, that she hasn't taken the time to think about it. But, I agree with bookplayer, in the sense that she would end up with whoever she thought was cool enough.

I don't think she's bi and she clearly doesn't show interest in Soarin'. She takes a mad interest in Daring Do.

505496 I see a lot of the others think that Rainbow is Bi, and I am inclined to agree. That said in Echos of Dream Valley she is a Marelover but she is also with Applejack in the case, and when presented properly they work as a couple.

If I were to have to choose any mares in the mane six that is likely to be Marelovers I would think that Fluttershy or Twilight would be the most likely to be lesbians in canon. This is because neither of them fits the common stereotypes about lesbians in the first place. Fluttershy is very sweet and effeminate, while Twilight is a total brainiac. These types are not what is viewed as "typical lesbians".

Whenever I see this thread come up, it always makes me roll my eyes. This question isn't remotely original, and is barely thought-provoking.

The base problem with the question is that it stems from our society. Even when people answer the question and point out that Equestria probably doesn't have issue with the orientation of anypony, there is still this taint of our own society's rampant homophobia.

The thing is, that it doesn't matter what her orientation is. It is not likely to ever come up in the show and be canon, so it only remotely matters at all for the writers of fanfiction who will explore the idea. What is her orientation? Whatever the fuck you want it to be.

Once you fall into the trap of setting it in stone (in your own head) what her orientation is, you suddenly cut off any story that might be well-written that doesn't fit that narrower view. If you decide she's bi, you cut off stories that have her firmly as a lesbian. If you decide she's firmly a lesbian, you cut off stories that feature her being attracted to any males.

What is important is that because her orientation is undefined, you have free reign in a story to sell a particular orientation. In another story you can throw all that out and sell something else. Her orientation is whatever it needs to be to make for a better story.

The problem with ships like SoarinDash isn't that "she's clearly a lesbian and would never be attracted to any male, let alone Soarin'." The problem is that Soarin' is a boring character, and there are issues with ethics in any Dash x Wonderbolt relationship. Can these problems be overcome? Yes, but they need to be, and it can be a barrier to some writers to do so elegantly.

TwiDash isn't the superior ship because "she's clearly a lesbian and would never be attracted to any male." It's superior because both characters are very interesting, and the chemistry they have together is great to explore. They have their share of problems too, which can be barrers to some writers to handle, but it's pretty obvious that those barriers are lower.

This isn't the sort of thing that you can just poll the crowd and get the right answer. Indeed, doing so is harmful to your ability to be a better writer. The question should remain entirely internal, and the answer can change from story to story. The real question is: Can you write Dash as _____ and make it believable? Would writing her that way make your story better than some alternative? The answer to the first is yes, and the answer to the second is highly subjective to the context of the story being written, thus impossible to poll the crowd on. It's a question for yourself, your muse, your editors, and small feedback group. Not a theory question, but a practical one.

All of this extends to the rest of the characters, not just Dash.

And you, necroposting is annoying. These posts are from 99 weeks ago. Why didn't you start your own thread? Lazy fuck.

Comment posted by alysdexia deleted Oct 20th, 2014


Never is a rather strong word.

She is clearly impressed by Soarin. Whether that is because he is a Wonderbolt, or because he is male, or both is a point of debate, but your argument is invalid. Try harder next time.

Also: This is not few:

3718955 That is a bow. She doesn't invade his personal space. My argument stands. You don't bow, curtsey, or grovel to your love interest; you flirt, follow, and beckon.

TwiDash is the most popular ship group and folder on here; your readers like a challenge but the ship isn't canon, which the best ship is. They need alternate universe tags.

3719034 They are dancing, simpleton.


TwiDash is the most popular ship group and folder on here; your readers like a challenge but the ship isn't canon, which the best ship is. They need alternate universe tags.

By that logic, all ships need AU tags, not just your personal favorites. Please cease performing autorectal-cranial insertion before you hurt yourself.


That is a bow. She doesn't invade his personal space. My argument stands. You don't bow, curtsey, or grovel to your love interest; you flirt, follow, and beckon.

It is not bowing. It is dancing. Dancing is done for many reasons, one of which is courtship.

You don't bow, curtsey, or grovel to your love interest; you flirt, follow, and beckon.

Yeah! And that's why you're in a Twilestia and a Twiluna group! Wait, what?

3719071 Ships that are canon don't. autorectal is a barbarism; the Latin is ipserectal.
3719077 One can bow in a dance. Let me know when they get close.
3719082 Plot development matters.


Well, then let me know when you start talking about CarrotCup or ShiningDance.

3719111 Bowing in dance is more significant than Bowing to royalty? Boy! The more you know, right? Also, you're so familiar with having your head up your arse that you know the word for it in Latin? That is some dedication, man! You gotta respect that

I actually have Dash as Bi leaning on Straight.

3719114 which has nothing to do with this thread.
3719125 I never said anything about royalty or my arse and don't know what you're on about. Stop trollan.


Allow me to requote something you said with added emphasis:

TwiDash is the most popular ship group and folder on here; your readers like a challenge but the ship isn't canon, which the best ship is. They need alternate universe tags.

You are the one that started talking about canon ships, but the implication behind your statement was that of your favorite ship. From your profile, I can only surmise that is TwiLuna or Twilestia, neither of which are canon or on topic for the thread either.

Therefore, either make your meaning clear and concise, or shut the fuck up and unplug your keyboard so you don't feel tempted to shove your digital foot in your digital mouth anymore.

Comment posted by alysdexia deleted Oct 20th, 2014


Twilestia is canon.

You. Are. An. Idiot.

That is all.

Comment posted by alysdexia deleted Oct 20th, 2014


let them dream.

Besides Twinkie is totally a better ship

I've decided. You're entertaining, and need to be kept around. I just want to poke you and see what mysteriously stupid things you'll say. It's fascinating trying to figure out how someone can be as mind-numbingly unintelligent as you are, yet still function as a human being and even apparently operate a computer.

You're like a magic 8-ball of idiocy. I just want to show you off to my friends.

Comment posted by alysdexia deleted Oct 20th, 2014

505496 Who is Rainbow Dash? :trollestia:


In any case, this thread has gotten all out of control.

Someone get a mod to kill it please.

Good day.

You forgot the bit about the confirmed kills and stuff. I am disappoint.


It's kinda cute how hard you're trying. Like a box full of puppies left on a high speed rail line.

Comment posted by alysdexia deleted Oct 20th, 2014


If I replaced myself with a chatbot, this conversation would be like shoving a vibrator in a fleshlight.

Comment posted by alysdexia deleted Oct 20th, 2014

After careful consideration, I too have come to the conclusion that either you're a very big idiot, or a troll.

3719485 can't contribute to the thread either?

My contribution would be pretty much the same as Cryo's. Rainbow Dash's sexuality changes based on the story I wish to write. I don't tend to go for lesbian, and since I haven't written straight ships yet, she's bi for me.

Comment posted by TwilightUCrazy deleted Oct 20th, 2014


Come on guys. It's like a cat. If you feed a troll, it'll never go away. Internet 101, yo.

Group Admin

Good athena, new posts on a really old question. I feel so ashamed.

Group Admin

Look Cryo this question I posed was early day fandom, and I honestly just asked it to try and expand the forum and finally ask the damn thing. Just wanted to say the last word before I lock, that alysdexia person or others like them will properly be back under a different name and so just wanted to get the last word in. Thanks for the discussion, thought provoking and intelligent. You'll fit in well, goodnight.

Comment posted by Fillyfooler deleted Oct 20th, 2014
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