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Comments ( 14 )
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Group Admin

So...thought I should do ask something seeing as this is a shipping group.
So, do you celebrate? If you do, willing to discuss your plans? And last, what do you think of the Day?

My part, I didn't before I was in my current relationship. I'm planning to cook her favourite meal and a little something else. And I think the whole day is overrated, but harmless in it's intent.

Group Contributor

No, because I've been single every time it's rolled around.

Comment posted by Ponyess deleted Feb 13th, 2014

2841408 My beloved and I always wait for the day after, and then go to the store and buy all the discount chocolates. We're very economical romantics, you see.

Or maybe we just like cheap chocolate. :trollestia:

I'm planing too keep it simple. Chocolate, a card and hopefully a rose.
Because some day I'm going to surprise her with a dinner.

Nothing special...just me and my friend hanging out, watching sad movies together.....because we're both friendzoned.

Planning to take my wife on a romantic boat trip, hoping the weather will be good (come on Florida, you're supposed to be the sunshine state!). As for the day itself, it's alright, I guess, if a bit contrived overall in my opinion.

Well, I don't really do much. Most I've had is a bit of a nice something from a close platonic friend (which was nice).

I don't really care that much about the day, depending on the behavior of the people around me.

I'll be in my room making no noise and pretending I don't exist.
Oh how I love Harry Potter quotes:rainbowlaugh:

I got hooked up sometime around Valentine's Day once. It didn't last too long, just a few months. It's left me quite bitter, eh? It's quite the thing to remember Valentine's Day as: the beginning of a failed relationship.

Does resisting urges to punch couples in the face as they show public displays of affection count as celebrating Valentine's Day? Cause if so, then I've been merrily celebrating it.

... I might go ahead and conform to the masses someday, but for now I'm content to say I don't really believe in a thing called love.

Eey... does Chrysallis celebrate Valentine's Day? Does King Sombra... how does that work for him?

Group Contributor

Last VD, I took her out to a restaurant and, while we were there, the servants arranged for a small ball, only for close friends. When we came home, she was awestruck, and then our friends showed up and we danced in the candle-lit hall. It was so romantic. ^_^

Group Admin

Psp, who are you? Cause, for you to get that done or even prepare for such a thing would take a level of wealth reserved for very few people.

Group Contributor

Not really. I know many such people. My business partners are even wealthier. You just have to work hard and know how to pay taxes correctly. To answer your question: I am from a family of businessmen, my uncle was a kind, caring, and wealthy Scottish aristocrat who knew how hard is is to earn money, and I am a businessman too.

I'll be taking care of my grandmon! because she is 88 and is sick. And being the only person who lives with her, I decided to sacrificed my relationship with my now ex (and he agreed at that moment) and all kind of romantic relantionship until she dies.

I don't know if that sad or I just have my priorities with my family that important.:ajsleepy:

I don't particularly like Valentine's day, I think its sort of a mean spirited commercial holiday thats exclusive to people in a relationship, and forces people to do things that they should be doing on any other day for the sake of selling cards and candy.

That didn't stop me from getting a valentine this year, and she's apparently doing something for me. I'm going to probably record a song for her

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