[PROTOTYPE] Fiction 568 members · 69 stories
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Since this forum is more or less dead I gots a question for those still alive in our group. Everyone that's a fan of the game more or less knows of Pariah, but nothing really about him other then it being said that if he and Mercer were ever to let, it'd be very, very bad.

So what do you think would make it so bad?

It's been a while since I've played the game but... I think it might be because when they meet they might either join forces and spread the virus together (Mercer is a powerhouse and so we can only assume Pariah is one as well) in which case they would be unstoppable.

Or they would meet up face to face and duke it out to see who comes out on top, likely consuming the other to become the ultimate viral being. In the last case the winner would also be unstoppable at that point.

But I dunno, unless they make a Prototype 3 and have it be about Pariah or something we'll be left in the dark unfortunately.

I have similar ideas to Vesperia but I also theorize that if they met face to face whatever virus infected Pariah would activate and/or combine with Blacklight and start a pandemic, unlike the last two games where Redlight and Blacklight were mere epidemics (and in the same city no less).

Either Pariah comes out alive, or Mercer does.

If Mercer comes out, then... well, you get the idea.

But if Pariah comes out... Who knows? He let himself be a lab rat for forty years, and has only killed a few scientists.

4607224 Pariah is pure Blacklight, with absolute control over it similar to Greene's control over Redlight.

Alex is Blacklight.

I don't think their fears are entirely unfounded.

4607224 I think that it will be like the encounter between Mercer and Greene.....only on a far more cataclysmic scale.

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