[PROTOTYPE] Fiction 568 members · 69 stories
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The title says it all.

I like to think of Pariah as a sort of Superman character. You know: the ones who have all the power they'll ever need, but just... don't use it? For all we know he could be on par with the most powerful fictional characters ever concieved of! What do you guys think?


on par with the most powerful fictional characters ever concieved of!

Uh, no. The most powerful fictional characters ever conceived of can eat planets, unmake reality, and play yo-yo with entire universes. Pariah's strong, but people can think of some pretty OP shit.

I imagine Pariah is like whatever Alex would be like if he got fully 'upgraded'. Like, Pariah can do anything Alex can do, as well as anything Alex can learn to do. Even beyond the scope of the game's points, too. So if Alex could at some point learn to make a crossbow with an arm, at some point double his speed and acceleration, Pariah already has those abilities.

4616863 Considering max potential is only limited by time, and Alex doesn't have any time-limit on eventually figuring stuff out even if it took a few millenia, that would mean that Pariah is god.

4616816 I generally imagine him somewhere between Alex and Greene. Mostly because he been sitting in a cell since he was born, and has never had chance to use his abilities, and as such no reason to have ever advance, where as Alex had been pushed to evolve since day one. He could BECOME stronger than Alex, but achieving that would just be a whim of fate rather than something innate in Pariah.

Not even a new story. It's only about threads. I swear, this shit is getting old.

Yeah. Seems like nobody really wants to step up to fill the absense of Prototype fics. For now anyways.

Well, at least Legionary kind of has that covered. So there's that. :applejackunsure:

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