[PROTOTYPE] Fiction 568 members · 69 stories
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There hasn't been a good thread here for awhile now, I'm going to fix that.

On some, not all, of the Prototype stories I've read, Alex Mercer (or whatever Blacklight is in the story) is portrayed as having a high internal temperature because constantly moving biomass inside him creates friction. Is this fanon or is there canonical evidence for this?

Correct me if I'm wrong but for the moment I believe this to be fanon because I have found no details on this in the game itself. But if it is fanon, where did it come from? Fanon rarely comes out of nowhere and it usually has an interesting backstory from real details.

4714496 In the Thermal Vision, Alex - and most infected - are MUCH brighter than regular humans.

Hmm, that's true. But then why does biomass do that and how high is their temperature? Seems like it would make locating a Blacklight out of a crowd pretty easy yet people like Koenig kept low profiles for months.

Also why do the zombies have high internal heat? The stories where this is a detail offer the internal biomass friction explanation but the zombies are never shown consuming anything, not even each other.


But then why does biomass do that

Never explained.

how high is their temperature?

Never explained. But if you compare regular humans to background temperature, and then to Alex, they're probably not boiling hot but pretty painful to touch.

people like Koenig kept low profiles for months.

Because Prototype 2 has a shit story.

Also why do the zombies have high internal heat?

Also never explained.

The stories where this is a detail offer the internal biomass friction explanation but the zombies are never shown consuming anything, not even each other.

I chalk that up to a fever heat of sorts.

Does anyone have a good headcanon on this stuff? I have my own but I would like to hear other's opinions, that's half the reason I posted this in the first place.


Because Prototype 2 has a shit story.


Do you have any headcanon though? The whole point of headcanon and fanon is that it fills the gaps in the details.

4714626 For the Blacklights, it's the whole 'biomass friction' thing. For others, it's a fever heat.


But then why does biomass do that

Because living things naturally make heat. Even cold-blooded animals make heat, just usually a lot less in comparison to warm-blooded animals, because they don't have a system specifically for heat generation. And since Evolved have A LOT of living flesh in a very small area, that leads to high heat.
Another possibility, it's because of all the activity Alex is doing. Running up building must be rather energy intensive, and all that energy would create heat.

how high is their temperature

To me it seems like a pretty high fever, but that's about .

Seems like it would make locating a Blacklight out of a crowd pretty easy yet people like Koenig kept low profiles for months

Various possibilities, including them keeping their biomass low, controlling information so that no-one knows about that detail, and avoiding close proximity with people (given the people who were infected, that probably isn't a large part in normal behavior).

infection vision only show if there infected and how advanced the infection is it has nothing to do with temp

4715515 there's also thermal vision.

4714496 I don't care if it is canon or not, the densities of his body alone would be enough to generate immense heat due to cells per unit of volume. The amount of work required to move any cell with any speed, and speed is something he has in spades, in such a compact environment would require a lot of energy. Whatever generates this energy would most likely produce tons of heat on top of everything else.


I don't care if it is canon or not

Actually, as Europa pointed out, it's semi-canonical. Thermal vision shows Mercer and the infected as significantly hotter than humans even though no one in the game explicitly points this out. Since I almost never used thermal vision while playing I never realized this.

But yes, from a scientific standpoint it makes sense that Mercer has a high internal temperature.

It's not the problem of not seeing a good thread here. It's about to get a new good STORY. I'm starting to get sick of this shit. If members of this group (anyone) won't post any story, I guess I will be leaving this group

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