[PROTOTYPE] Fiction 568 members · 69 stories
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This is something that I had in mind for quite a while and i've decided I should share it with the rest of you. We all know the company Radical Entertainmet have closed down their studios for good quite a long time ago, and so any production of new content regarding the Prototype franchise has ceased, and that's something we or anyone can't do to change that.
But what If there was a way to bring back the franchise? I was thinking, hypotetically, if Radical can't do anything to go back to the video gaming business, then what if another gaming company would have the idea of purchasing the rights of the Prototype franchise to produce their own games? You guys undestand me?
I mean, I know and I suppose some of may be thinking "That's not how it works" or "That's not possible" or stuff like that, but like I said it's just a though that I had for quite a while and it's kinda my idea of bringing back the franchise the recognition it deserves in the gaming society. If some of this has given to you some or few hope for the future of Prototype than that's enough for me.

5259348 The gap between 1 and 2 was 3 years. It's been 4 years, and not a whisper in the wind of Prototype 3.

It's gone. You're just going to have to accept this and move on.


As much as I do like the Prototype series, I don't think it made enough of a splash to get that sort of treatment.

And even if some studio found itself that inspired by 'The Thing As A Comic-Book Hero...' Well, they'd probably go the inspired by route, compared with wrestling an expensive license from Activision's hoard of underused IPs.

As much as I like Prototype, I think it's toast.

It would be a cool way to return the series, but I doubt anyone is going to look at this game and think, "I bet if I made a third installment of this series i'd make a lot of money," and making money is sadly the main goal of video game creation.

The first game was amazing, the second was crap in my opinion.
The gameplay was fun, the graphics awesome and the powers amazing... but its how they turned Alex from one of the best Anti-Heroes into a moustache twirling villian... that angered me.

This series died with Prototype 2... so... best to let it rest...
It had its run...

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