[PROTOTYPE] Fiction 568 members · 69 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

.............................. Wow............................. from where do I start?

Yes, I know i've been neglecting this group for like... heck... 3 freaking years! (okay, maybe not that much but still 😅), and It' s not because I don't want to be part of this anymore or because I don't care about it anymore, but because things has been pretty busy to me and I've been force to turn away from here to start focusing on more recent and important matters in my life, like starting to attend college (just starting my 2nd quarter in Physical Therapy) and I know some of you might have wondered "¿how come he suddenly appeared out of knowhere after been gone for so long?" or "¿did he abandoned the group and not told everyone about it?", but rest assured that I have not forgotten about this group, as like I said, I have my hands full right now.

But now I'll to start acting more responsible and focuse my attention to the other things that I've been neglecting for so long, starting with this group that I've founded just for fun back in the day. I won't promise that i'll be around here more often, but i'll try my best to be more active as some sort of compensation for all this time that i've been silent, and I decided that i'll make some changes on the group that I hope some people will find appealing.

So without further adieu.......... Hello everybody! I'm back! 😀 (for now)

Hello man! Dunno if you know but now prototype has his own tag! :yay:if we're gone for so long then you will notice that more stories are inside your group! Hope you'll stay with us for some time see ya!:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Yeah, i've just noticed, I bet so much has happened since the last time I was here 😅

Though I do admit that a couple of bugs have turned up in terms of how many stories are stated to be in each group as opposed to how many are ACTUALLY in that group (I.e. the OC Evolved group states that it has 20 stories inside it, but only contains 17).

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