Mentally Deficient Authors 631 members · 1,410 stories
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Underneath a black blanket of stars
You lay upon my shoulder your sweet head
And for one moment I feel you are mine
When you could be anyone else's instead

Your lovely eyes fill me with life
And your smile makes me beam with glee
If I'm asleep, then don't wake me up
From this wonderful little fantasy

An adorable yawn escapes your lips
As your eyes drift off to sleep
So lay your head upon my chest
Hear the lullaby of my heartbeat

Dream, my love, and of sweet things
And know that I am always here
Of all my treasures and possessions
It is you whom I hold dear.

By UniqueSKD

Key Tapper
Group Admin

People still exist in this group?

Group Admin


4469267 I'm kinda like the old wacky hermit who moved into the abandoned building after the previous occupants went bankrupt or died.

a Letter On Vitriolic Emotion

When I said those words to you
They mean the same thing as hello
And goodbye
They do not impress anything on anyone
And it certainly will be no different for you
I can smell the lipstick on your breath
Even though I am nowhere near you
And I focused on brighter days
As the sun slipped away
You asked me to dance with you
And that made me uncomfortable
Because hidden inside you
Behind glass eyes
Was a hate that spoke
And a hate that breathed
And a hate that grew with a righteous anger
Like a tumor that had begun to mimic the organs it consumed
God damn the people who acted
Like I was nothing to them
And only second to you
God strike fear into his heart
When he walks a lonely night in Chicago
Because I felt safe around him
And I shared the same feelings with him
That I shared with you
And I focused on brighter days
As the sun slipped away
God damn the couples who laugh
At a miserable little shit behind a counter
And God damn those who can kiss
Each other on the lips
Without disease or bitterness
God damn the sun for blinding me
And God damn the moon for seducing me
And God damn the therapists
Who tell me I should focus on brighter days
As the sun slips away
Who tell me to write letters on vitriolic emotions
And God damn myself
For my arrogance
Perhaps you were better off with someone who claims
They listen better then I claim to listen
Who do not hate the hate inside you
Who have self control
And do not pretend to drink and smoke
While sobbing with his head on a bedpost
God damn the kind
And God damn the rich hearted people
For daring to live better than I
God damn it all
As it ends, another brighter day
God damn the sun as it slips away

4470092 Now where the fook have you been hiding you handsome son of a bitch? I've been waiting on that Beautiful Corpse story to be finished, you lazy slacker! XD

Also, nice poem. Is that your own work, or was it something you found written by someone else? I've seen a lot of poems before and I don't recognize this one so it is likely you wrote it yourself, yes?

Also, YAY! You're still alive! Now life feels a little less empty! XD :)

4470372 I wrote this poem a few months ago for english class. So it is one of my own. One of the few rare moments I tried writing poetry and this came to be.

Beautiful Corpse actually has plans written for it but it's almost two years old and I'm very foggy on them. It may eventually continue but I'm not entirely sure it will.

I've always been here, you should know. I'm like herpes—even if you can't see me I'm still there, inside your DNA and waiting to manifest at the worst time possible.

4470932 Don't mention herpes. Please. Like, ever again. I saw enough of it on that one Family Guy episode and that was enough I could stand to see...

4470965 fun fakt: you probably have it! What a lot of people don't like to talk about it how cold sores and fever blisters are actually herpes simplex 1, which is lip and mouth herpes. About 90 percent of the population has it.


Here I am, considering asking a lovely girl I've met on a date once I get back from holiday, and now you make me not want to.

Way to go, dick. XD

That's a joke, so you know. You're cool...

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