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The reason I’m asking is because neither Radiant Hope or the Umbrum were ever seen in this episode at all, and considering Sombra was using mind-controlled Crystal ponies as his army instead of the Umbrum...well, I’m hardly seeing the comics as canon at all because of this.

The comics never were canon to begin with.

Are you referring to every comic or just the ones with Sombra?

The comics in general, given how much they contradict the show (Election springs to mind). They were often used as a lazy way of plugging plot holes.

Well, there is an exception here and there.

For instance, the “Friends Forever” arc starring Fluttershy and Iron Will is the closest we have as to how Twilight knows Iron Will personally in “Once Upon a Zeppelin”. Plus, it doesn’t try to contradict the show too much.

I am aware one of the chapter books is sorta canon, but the generally accepted rule is that something isn't canon unless it's either;

A. In the show itself.


B. Confirmed to be canon by the staff.

By what Hasbro says, some comics - beginning from comics number 50 or so - can be considered canon, but I dunno.

It's extremely confusing to say the least.

You do have a point. But still, sometimes all it takes is a reference or more within-the-show to make a comic canon.

This episode came out like 2 weeks before the final issue of Siege came out, of course it's going to contradict it, but it's easy to work around in writing. Maybe the Umbrum weren't there for that battle? And Hope isn't even going to be one to battle, she heals. It doesn't contradict or confirm anything.

And really, who cares? The comics can be canon if you want them to be canon, there's no reason to constantly consider them 'lesser' than the show all the time. You're not doing anyone any favors by trying to further disprove a retconned comic.

To be honest I feel the comic need a rewrite so the series feel like more like a flow in it


Maybe the Umbrum weren't there for that battle?

Or Sombra may have destroyed the Umbrum in order to gain more power and not be their puppet anymore, no?

And really, who cares? The comics can be canon if you want them to be canon, there's no reason to constantly consider them 'lesser' than the show all the time. You're not doing anyone any favors by trying to further disprove a retconned comic.

*shrugs*Hey, I’m just saying. It’s another reason for why I considered Siege’s canonicity questionable.

I appreciate the bold thinking of Sombra destroying the Umbrum, but I doubt it. Maybe Rabia, because she was the one that used him, but not the entire race.

Good point.

It was only a theory because, in my opinion…Sombra isn’t the kind of character who’d want to be controlled by another. He’s someone who’d want to make his own plans and be in command.

I have a question:

What do you think about Sombra not just being a tragic figure…but a visionary? Like, someone who wanted to recreate Equestria into his own image?

Though I've mentioned I enjoy him as a tragic figure, the visionary thing might could work, but I really can only think of it in a 'I'm right you're wrong' sort of way. In FiM he has no goals other than ruling the Crystal Empire, and then ruling Equestria as a whole, which just makes him seem like a greedy egomaniac. The comic, meanwhile, gives him more depth in wanting revenge for the people he never knew as well as being lied to and forced to suffer throughout his childhood. Whether or not you like the comic, that gives him more depth as a visionary.

Outside of just thinking he's just better, the only way I'd see Sombra working as a visionary is if he has a reason to hate who's in charge. Having his people imprisoned would help with that, and with a bit of canon-divergency you can make said people more innocent than guilty, putting Amore and/or Celestia at fault for what happened. It gives him a reason to fight that's not just 'I'm better than you'. He doesn't even need to have a necessarily tragic past, this could have happened a long time ago, and he just learns to dislike the ones in charge so he has a reason to fight.

I do like the idea of Sombra being charismatic instead of just mind controlling everyone too, so that could be an added thing. Surely he had some ponies who thought he was right. A war does not start because one side is good and one is evil, there's so much more to that. I'd prefer a morally grey take, where neither is right or wrong, because Sombra just being evil for evil's sake means nothing to me.

So, visionary Sombra? I feel like he'd need a lot of development that makes him more than just a blank slate of a villain, but it would be an interesting take.

Yay, I can see where you’re coming from. Personally, though, I didn’t think Siege did a good job at giving the character “depth”. In contrast to his portrayal in Season 9, the way he was portrayed in the comic took away everything that made him interesting and threatening. As I look back on the first Fiendship is Magic comic book more and more, I can’t help but feel that we were only given part of the story as to who he is as a character. It never gave us much to go on as to what his intentions were either. He certainly wasn’t compelling either due to lack of solid motivation.

From how I’ve seen him, he isn’t the kind of villain who’d want to be someone’s champion, weapon, or puppet. He wouldn’t want to do anything for anyone, not even his mother.

And despite the fact I briefly got into MLP when season 3 premiered, I personally didn't care about Sombra. There was nothing interesting about him in season 3, he was a dark force used as a test against Twilight, ironically starting the 'Sombra is being used by someone else' thing he had going on through every appearance goind forward.

To me, Fiendship & Siege gave him depth and purpose. Maybe if Whitley had been allowed, he'd have done more with Sombra & Hope, furthering their characterization (He did mention wanting to, but Hasbro wouldn't allow it). Season 9 Sombra was okay too, personality & voice in my opinion (I actually like Alvin Sanders' voice over Jim Miller's) but he still falls into the 'no actual motive' thing. Oh yeah, and though he didn't know it, he was being used again.

I can see Sombra many ways, and though I usually go for sympathetic, he's usually angry about something. And that anger is what drives him to do what he does. But to be fair, that's really the only way to do it. If we ignore the comic, Sombra is a blank slate. He has no motive, no set personality, and no cutie mark. These are all things that could've been worked on, but weren't, so we have free reign of whatever he's doing. There's no right or wrong, just 'choose a portrayal' and go.

Which kinda sucks, because I wish the show had at least tried to elaborate why Sombra is the only grown pony without a cutie mark. That could've been something interesting.

You’re familiar with Loki of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, correct?

For the most part, yeah. Not yet getting what this has to do with the discussion though.

A lot of times, whenever I’ve thought about how to expand on the backstory Sombra had in “Fiendship is Magic”, and whenever I look back on his overall portrayal in that story, I’ve often considered him to be a lot like Loki. I considered the character an inspiration for when it comes to writing Sombra for my own story. Loki was not just a tragic figure or someone driven by his emotions, but someone with a vision and desires. Someone who also wanted to be the one in command rather than be ruled over by another.

Make sense?

Yeah, I guess I can get that. Not too big on Marvel so I forgot about Loki's backstory, but it fits in a way & gives him more of a motive.

I still like what we actually got for Sombra though.

So did I. I just wish more could’ve been done in Fiendship #1 to help him feel less like a tool and more like an actual character, and for his backstory to not feel like an unfinished blueprint. Whenever I remember Siege, I’d find that his usage in that story was no different than in that of Seasons 3 & 9, only much more apparent thanks to Rabia always overstepping her bounds in Sombra’s presence.

You could take a page from Dracula in the Castlevania series. He's still a Big Bad, tragic backstory that came straight out of the "build a protagonist list" and he even has not one but two great foils. The idea that what started Sombra down his path was in fact love would be a great twist. We could have had it too when Hope was attacked. If she had died and Sombra would have sworn revenge, we the audience with all our extra knowledge about his motivations could at least understand his anguish. He's still gonna have to be stopped but maybe a little part of us wants him to win?

That could work in a fanwork, but not with canon since Hasbro's really set on the 'no death in MLP' thing unless you're Sombra. Also I've never watched Castlevania so the only thing I can associate with this scenario is Shadow the Hedgehog which does not help in the slightest.

I think we just have to accept the fact the show writers could not care less about Sombra and because of that he'll be both a physical and metaphorical blank slate forever.

Sarcastic Productions did a great video for it

Please stop trying to change my view on Sombra's portrayal and ability to redeemed, you should know how I feel by now.

Believe me when I tell you that isn’t the intention. I’m just asking a question and wanted your opinion, that’s all.

Alright, I'll give it then, we're just each set in our own opinions that is seems like we'll never agree. I did see that thread when it was new but I suppose I can comment now.

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