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😠Out-of-character imbeciles.


🙄Talk about a Mary Sue. And an incredibly unrealistic redemption and forgiveness moment.

Sorry, moral, but you’re incredibly toxic thanks to everything Radiant Hope did throughout this entire story, as well as a poorly portrayed and infuriating King Sombra.

  • Fourth Wall Myopia: Many critics of Radiant Hope point to her trusting the Umbrum as as an example of her stupidity. But while audiences were shown in the prior story enough to know they were evil, Radiant Hope didn't know that or about the Umbrum, who went to great effect to hide their true nature even disguising their Obviously Evil forms for over 1000 years, prior. There's also the over 1000 years the Umbrum deceived Radiant Hope against her people, praying on her utter brokenness and guilt making her desperate to believe them, explaining her initial resorting to villainy instead of talking things out and how long it took her to realize she was deceived and wrong happening largely offpage compared to the consequences and calling outs held against her.
Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted Jan 3rd, 2023

I have the comics and I had to re read them to understand most of what was stated here.
In truth, the story should have been a longer.
Instead of two comics it should have stretched to four to six of them.
Also, sombra s redemption should have come way later like they planned in final season,

I do agree that certain story arcs should have been longer than two issues.

I agree. If Whitley and Price truly wanted to make the story awesome, they should've devoted more time to giving everything natural development and flow. They stretched the story for up to four issues, but that clearly wasn't enough.

I agree, but did you think it was still better than how Sombra was portrayed in Season 9? Also, Xanatos Speed Chess is saying that he disagrees with you.


I agree, but did you think it was still better than how Sombra was portrayed in Season 9?

Nope. As a matter of fact, I prefer his portrayal in “The Beginning of the End” than how “Siege of the Crystal Empire” portrayed him.

Also, Xanatos Speed Chess is saying that he disagrees with you.

Why couldn’t he just say so? In proper English even?

I agree, i do like the idea of him being redeemed. but really didn't take time to do it right. Though out of curiosity how would you have written it. to fix the many problems it has?

For starters, I wouldn't redeem him at all.

And when it comes to the whole supposed "make your own destiny" aspect, I'd have him not only double cross the Umbrum but openly dump Hope and break her heart by doing despicable things of his own free will. Particularly in order to actually forge his own destiny and be the master of his life.

Because that Trope explains it better than I could've, IMO.

Well, as you can see, it didn’t.

Nice to see someone has some reading comprehension.

Would it have been cool to have had the comic be a bit longer to flesh this out a bit? Absolutely, I would've loved more. But the hints were pretty obvious.


did you think it was still better than how Sombra was portrayed in Season 9?

To tell you the truth, I personally disagree with the TVTropes quote you shared. Everything about what it said does not excuse how idiotic and stupid Hope was being, as well as the toxicity she generated in the moral. It certainly doesn’t excuse Jeremy Whitley’s bad writing, or the terrible characterizations and portrayals, that’s for sure.

I bluntly hate how Sombra was portrayed in The Beginning of the End.

But that characterization is STILL better than Siege of the Crystal Empire.

He was supposed to be the pony equivalent of Sauron. I personally prefer him being unrepentantly evil, and at least the show kept that for him, but he still got turned into a whiny bitch who made mistakes the Season 3 Sombra would not have. Sombra was shown in Season 3 (and even 6) to have been scarily competent and not the type to hold the Idiot/Villain Ball at any point. And of course, with the revelation that Discord was behind EVERYTHING, (another thing about Season 9 I hated) Sombra never had a chance because Discord set him up to fail from the start and could have dealt with him at any moment had his little plan for Twilight gone awry.

At least Sombra wasn’t turned into some pathetic pony version of Darth Vader. Not like how the comics portrayed him.

Hasbro doesn't know how to handle its own damn characters sometimes.

Tell me about it. The MLP (G5) series is a definite example of this.

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