Who needs ponies? We got Changelings!!! 467 members · 462 stories
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Changelings are herbivorous/emovoric Equine mammals that are closely related to ponies and are capable of magic, flight, and shape-shifting. they feed on various plants and positive emotions, though like all equines, they can eat meat. their myriad insect-like features tend to lead to many misconceptions, such as that they are insects, have a hive mind, or that the queen is the mother of every changeling in the Swarm. these beliefs are all wrong. A changeling can change into any animal or being roughly their size for a maximum limit of three days.

Changelings are found everywhere except the far north and the Crystalline Raj (not to be confused with the Crystal Empire)

they come in several distinct body shapes, divided into two Mega groupings: Royal and Common. Royals have long lifespans, whereas a commoner has an lifespan similar to that of an earth pony.

under most circumstances, changelings of both body types will have eyes of green, blue, or purple.

a royal-specific type, these changelings have fluffy golden manes, gold eyes and wings, and can absorb 10 times more love than normal.
Goldmanes tend to work as advisors or scholars.

a Common-specific type, Grounders have purple eyes and no wings. they tend to be maintenance workers

red-eyed changelings capable of becoming invisible. Common vanishers often make up the royal bodyguard or are assassins. Royal vanishers tend to be military leaders

a specific type of common changeling that specializes in demolition. What that translates into is a changeling who had the same build as Big Macintosh, but is about a foot taller, with orange eyes and a particularly sharp-looking set of fangs. they also tend to be surprisingly intelligent.

Common changelings with yellowish-green eyes and foot-long fangs who dig tunnels. they tend to be less intelligent than normal, and tend to speak inarticulately (Me good digger)

pretty much that. just white changelings with red or pink eyes.

the rarest mutation, blackshells combine traits of all other mutations, save for albinos, though their eye color indicates the ability they are best at.


Changelings do not live in hives. a changeling castle is usually a stone construction on the levels of Canterlot in complexity, with myriad tunnels underneath. a changeling castle is actually more like a small city, full of businesses, separate houses, libraries, and of course sports arenas and the castle itself. a group of changelings is called a Swarm.

though the majority of a changeling is furry, the shell on their back is a hard keratin whose color determines Swarm affiliation, but turn brown if the changeling does not have a Swarm, or change color when a changeling switches Swarms.

the hierarchy is similar to that of ponies, with a few exceptions. there is the working class, who run businesses, grow food, and manage profit. above them are the soldiers, the royal guards, bodyguards, and assassins. then there is the "upper crust," the advisors and the council of seven. at the top is the royal family.

the Swarms themselves have an organization. each country has several Great Swarms, among which is the High Swarm, which rules the others. there are other lesser Swarms scattered about. Chrysalis is the current High Queen of the Swarms of Equestria.

Soldier Ranking in order from least to greatest
cadet, soldier, commander, Captain first-class, Captain second-class, General, High-General

The Council of Seven
Essentially changeling Parliament. the ruler turns to them when the advisor cannot help, and they are in charge of ceremonies and executions.

Country Relations and Monetary Units
Changelings are actually relatively peaceful (the attack on Canterlot being the result of Chrysalis succumbing to Emotion Sickness, which can cause temporary insanity and is caused by changelings feeding on too much of one emotion), and tend to seek trading agreements rather than battle. they currently hold peace with Equestria (following the events of the alicorn Nyx's short-lived reign), Camelu, Tarandoland, the Crystal Empire, and most other countries.

the Quid is a small obsidian coin worth several hundred bits.


My dear mother and Queen of the High Swarm, Chrysalis mainly spends her time... honestly not doing much. sure, there are a few proclamations to be signed here and there, but mostly life is simple. Before the peace, her Swarm used the old "infiltrate" method. sneak in, get some love, sneak out.

Fun-loving, Queen Ovi has her home in Las Pegasus, close to the Antlion Swarm. Jovial and very promiscuous, her Swarm obtains love by means of running the local bathhouse/brothel.

My grandpa, known for his quick decisions, pinstripe suit, and fedora, runs the Organization, a group which has deals with the Equestrian Mafia in Manehattan, trading weapons... er, I mean he runs a pet store. his Swarm runs the Alicorn Hotel, one of the best hotels in Manehattan.


Myrrh is a normally kind queen, with her underground castle situated in the Neighave desert. thousands of years of her ancestors living in these conditions has led to Myrrh and her Swarm to their pointed hoof structure (helps with burrowing in the sand) and common changelings having more pincer like teeth. They would often pose as tour guides within the nearby cities and towns, and lead caravans astray towards the hive. They would also use their magic to create hallucinations of oasis' to lure in singular, lost, and weary travelers.


a small nomadic swarm that is fond of the sewers of large cities. Miasma herself is a very vain and snobby queen who tries to appear better than she is. She has two changelings follow her around with incense burners wherever she goes and douses herself in perfume as often as possible. One wonders what is worse, the rotten smell of the Swarm, or the overwhelming stench of sweet perfume contrasting with it.
Although trying to appear noble and sophisticated, the queen has a very bad temper and can turn from sweet to sour in mere seconds.
She also has very bad table manners (and taste), and won't even stop short of literally rolling around in her food. It's not helped by the fact that she has holes in her cheeks so you can see her chewing even if she has her mouth closed. The Swarm's old method of gathering victims wasn't very sophisticated, ranging from cries of help from out of a gully to simply waiting for somepony to get stuck in their secretions while drunkenly wandering about at night.


The Nekropolis Swarm and its queen Calliphora is probably one of the most elusive and least explored Swarm in all of Equestria. They make their home in graveyards, feeding off ponies’ love by posing as ghosts of dead relatives and loved ones. Usually they move into already existing family graves and crypts and only set up rudimentary constructions and decorations. They have little to no contact with other Swarms and are actually often purposely avoided by them, for the simple fact that, even if it sounds unbelievable, even other changelings are creeped out by them. Beside their macabre living conditions, the biggest reason for this are their appearance and their general behavior. While they appear even more “perforated" than other changelings, with colors reminding of dead leaves and decaying matter, their most distinguishing and disturbing feature is what appears to be a second set of eyelids that they can close vertically and, while see-through, allows them to block out most light. This is important because the Swarm is almost exclusively nocturnal and thus reacts pretty badly to bright lights. Their general behavior has so far been described as “sort of otherworldly". They tend to buzz around with their second set of eyelids closed, seemingly without direction, or huddled in dark corners, humming quietly, as if listening to some inner voice. Perhaps this stems from the fungi they consume and the various gases present in a graveyard. Nevertheless the hive never falls into ruin or disarray. When an intruder appears, the hive is immediately at full alert and goes into attack mode without so much as a whisper. Many a pony has already found themselves thinking they just walked into a zombie pony attack when the coffin lid next to them flew off with a loud hiss. One should take special precautions when a full moon is out. For some reason, it sends the Swarm into even more of a trance and a strange sort of dancing motion above the graveyard it currently resides in. Any intruder is immediately killed on sight, but one can usually tell and avoid these events by keeping a lookout for red eyes dancing in the sky like fireflies.


Myxine is somewhat strict. This Swarm lives in hollowed out caves along the shore. Usually they would either play the drowning to be saved, or save the drowning, as they mostly do now. Sometimes they would build sharp spires underwater and try to navigate ships into them. Sometimes they’re lazy and just simulate a shark attack by swimming with their horn looking up over the water like a shark fin. They are a pretty small Swarm as ponies aren't all that big on seafaring. Overall they’re pretty pragmatic and a direct contrast to the Honeycomb Swarm’s song and dance.


The Honeycomb Swarm is known to prefer hot and humid areas of the Everfree. In contrast to other Swarms they don’t necessarily build their lair as a city, but may simply hollow out trees. Their favorite method of trapping ponies and other intruders was to disguise themselves as dancing females and to lure males into their sticky traps. They usually waited for their target to weaken inside the trap, so they can more easily apply hypnosis spells. If they are not outside dancing and creature walks into a trap all by its own, it may take a worker weeks to notice it, which usually leaves a lot of creatures to die in the humid heat. Their queen, Ambrosia, is quite curious and rather playful, but often will harm her victims that way cause she has no concept of, and doesn't care about their natural limits. Some ponies say she is rather beautiful - for a changeling.


Changelings are part of a larger group of four insect-winged pony types, known as Flitterwings. all share the same taste in food.

mostly despised by the others for thinking themselves superior, the flutter ponies disappeared long ago.


Close relatives of the changelings, glamourlings are narcissistic creatures who tend to value their well-being over all others. They are more 'beautiful' than changelings; with lithe and sleek white bodies. What sets them the most apart is their abilities. While Changelings can change their own forms, the glamourlings use 'illusions' to project hallucinations over those they have a grudge against, confounding them in their memories and tormenting them without ever getting their hooves dirty. their leader is known as the Shahbanu, or "Queen of queens." (pictured)

They also are huge lovers of 'mirrors', hence their affinity for crystals and polished rocks and sparkling minerals. The 'Crystalline Raj' is an isolationist nation and has thus far been keen to avoid entangling itself with much of Equestria.

Flightless, shaggy, short, with long tails and short horns, Puka can shapeshift and teleport, but little else. they live in cold climates.

Blackshells belong to Reddened Chaos Myrrh belongs to http://fateomega.deviantart.com, Ambrosia, Myxine, and Miasma belong to http://siansaar.deviantart.com, glamourlings belong to http://lionel23.deviantart.com, all others belong to me or Lauren Faust and Hasbro.

I suppose I'm like the ONLY person who disagrees with the whole hive idea all together, given that there is no solid evidence for it in the show and that I rather go with the idea of individual Changelings being individuals with their own friends and family?

Edit: Whoops, double checked, my mistake and apologies.

1490903 I hated the whole hive idea. well? what do you think of mine and other people's ideas conglomerated into this one headcanon?

1491055 My apologies. I did not see what it said, I just automatically presumed.

I think it's good, I like the idea of the 'Swarm' just being a term.

I base my headcanon on the culture being that of Imperial Japan, as seen in my fanfiction. What do you think: http://magicman001.deviantart.com/art/The-Changeling-Kingdom-391531688?q=gallery%3AMagicMan001&qo=0


1491199 I always liked your ideas, and I can imagine applying them to Neighponese changelings in my headcanon. and I see your familiar with the artist who did most of the drawings.

1491229 Yes, in my headcanon, the Changeling Kingdom IS Japan in lieu of Neighpon (though I have not ruled out the existence of a Neighpon). In your headcanon, I suppose since Chrysalis' Kingdom won't be Japan there, perhaps you could have the Scaragowa Shogunate as ruling the Neighponese Changelings, the Neighpons' aggressive neighbours.

1491293 agreed, though peace is being established. the Kirin are remaining steadfast that the changelings cannot be trusted, though.

1491328 So I take it you know Lionel23?

1491328 Understandbale, but if the Kirin cannot take the further initiative to help form that peace, then that makes them the problem just as much as the Changelings, by refusing to let go of their bitterness.

1491349 Yes I do. not personally, but a big fan!

1491361 Honorable Lady Snow may help with that... eventually

1491416 I do kind of like the idea of Romanian Changelings as Lionel23 has, it could lead to many good stories; since there are many Romanian orphans, perhaps Lyra and Bon-Bon go to adopt a baby Changeling from there, but the problem being the Changeling Kingdom's refusal to adopt off their young to LGBT couples.

1491448 it has potential, certainly! frankly, I want to know more about...


This is about as polar opposite from my head-cannon as you can get.

In mine, Chrysalis (born a unicorn) is the original changeling, courtesy of discord's reign. She is the direct ancestor to all changelings, either by birth or conversion. There is only one hive.

The hive mind does exist in the form of shared memories and a collective unconscious. They can exist as both unique individuals and, at her command, physical extensions of her body. Magical energy can be redistributed along this network as needed.

Chrysalis herself is immortal, like Celestia/Luna. Normal changelings' life-spans are about a decade shorter than a pony's.

Changelings extract magic/life force from their pray, using the emotions of the victim as a gateway. Strong negative emotions (mainly anger) can destabilize this extraction process and cause minor physical pain to the changeling that tries to feed on them, but no damage. They must eat physical food for calories and material to build their true forms, but this food has very little - if any - flavor.

Changeling venom contains vecuronium bromide, doxacurium chloride, oxytocin, serotonin, and various hallucinogens as well as a small amount of psychic magic. The combined effect is complete paralysis and hallucinations of the pony you love most doing erotic activities. Cocooning a pony in this state slows it's metabolism down, making it possible to have a long term prisoner that can be slowly fed upon.

Changelings are highly skilled at psychic magic and illusions, as well as levitation and the changeling-specific 'impact spell' (A Canterlot Wedding pt. 2). They use magic to mimic the passive magics of the three pony tribes. Running out of magic is not equivalent to starvation: their nervous system shuts down when absolutely out of magic. However, they can otherwise function like normal even with minimal magic reserves. Their magic is not replenished naturally, they must feed to get it. Highly populated areas make for good locations to feed on ambient magic.

The queen's eyes can produce a hypnosis-like effect. This can only be done by transforming the eyes back into their true form and the queen and victim must make eye contact.

Minor electric shocks can cause a changeling's transformation to revert, unless specifically disguised as a pegasus (pegasi nervus systems are resistant to electrical shock due to their passive magics, which are imitated by changelings).

1493688 the hive mind also does not exist in mine

1494773 Hmm. I can definitely agree with you about the hivemind. I dislike the idea of it entirely. Of course, I do believe that Chrysalis has a mental connection with the Changelings. But this only goes so far as: She can broadcast orders to groups, and individuals. Not total and complete control. That's poppycock. No brain can process for thousands of individuals.

I also believe that changelings do make hives, but the hive is like a city, or town. It isn't some big large super honeycomb hive where all the inhabitants are mindless. I also divide the changelings into four types, dependent on physical features and common roles within society. If you want me to go further in, feel free to ask.

1521743 To support this theory, changelings seem to have an ability to create cocoon like structures similar to bees.

Further, I have a theory on why changelings actually absorb magic instead of emotions. If everyone's interested.

1522110 Basically, you have the four changeling types. Worker, Drone, Soldier, and Queen. All of these classes are fertile and capable of having foals, or in this case, Nymphs. Changelings, in my headcanon, are similar to the order of true bugs, in that they give birth to a nymph, very similar to an adult, but cannot fly, and unable to breed yet. All classes can be male or female, except for the queen, who is always female. And as a note, Changelings are omnivorous, on top of eating love, they must consume meat and veggies if they want to keep going.

Queen: Obviously, this is a class of its own. Queens are the leaders, much like Alicorns for ponies. They have the highest magical capacity and power. They are the ones who are able to broadcast across sthe mental link. The Queen cannot control the other members of the hive, but her power is absolute. Queens are the only ones capable of laying enough eggs to start a hive. They are one of the two classes able to make the black chitin material hives are made from.

Workers: Next up is the workers. Very much like the Unicorn, they have magic past dive-bombing and shapeshifting. They are smaller in size then a pony, and a little stubby. However, they are the only other class that can make chitin, and are usually builders. However, they are also gatherers, and often work alongside Drones. They also have the worst flying of the classes.

Drones: Here are the drones, probably the ones that would most be approved by Rainbow Dash. They are the best fliers. They have bigger wings, and stronger flight muscles to allow them to fly faster, and longer. While the best may be able to rival an above average Pegasus in speed. They really shine when it comes to maneuverabiltiy. Drones, and by extension, all Changelings, are able to fly in all directions, due to their method of flight. Drones also have the largest eyes, and have the best eyesight, for use in locating sources of food, and for scouting for danger. They are usually the same size as a pony, being more slender and aerodynamic.

Soldiers: Last but not least, the soldiers. The largest and strongest members of the changelings, you do not want to be caught by one of them. The average Soldier rivals an Earth Pony in strength, and can fly, with a horn to boot. But their horns aren't used for magic, so much as the are used as a weapon. Soldier's horns have a barbed notch at the end, making it function almost like the stinger on an ant or wasp. However, they have no venom on their horns, and they work like shrapnel, spreading sharp, serrated barbs inside the entry wound, weakening victims through through blood loss. On top of this, Soldiers have larger fangs than the other two, to aid in hunting for meat. Soldiers are employed as hunters, and defenders, and, to their namesake, troops, if the Changelings feel they can capture a place militarily.

1523721 This is very close to my head-canon, its interesting to see some one else believes this view of the changelings too. :scootangel:

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