Kingdom Hearts 680 members · 107 stories
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So, I know many are trying to determine who the Master of Masters is, and everyone will have their own opinions, but there's one idea I don't think I can rightly dismiss yet.

What if the Master of Masters is "Oswald the Lucky Rabbit".

Now, before everyone jumps in and says, "That can't be possible at all. He's Universal Studios property," let me point something out.

There is a Disney video game out there called "Epic Mickey: The Power of Two". You can still find that game on console and PC on Steam. In that video game, Oswald the Lucky Rabit showed up and helped Mickey out. There has been no demand from Universal to take this game down, and I think it may be that Oswald became a public domain item. Not sure yet, but when was the last time we actually saw anything recent involving Oswald the Rabbit.

That being said, what if the big reveal is that Oswald is the Master of Masters and wears the hooded cloak to mask himself, and with a bit of illusion magic, he looks taller than her really is. Honestly, Oswald is Mickey's big brother in a sense. So, while it may not be the case, I figured it should be a possibility that should be taken into consideration.

But what do you think?

At the very least, I would like to see Oswald the Rabbit make an appearance in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

The idea kind of stemmed from seeing this fanart image:

So yeah, at the very least, it would be awesome if he showed up as a key wielder, but if it were revealed he were the MoM, that would be a plot twist for the ages.

Oswald is actually a creation of Walt Disney himself. After his former producer Charles Mintz more-or-less helped Universal Studios seize the rights to the character in 1928 (along with most of Disney's animators at the time), Walt created Mickey Mouse, who would go on to surpass Oswald in popularity. As for why he appeared in Epic Mickey, he was actually Disney property again by that point. In 2006, Disney's then-CEO Bob Iger negotiated the Oswald trademarks and shorts back to Disney from Universal in return for sending ABC's Al Michaels to NBC Sports.

Ah I see, so Oswald is Disney property, which means, he could "potentially" show up in Kingdom Hearts. Emphasis on the word "potentially".

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