Twilight X King Sombra 736 members · 132 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

The rules of the Twilight X King Sombra group are simple:

-You can post stories as long as it has Twilight and King Sombra.
-Don't ask for admin or other ranks, The chances of you getting anything more than member is very unlikely.
-Post what you want in the comments. Questions will be answered in comments, but may take longer than messaging one of the admins.
-Finally, NSFW is allowed, but it needs to be put in the nsfw folder. We still have kids that use this site. :twilightblush:

You can post in the forum about questions, story ideas, and other topics. We are a group who love stories dealing with Twilight and King Sombra, hence the name, and look for stories that involve the two being in love. But you can still post about other stories in the forum, related or not to the ideas of Twilight Sparkle and King Sombra. We all just love a good story, we just prefer Twilight and Sombra stories :twilightsmile:. If you need to contact an admin just send a message to darkened editor with the details of the situation. Do not send spam or junk, it will be ignored.

Group Admin

Ok do y'all just dislike cause you can or is there a reason? I'll unblock the messages so you can comment why....
I swear its the nsfw stuff......:unsuresweetie:

Estrus Season
Group Admin

Well I think it seems just too strict. Why do we need approval before putting a story in a folder? You also jump straight to ban as a punishment instead of givings a polite warning message to stop first. And no nsfw stories. It seems like these rules will only deter people from wanting to be here.

Also I saw you added my story Twilight, Princess of Shadows to the group which is odd since I clearly stated in the description that it wasn't Twibra.

Group Admin

Okay, thank you for your response. I will fix it and make it less strict.

Also, I guess I added the story due to the fact that it has Twilight being raised by Sombra. It isn't Twibra, but it has something I thought would, well, be of interest.
Also, I seemed to have already broken my own rule..... Forgot that there was some sex scenes in it......

Also I'll revoke the nsfw rule. I'm still trying to get the hang of working and managing a group for fimfiction.

Estrus Season
Group Admin

Glad to hear that. So long as you stay in line with the site's rules there's really no reason to add on extra ones. Also are taking over this group or will cornholio4 still have a role?

Group Admin

To be honest, I don't know if cornholio4 is going to be doing anything with the group, but he is still the owner and the creator or the group, so he still has all the power to overrule anything. I mean, I asked him if I could be an admin because the site looked so, dead, and I wanted to bring it back to life. So I don't think he really cares much about the group as of now. He probably is still watching every now and then, but I i don't know. Anyway, I probably will need some extra help with keeping the group up and running. I'll be making a post later for people who want to apply as an admin.
I hope you will apply for it, you seem to care about this group a good bit. :twilightsmile:

Estrus Season
Group Admin

I admit I do love me some Twibra. What does a group admin do exactly?

Group Admin

Well to start, get the place a bit more tidy and professional looking, but simple enough to understand.
We are to also make sure the folders have the correct contents in them (we don't want some nsfw stuff in the wrong folder now do we?).
And pretty much be ready anything that we may need to fix or do and such.

There's not much to it, but I need other people to also help the group, cause I'm not just one group working brony, I have much much more things, such as being peoples editor, as you may probably have noticed already, and starting up my new group known as story of the week, made it yesterday so its not anything of importance yet. Mostly I have my time being mainly concerned over edits, cause I got like 5 stories that I have to work on, 1 of them being a real life story, not something from this site.
If you wish I can make you an admin, all you really have to do is look at the files and read the stories, obviously, and to make sure they're not in the wrong folder. :twilightsmile:

Estrus Season
Group Admin

I'll think it over.

Estrus Season
Group Admin

Now this is a better rule set although I would make the nsfw folder a sub-folder under each of the others. Also I would make a new forum post to let the other members know they have been altered.

Group Admin

NSFW mean 'Not Safe For Work'
So something like sex or nudity.

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