Twilight X King Sombra 737 members · 132 stories
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I know this seems like an out-of-left-field question but I'm legitimately curious.

Why do you guys love Twibra?

Personally, I like the idea of King Sombra (at least, King Sombra before Season 9) being redeemed and paired up with Twilight Sparkle. Why? Well, let's compare the two: they're both intelligent and powerful magic users, who both happen to share a relationship with Princess Celestia, one negative and one positive respectively. My own dislike for Flash Sentry aside, they just seem like a good match. Who else could show the same appreciation for Twilight's mental and magical prowess? And as both the Element of Magic and the Princess of Friendship, Sombra could find the perfect companion and lover in Twilight.

Obviously, this is my reasoning and you may not agree with it but that's fine. What do you guys think?

I like the idea of them because I just like to ship heroes/heroines with villains/villainesses. Plus, like you said, the two are both very powerful and smart. And, yeah, S9 Sombra sucked. I mean he was only there for two episodes (just like S3, in fact) and he was just so... I can't think of any other word than, bland.

They make a lovely power couple and compliment each other for the very reasons you pointed out.

Yeah, it was pretty bad, wasn't it? My heart broke at how they ruined his character. Which is why I started my own series to rectify that. It not only brings Sombra to how he was introduced and contains Twibra, but also brings us a (hopefully) interesting villain.

Which is why I ship them in my head canon universe

I mean Sombra. The way I characterize him is more ambiguous rather than the typical "mwah-ha-ha" villain we've seen on the show

Sombra's "return" in Season 9 was a disappointment and a waste, and I hated his voice.

I like Twibra because of the same reasons you cited, of them both being powerful and intelligent magic users, and one of my favorite themes of Twibra stories is when they learn from each other

For instance, I like when Sombra learns how to love and earn friendship whereas Twilight learns not everything is black and white and not to blindly admire and follow someone (like Celestia) without recognizing their faults and seeing their flaws, and she learns how little she actually knows in regards to the world and how everything works and comes to see the ugly sides of life that Twilight has been apparently sheltered from. In some fics of Twibra, Sombra gives a sob story of sorts that horrifies Twilight with how cruel and depraved ponies can be and see Sombra in a sympathetic light in comparison, and sometimes the history about Sombra turns out to be lies and propaganda to turn everypony against him. But she holds onto her ideals and is able to help Sombra see the goodness in life and other ponies again

Exactly! The series I'm writing does just that, plus it shows the more gradual redemption of a villain, displaying how and why they would change their ways without completely turning good. I picture a reformed Sombra as more of an anti-hero.

Is the story you wrote/are writing 'The Shadow King Lives'? Cause I'm about to read that.

No, first there's When Darkness Falls, then The Return of the King and now All Hail, Midnight Sparkle! It'll be a whole series

As a villain I always liked Sombra since the beginning, sad to see he was kinda poorly wasted.
Many of the things you said I agree with. Both are powerful magic users and have a very good knowledge about several stuff. There's something about seeing a Dark lord of magic fall in love with a complete opposite interesting, specially in the way you write them. I have done and would like to try again when I get more time. Sombra and Twilight can help each other in more ways than one. There's so many different ways to write them which makes more amusing.

I agree with what you said. it's a pairing that truly works in my opinion. my own dislike for Flash aside, there just doesn't seem to be any other cannon characters that complement her as good as he does (with a little work of course)

While I ship Twilight with a ton of peeps (from Rarity, to Trixie or Tempest. Man, there's so many) I think they would be quite the powercouple. And me enjoying the good old villainXhero dynamic, I think they would be very evenly matched in magic skills and wits, but could still learn a lot from eachoder! Sombra could give some insight into the more unaccepted species and Twilight, being the princess of friendship looking foward to understanding and uniting more of those species, would certainly put that into account (and because she's used to dealing with all sorts of creatures, I think she has a more nuanced view of the world, while Sombra because of his upbringing sees the world more in black-and-white).

I'm actually in the process of writing a Twibra fic, kinda exploring that dynamic, which I hope to submit and publish soon when I have most chapters advanced.

Twilight and sombra are alike magic elements would work with both and I believe that sombra was a student of celestia as she can do dark magic like twilight I can think of him studying all the time and the star sriwld he probably like twlight did reckless magic ending disasters and also like twilight saying spells he did not know eventually became addictive to dark magic finding out that he wanted to rule a nation so he shattered amore hope saw it and reported but as celestia student she was about to be a princess so she left and lived with the umburm thought she’d live forever but they all age after the crystal empire he made it dispear and kindly washing there minds and he came back he did it slow but he could have shattered them all. And season 9 held flurry but not hurting her just let her back to her parents

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